Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

33 42 75 84 113 | 'Bakraoui Brothers' blamed for Brussels, Belgium attack hoax, March 22, 2016

More '113'.

Bombers = 2+6+4+2+5+9+1 = 29/38
were = 5+5+9+5 = 24
brothers = 2+9+6+2+8+5+9+1 = 42/51 (Freemason = 42/51)
Bombers were brothers = 95/113

And when we think of brothers, we will naturally think of the not too distant 'Boston Marathon Bombing' hoax, which was also blamed on brothers.

De ja vu?

Headlines full of hoaxes!

Let us decode the names of the brothers.

Ibrahim = 9+2+9+1+8+9+4 = 42 (Brothers) (Freemason)
El = 5+3 = 8
Bakraoui = 2+1+2+9+1+6+3+9 = 33
Ibrahim El Bakraoui = 83

Ibrahim = 9+2+18+1+8+9+13 = 60
El = 5+12 = 17
Bakraoui = 2+1+11+18+1+15+21+9 = 78
Ibrahim El Bakraoui = 155 (Christianity)

Khalid = 2+8+1+3+9+4 = 27/36
El = 5+3 = 8
Bakraoui = 2+1+2+9+1+6+3+9 = 33
Khalid El Bakraoui = 68/77

Khalid = 11+8+1+12+9+4 = 45
El = 5+12 = 17
Bakraoui = 2+1+11+18+1+15+21+9 = 78
Khalid El Bakraoui = 140

What do you know?  More masonic '33'.  Fitting.

Apparently they're still looking for the man who appears to be 'Shock G'.

There is also something interesting about the phrase 'Bakraoui Brothers'.

Bakraoui = 2+1+2+9+1+6+3+9 = 33
Brothers = 2+9+6+2+8+5+9+1 = 42/51
Bakrauoi Brothers = 75/84 (New World Order = 75) (United States of America)

Get that, they killed 31, plus themselves, meaning '33' people died.

People = 7+5+6+7+3+5 = 33
Person = 7+5+9+1+6+5 = 33/42
Goyim = 7+6+7+9+4 = 33
Society = 1+6+3+9+5+2+7 = 33/42
Order = 6+9+4+5+9 = 33

One of the "brothers" even resembles the younger Marathon bomber... no coincidence.

Remember, the Paris Terror hoax killed "130" and this attack came 130-days later.  That is your link.

Taxi Driver?  Hmmm...

Also "3 things", "2 things", "1 thing", a lot like a countdown.


  1. It looks like they are the same person. The one on the right looks younger than the one on the left. But they have they exact same features and the picture on the left could just be an older picture of the guy on the right.

  2. Hey Zach, I posted this last night on your CNN ISIS Headlines post... I watched your YouTube video on this terror hoax and found an interesting connection. You mentioned the number 159 showing up again and not knowing what it means. Here's a theory:

    159 is a lot like 15/9 or 9/15 - September 15th
    September 15th is 177 days away from today (3/22)
    "President Barack Hussein Obama Assassination Attempt" = 177 in English Reduction

    When you showed the 130 days between Paris and Belgium attacks equaling Washington, I quickly thought to myself maybe that is the coding: that the next attack will be in Washington (DC).

    1. Nice thoughts Chris.

      159 = the sum of 3 consecutive prime numbers; 47, 53 and 59

      All important numbers that keep appearing.

    2. Awesome work Chris! Great thinking.

  3. Three suspects, two explosions, and a taxi driver. Wow, thats a perfect headline. Happened on 3. 22 plus all the taxi driver refs we've seen recently

  4. This story is also extremely loaded with B's.

    Number 2, the second one, could also be written II in roman numerals.

    B looks like a 13 squished together. Interesting

  5. Always constant in the pictures is the

    Smartphone Surveillance---1620

  6. Phife Dawg---79, 474, 1000, of A Tribe Called Quest is dead at 45.

  7. This is too fucking much

    Brothers with Bombs----216

  8. ok, get this.Dailymail post: 19 year old mormon missionary boy survives all THREE terrorist attacks, in Brussels, Paris and Boston. The dudes name is MASON Wells.
    "wells" in the English Ordinal system equals 71
    Bohemian Grove = 71
    Ritual Murders =71
    Brainwashing = 71
    Terrorists =71
    Mossad =71
    Suicide Bomber = 71
    Kiss the Devil = 71
    Le Bataclan = 71
    Fantasia = 71
    World Kindness Day = 71
    Ides of November = 71

    "missionary" in the English Ordinal system equals 142
    He shares his name with a private investment firm in Milwaukee

    "utah mans incredible survival" in the English Reduction system equals 113 (ABC News)
    PUBLISHED: 23:22 GMT 22nd March

    "mason wells" in the English Ordinal system equals 133
    "chad wells" in the English Reduction system equals 33 (mason's father)
    Mason is 19 and his supposed fellow young traveler is 20 (19+20=39)
    Also, they had a last person with them. old dude at the age of 66(lol).

    I probably missed out some. heres the links if interested

    1. both his first- and surname adds up to 17/71

    2. Great work, we know how 44, 71 and 144 come together

    3. Mason Wells or Orson Wells lol, that's some F is for Fake funniness.

    4. Even better, his name is Elder Mason Wells from Sandy, Utah.

      So Elder Mason Wells---177, 1062, 1036

      Sandy, Utah like Hook.

      Its called watering the seeds that have already been planted.

    5. From Sandy, Utah to Newton, Connecticut is 2230 miles.

      Get some.

    6. Few things noticed ....
      The headline, 'Missionary Miracle' = 149. 149 = the 35th prime number. 'Survive' = 35
      The other Mormons supposed injured ...
      'Richard Norby'. He was 66. 'Sixty Six' = 149 / 41.
      The sum of the date, 22+3+16 = 41. Richard = 61. Date summed, 22+3+20+16 = 61. 'Richard Norby' = 135. 'Survives' = 135.
      Elder Mason Wells ( 26 / 26 / 26 )
      He was 19. 'Nineteen' = 41 , from 'Sandy Utah' = 41
      The third Mormon survivor, 'Joseph Empey. He was 20. 'Twenty' = 107. 107 = the 28th prime number. 'Joseph' = 28. 'Empey' = 28

    7. Ohh and the 13th prime number = 41. Linkin' it all to Friday the 13th in Paris I guess.

    8. Stephen it's also a 33 hour drive!!!! Lol....

  9. Seems like the 2 month 2 day sequence is here 5.23 - (2m + 2d) 3.21 or 20 depending on time zone


    Don't forget the Cuba game where

    Obama Signals Safe---144

    With a great scoreline of

    USA 4runs5hits
    Cuba 1run9hits1error

    1. Good heads up! Devil Rays on Synagogue of Satan Day?

    2. Rays win and Reyes the only one to score for Cuba.

  11. Bomb Brothers" in the English Ordinal system equals 137

    Belgium" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    Belgium Bomb " in the English Reduction system equals 47

    Belgium Bomb " in the English Ordinal system equals 101

    1. Brussels Belgium Bomb Brothers" in the English Reduction system equals 114

      Brussels Belgium Bomb Brothers" in the English Ordinal system equals 321

  12. Hey Zach... The name "Bakraoui" is extremely similar to "Barkawi".. the main terrorist leader in the movie "London Has Fallen", a movie about terrorist attacks in London, that just came out recently.. this is so fuckin creepy I just thought I'd share it with you.. Cheers.

    1. "Barkawi"." in the English Reduction system equals 29
      "masonic" in the English Reduction system equals 29

  13. And don't forget our own leader
    Barack OBomba

  14. Zach, great work once, again. Learning more with everything you do.
    Lots to talk about on this one.

    I wrote an article on Brussels that connects to lunar eclipse tonight and Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. Any interest will be appreciated and reciprocated.

  15. Mason Wells Agent Actor" in the English Reduction system equals 75 / 93

    New World Order =75
    Propaganda = 93

    New World Order Propaganda" in the English Reduction system equals 123

    New World Order Propaganda" in the English Ordinal system
    equals 267

    Mason Wells Crisis Actor" in the English Ordinal system equals 267

    Wells New World Order Propaganda" in the English Reduction system equals 149

    Skull and Bones= 149

  16. CoCa85 those are amazing numbers. I saw 51/123 relationship with some other words, too. So much to cover on this one. Lots of symbols.

  17. Credit to Enter the Stars (Enterthe5t4rz) for this:

    There are esoteric meanings behind this ritual...
    The two guys in the picture have black gloves on their left hand. This is a tribute to Michael Jackson; who was born in 1958 and would be 58 this year.

    Also the Brussels airport has a motto "The heart of Europe". There was also a big cube used as artwork at the entrance with a "chi rho" symbol on the cube.

    And get this: the building the bomb took place in is aligned at a heading of 333.33 degrees on google earth.

  18. Had a quick look at this. Ya can see how they construct these stories when it's this blatant :D

    The headline, 'Missionary Miracle' = 149
    149 = the 35th prime number. 'Survive' = 35
    The other Mormons supposed injured ...
    'Richard Norby'. He was 66. 'Sixty Six' = 149 / 41.
    The sum of the date, 22+3+16 = 41.
    Richard = 61. Date summed, 22+3+20+16 = 61
    'Richard Norby' = 135. 'Survives' = 135
    Elder Mason Wells ( 26 / 26 / 26 )
    He was 19. 'Nineteen' = 41 , from 'Sandy Utah' = 41
    The third Mormon survivor, 'Joseph Empey.
    He was 20. 'Twenty' = 107. 107 = the 28th prime number.
    'Joseph' = 28. 'Empey' = 28

    All the best man, Dar!

    1. Busy day for the encoders...amd the decoders too! Excellent!

    2. Apparently the trio of Mormons were going to Ohio. Mason was talking to his Church of Latter Day Saints friend, Rachel Cain, when the bombs went off.
      'Ohio' = 47. 'Rachel' = 47. 'Rachel Cain' = 47 in reduction.
      'Mason' = 211. 211 = the 47th prime number ...
      Round and round it goes...
      41's galore and 41 = the 13th prime number. linking it all back to Paris on Nov. 13th.

    3. Also if you add the ages of the 3 Mormons...
      19 + 66 + 20 = 105. 'Equinox' = 105.
      'Kiss The Devil' = 1050.
      'New Zealand' = 105 ...
      ... maybe they're next ... ? :S


    MARCH 22 = The 322 Code

    March 22 --The Spring Equinox---
    God's Sun is finally victorious over the Darkness of Winter,
    He resurrects from the grave and is re-born into the World.

    It is the greatest story ever told-- there is LIFE after DEATH.

    The Equinox is an Astrological event that has turned Religious.

    In our modern times, Christians will celebrate this time of year as the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son/Sun of God.
    After being Crucified on a cross and put in a Tomb for three days, Jesus comes back to Life in a radiant body of LIGHT.

    This is all symbolic-- the SUN's stronger Light and Heat brings the Earth back to Life as well, during the season we call Spring.

    This time of New Life for the Sun and Earth was called OSTARA by the ancients -- and she was a Goddess.

    322 is March 22 --- OSTARA or Easter, the Equinox.

    OSTARA = 322 in Gematria

    The original name OSTARA became ĒOSTRE, which eventually became EASTER.


    America is home to one of the Worlds most Powerful Secret Societies --- their name is Skull and Bones--

    Skull and Bones are associated with a number -- "322"
    It is sacred to them.

    "Skulls and Bones", are the product of an Earthly Death,
    yet, it is the hope of most religions to come back to LIFE---

    When does this happen?
    3/22, March 22.

    322 is the promise of LIFE after DEATH.

    MARCH TWO TWO = 2222

    TWO TWO TWO TWO = 232 = 322

    As a side note:
    The Catholic Church was established on Vatican Hill in Rome in the year 322 A.D. and was built on the myth of Attis and Cybele.

    Attis was Celebrated in the streets of Rome
    every year on March 22 --- 322.
    With the right KEYS you can open any door.
    9/11 = Chi Rho = Skull and Bones = 3/22 = Brussels

  20. Feck deleted me comment by mistake... Check out the first 3 digits of the phone number for Zaventem Airport, 322 753 77 53. Class post man. All the best, Dar!

    1. Feck was meant to reply to your post, Beata Olszewska. Class stuff man.

  21. Skull and Bones is located on High Street in New Haven, CT. This is in the middle of the Yale University campus.

    In simple english

    High Street = 119

    1. High Street Hails Satan" in the English Ordinal system equals 223



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