Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, March 24, 2016

33 38 45 74 79 123 223 239 | The death of Phife Dawg of a Tribe Called Quest, March 22, 2016, from "Diabetes"

The rapper artist known as Phife Dawg has passed away on March 22, 2016, a very masonic-satanist holy day.  On this same day, the Brussel Sprouts Terrorist Hoax occurred as well as numerous other celebrity deaths.

Please notice how 'Rapper' corresponds with 'Masonic' and the date, March 22, or 22/3.

Phife Dawg was from 'Brooklyn, New York'.

Let us now decode the hip hop act he was associated with, 'A Tribe Called Quest'.

A = 1
Tribe = 2+9+9+2+5 = 27
Called = 3+1+3+3+5+4 = 19
Quest = 8+3+5+1+2 = 19/27
A Tribe Called Quest = 66/75 (New World Order)

A = 1
Tribe = 20+18+9+2+5 = 54
Called = 3+1+12+12+5+4 = 37
Quest = 17+21+5+19+20 = 82
A Tribe Called Quest = 174 (New World Order)

The '66' stands out as well.  The 'holy bible' is often printed in 66-Books.

Holy = 8+6+3+7 = 24
Bible = 2+9+2+3+5 = 21
Holy Bible = 45

Hip = 8+9+7 = 24
Hop = 8+6+7 = 21
Hip-Hop = 45

Phife Dawg died at age 45, and these Masons who kill by the numbers often use the Bible as the playbook, especially Revelation, the 66th Book.

The other thought that comes to mind about 45 is this....

5x9 = 45
Negro = 59
Slave = 59
Blues = 59
Kill = 59 (Jewish Gematria)

Let us decode his 'rapper' name.

Phife = 7+8+9+6+5 = 35
Dawg = 4+1+5+7 = 17
Phife Dawg = 52 (Devil) (3/22, Satanist high holy day)

Phife = 16+8+9+6+5 = 44 (Kill)
Dawg = 4+1+23+7 = 35
Phife Dawg = 79 (Murder)

Of course 'rapper' has the death gematria.  He supposedly died from 'diabetes', which also has the 'death' gematria.

Rapper = 9+1+7+7+5+9 = 38
Diabetes = 4+9+1+2+5+2+5+1 = 29/38
Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38

Now birth name.

Malik = 4+1+3+9+2 = 19
Isaac = 9+1+1+1+3 = 15/24
Taylor = 2+1+7+3+6+9 = 28
Malik Isaac Taylor = 62/71 (World War Three = 71)

Malik = 13+1+12+9+11 = 46
Isaac = 9+19+1+1+3 = 33
Taylor = 20+1+25+12+15+18 = 91
Malik Isaac Taylor = 170 (World War Three = 170)

He was born November 20, 1970 and passed March 22, 2016.  Notice the '112' sequence in his birth date.  Where the bombs supposedly went off in Brussels, is home of the '112' emergency dialing code.

11/20/1970 = 11+20+19+70 = 120 (Illuminati)
11/20/1970 = 11+20+(1+9+7+0) = 48 (Illuminati)
11/20/1970 = 1+1+2+0+1+9+7+0 = 21
11/20/70 = 11+20+70 = 101

3/22/2016 = 3+22+20+16 = 61
3/22/2016 = 3+22+(2+0+1+6) = 34 (Murder)
3/22/2016 = 3+2+2+2+0+1+6 = 16
3/22/16 = 3+22+16 = 41 (Skull and Bones)

He died 123-days after his 45th birthday, the number of 'conspiracy'.  It was also a span of 4 months and 2 days... we know about how the masons love to code 42 on their black entertainers.

Conspiracy = 3+15+14+19+16+9+18+1+3+25 = 123

Notice the span of 17 weeks and 4 days, a lot like 'A Tribe Called Quest' and 'New World Order', a number that has shown up in other recent hip-hop deaths I have reported on.

'45' is the hip-hop number.

The Rolling Stone article linked discusses some standout albums from Tribe's discography.  Checkout the discography linked below to see some suspicious release dates on their albums.

Their first album was released April 17, 1990, a fitting date for a group from New York.  That album was titled 'People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm'.

4/17/90 = 4+17+90 = 111 (New York = 111)

The albums referred to were released as follows:

Low End Theory, September 24, 1991

9/24/1991 = 9+24+19+91 = 143
9/24/1991 = 9+24+(1+9+9+1) = 53
9/24/1991 = 9+2+4+1+9+9+1 = 35
9/24/91 = 9+24+91 = 124
9/24 = 9+24 = 33

Midnight Marauders, November 9, 1993 (11/9, 9/11, New York....)

11/9/1993 = 11+9+19+93 = 132
11/9/1993 = 11+9+(1+9+9+3) = 42
11/9/1993 = 1+1+9+1+9+9+3 = 33
11/9/93 = 11+9+93 = 113
11/9 = 11+9 = 20

What else stands out about the group, is the main attraction, Q-Tip.  His name in Jewish Gematria sums to 239, and the nation is currently 239-years old, a significant number to the Zionist Jews who control the music recording industry.


  1. He also just so happens to have been born in November or Diabetes Awareness Month. I know this cause I am a November Diabetic too. We have ribbons made out of those candy necklaces.

    1. Battle with Diabetes----1110 English

      Diabetic Battle----113 Simple

      Rap Battle----369 Jewish

    2. Addicted to Sugar----906

      I can relate. Sugar is the most deadly legal drug of all.

  2. Malik Taylor A Tribe Called Quest" in the English Reduction system equals 113

    Malik Taylor A Tribe Called Quest" in the English Ordinal system equals 311

    Phife Dawg A Tribe Called Quest" in the English Reduction system equals 118

    Z you should do an article on These Kat Williams fights. Have a strong feeling they are gonna end in his Hoax Death Real Death or Permanent imprisonment.

    Katt Williams" in the English Reduction system equals

    42 / 51

    Katt Williams Fight" in the English Reduction system equals

    74 / 83

    1. I will when I get back from vacation, just squeezing in what I can. Girlfriend is yelling at me, ha!

    2. Katt Williams Dead---164 Simple

      Katt Williams Found Dead----1604 Jewish

      The 164th day of the leap year is June 12th or 6-12-2016 or 18-216 or 6+6+6/6×6×6. Seems an appropriate day to kill the Anti-Illuminati Clown.

    3. Man, the numerology on that date alone is insane. For one its inverted


      Adds up to 18 or 66

      216÷18=12 or Completion

      38 and 83 tie into Death.

    4. And you know its inevitable

      Katt Williams Sacrifice---223, 1338

  3. Phife Dawg is a Case Study in Ritualized Sacrifices. Zach did a great job getting us started!

    A Tribe Called Quest =1044. Represent Represent =1044. Q Tip =239.

    Phife died 243 days before his Bday, and his bday is on the 324th day of the year - today is now 3/24. The Ritual Continues =234.

    I believe the ritual will continue as everything recently is pointing to today....That Nascar crash over the weekend in the 48th lap, and race won by car #48 - to me means - Obama =84, and March 24 (today) is the 84th day.

    Then we have what I'm calling - The Presidents Last Dance =241, 860. President Obama =142. Barack Obama =68. Argentine Tango =79. Murder =79. Phife Dawg =79.

    The Ritual Continue =1404, 1060. Prophecy =106. Can I Kick It Yes You Can =83. Yes You Can =38. Yes We Can =1444.

  4. Zach Is this the Nail in the Coffin for the Giants?

    Look at the date the 24th. Roselle....86 516 and 27(todays date numerology3+2+4+2=11+16=27).51 and 16 or 61.

    The place has alot of Connections to Luke Petigout who has a 98 connection...

    Date Numerology of 63 as well Petitgout equals 631.....

    Seems like a Hoax

    1. I hope so, because I spent a lot on them yesterday. I put money on Colts too just in case.

  5. This could be a sacrifice I have to wait to the funeral pics come out. When they sacrifice you they hold your casket a certain way

    My mom aunt in grandma have diabetes in there doing just find do his death is def suspect


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