Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, March 19, 2016

216 666 | Exeter horror movie and the Sandy Hook school shooting hoax

Recall my recent work on the Sandy Hook shooting hoax, and Adam Lanza being from Exteter New Hampshire.

Exeter = 5+24+5+20+5+18 = 77
New Hampshire = 14+5+23+8+1+13+16+19+8+9+18+5 = 139
Exeter, New Hampshire = 216
216 = 6x6x6

Anyhow, I just caught the beginning of this film on Netflix, titled Exeter.  Checkout the way the opening credits begin.

The name 'exeter', is replaced with '666'.

I need to look into if this was a real place that once existed, because there might be a deeper riddle than anyone knows to the Sandy Hook school shooting hoax.  As we well know, these madmen love to give coded tributes to history.

6x6x6 = 216




    1. The Ladd School--126

      Exetere, Rhode Island---186, **1116**

    2. Exeter, Rhode Island that is

    3. In Jewish

      The Ladd School---363

      Exeter, Rhode Island---806

    4. This might turn into one of my ramble threads

      It was known as a place for

      Dysfunctional Delinquents---303

    5. It was run by Dr. Joseph Ladd until he was forced to resign after a murder scandal at the school in the 50s. The place was more of an asylum then a school. Reading about it actually reminds me of American Horror Story season 2. I wonder if they used if for reference. After he resigned it became the

      Dr. Joseph H Ladd School---196, 1155( Jewish)

    6. Founded in 1908 as the

      Rhode Island School for the Feeble Minded---916(J), 337, **2022**

    7. 118 miles from Newton to Exeter

  2. it would be interesting to find out how many "homes for children" were established in 1916 compared to "homes for mentally ill children"

    from the american psychological association:

    A home away from home

    Luxurious accommodations were the staples of America’s Gilded Age asylums, which offered state-of-the-science treatment — for the rich only.

    By Dr. Ellen Holtzman

    March 2012, Vol 43, No. 3

    Print version: page 24

    The small private asylums were quite successful for a number of years. There were only two in Massachusetts in 1879 and more than 20 by 1916. In addition, the asylums frequently started small and grew. The Newton Nervine asylum was a case in point. In 1892, N. Emmons Paine, a Boston University Medical School instructor, opened the Newton Nervine in his own home with four patients. Over the next 10 years, he added three buildings to accommodate a total of 21 patients. A reported increase in the number of mentally ill individuals over the course of the 19th century may have contributed to the success of the private asylums. "A good many people are beginning to realize that nervous diseases are alarmingly on the increase …. Nerves are the most ‘prominent' complaint of the 19th century," wrote one reporter in an 1887 issue of the Boston Globe.

    1. btw, where did you get the "established in 1916" portion?

      i couldn't even sit through the entire trailer, way too creepy for this sensitive gal

  3. I watched the movie its worth looking into if is connected this would be a fantastic find the all of the fake YouTube conspiracy people will claim it as there own


    This web site is an attempt to catalog and present America's historic psychiatric hospitals (state hospitals; insane asylums) founded mostly in the latter half of the 19th century. The site gives special emphasis on the facilities built on the "Kirkbride plan", but it is not necessarily limited to the Kirkbride hospitals. The Kirkbride plan and the resulting buildings represented great ambition on the part of both psychiatric caregivers and architects. Known Kirkbride hospitals are indicated by a clickable Kirkbride label Type: Kirkride in the listings. Asylums outside of this scope, such as ones constructed in the 20th century are also included.

    The largest and best-known institutions presented here (including the majority of the Kirkbride hospitals) were started by and run by state governments. Well-known examples of this type include Danvers State Insane Asylum in Massachusetts and Fergus Falls State Hospital in Minnesota. This site also institutions run by city and county governments (such as the numerous county asylums in Wisconsin, along with private institutions such as Brattleboro Retreat. Also included are state homes, instititions for the developmentally disabled, childrens' asylums, and institutions for the deaf and blind.

    Postcards from the Asylum In addition to the psychiatric institutions, there are some medical hospitals and sanitariums, sanatoriums, poor farms, and prisons included in the site. These include certain Pennsylvania state hospitals, which in some cases are actually medical hospitals, and not psychiatric institutions at all. Although a few of these might be included in this site (especially where they share locations with insane asylums), the focus of this site is not on these types of facilities. Note: This site is not yet complete: there are a lot of asylums that have not been added yet.


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