Friday, March 11, 2016

26 33 38 47 58 112 113 137 144 | The Sandy Hook School shooting of December 14, 2012, fully decoded

Let us begin with the obvious.

Sandy = 1/10+1+5+4+7 = 18/27
Hook = 8+6+6+2/11 = 22/31
Sandy Hook = 40/49/58


Sandy = 19+1+14+4+25 = 63
Hook = 8+15+15+11 = 49
Sandy Hook = 112 (911 alt dialing code) (Adam Lanza, born on 112th day of the year)

The date of the shooting coincides with the gematria of the school name.

12/14/2012 = 12+14+20+12 = 58
12/14/2012 = 12+14+(2+0+1+2) = 31 (Hook)
12/14/2012 = 1+2+1+4+2+0+1+2 = 13
12/14/12 = 12+14+12 = 38 (Death)

The number '58' has to do with 'Freemasonry', the gang that puts on these scare hoaxes by the numbers.

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58/67
Recall, the child victims were ages 6-7, a lot like 67, also for 'Freemasonry'

This happened in Newtown, Connecticut, just a short trip from New Haven, CT, where the Masonic Fraternity, Skull and Bones is located.

Newtown = 5+5+5+2+6+5+5 = 33
Connecticut = 3+6+5+5+5+3+2+9+3+3+2 = 46
Newtown, Connecticut = 79 (Murder = 79)

This story is full of '33', remember the first parent to go before the media, 'Robbie Parker'.

Robbie = 9+6+2+2+9+5 = 33 (Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33)
Parker = 7+1+9+2+5+9 = 33
Robbie Parker = 66 (Thirty-Three = 66)

It should be noted that Robbie Parker, the day after his smiling press conference, did a second press conference with the media, asking for people to donate to his family through 'Facebook'.

Facebook = 6+1+3+5+2+15+15+11 = 58

Newtown = 14+5+23+20+15+23+14 = 114
Connecticut = 3+15+14+14+5+3+20+9+3+21+20 = 127
Newtown, Connecticut = 241

The location is also commonly written as Newtown, CT.

CT = 3+2 = 5
CT = 3+20 = 23

Newtown, CT = 38 (Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38)
Newtown, CT = 137 (33rd Prime Number)

The accused shooter was 20-year old Adam Lanza, who supposedly killed 20-children, without any motive for doing so.

Adam = 1+4+1+4 = 10
Peter = 7+5+2+5+9 = 28
Lanza = 3+1+5+8+1 = 18
Adam Peter Lanza = 56
Adam Lanza = 28 (Man) (Dunblane) (28 total victims, including himself)

Adam = 1+4+1+13 = 19
Peter = 16+5+20+5+18 = 64
Lanza = 12+1+14+26+1 = 54 (Bushmaster)
Adam Peter Lanza = 137 (33rd Prime Number) (4/22/1992 = 137, his birthday)
Adam Lanza = 73 (Sacrifice) (Dunblane) (Shooting on 73rd Meridian) (Dunblane on 73rd day)

There is also a form of gematria where you do not count the vowels.  In this form, the name 'Lanza' becomes the date of the event.

LNZ = 12+14+26
12/14 shooting
26 victims at the school
12+14 = 26

God = 7+15+4 = 26
Mason = 4+1+1+6+5 = 17/26

His birthday is April 22, 1992.  April 22 is typically the 112th day of the year, corresponding with the '112' gematria of Sandy Hook, but because 1992 was a leap year, it was the 113th day of the year.

Scottish stands for Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the branch of Masonry that originated from France and which dominates this nation.  Scottish Rite is fixated on '33', which Sandy Hook has a lot of.

4/22/1992 = 4+22+19+92 = 137 (33rd Prime Number) (Newtown, CT)
4/22/1992 = 4+22+(1+9+9+2) = 47 (Mafia) (Masonic-Zionist Signature Number)
4/22/1992 = 4+2+2+1+9+9+2 = 29
4/22/92 = 4+22+92 = 118 (Death, Jewish Gematria)

The date of his birthday, also has a connection to the phrase 'Terrorist Strike'.  Think April 22, or 22/4.

I was working in an elementary school in Bellevue, WA the day of the attack, and parents in droves showed up early to pickup their children, despite the attack being all the way across the nation.  Many parents also emailed the school, which ended up being emails I had to handle, asking for how we were going to keep our school safe.

Anyhow, moving on, his supposed place of birth (keep in mind this is a fictional character), has connections to the incident.

Notice the gematria of '216'.  That is a backhanded way of getting to the number 666.

6x6x6 = 216
666 and 216 are signatures of the Freemason-Zionist Gang who are responsible
Nancy Lanza = 666 (His mother, his birth giver)

Further, notice the gematria of '67' and '139'.  These are more masonic signatures.

Freemasonry = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14+18+25 = 139
Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58/67

New Hampshire is the 9th state, established on a date with '33' numerology.

6/21/1788 = 6+21+17+88 = 132
6/21/1788 = 6+21+(1+7+8+8) = 51 (Conspiracy) (Freemason) (Federal)
6/21/1788 = 6+2+1+1+7+8+8 = 33
6/21/88 = 6+21+88 = 115 (Killing) (Freemasons)

Worst shooting next to Virginia Tech?  Recall, at the Virginia Tech shooting, there were '33' Victims.  It too was a contrived hoax with no real casualties.

That shooting took place on April 16, 2007, the 106th day of the year.

4/16/2007 = 4+16+20+07 = 47
4/16/2007 = 4+16+(2+0+0+7) = 29
4/16/2007 = 4+1+6+2+0+0+7 = 20
4/16/07 = 4+16+07 = 27

Prophecy = 16+18+15+16+8+5+3+25 = 106
This was a warning for the quickening rate of shooting hoaxes ahead

You've got to love that the .223 round is cited in the hoax shooting.  This is a tribute to the Masons and Bonesmen just down the road in New Haven, CT at Yale.

Notice the mention of 'Fairfield County' being next to 'New York City'.  The masonic-zionist crime bosses largely reign out of New York and Chicago.

It is no coincidence that they mention the time of 9:30.

Propaganda = 16+18+15+16+1+7+1+14+4+1 = 93
Saturn = 19+1+20+21+18+14 = 93

The details about shooting the mother four times in the head definitely serve the 'propaganda'.

Nancy = 5+1+5+3+7 = 21
Lanza = 3+1+5+8+1 = 18
Nancy Lanza = 39 (New York = 39)

Nancy = 14+1+14+3+25 = 57
Lanza = 12+1+14+26+1 = 54
Nancy Lanza = 111 (666, English Gematria) (New York)

Here is another tribute to both 'New York' and that number '666'.

Here is a description of what occurred at the time of the shooting.

With regards to the event beginning at 9:35 AM, that is when the hands are on the 9 and 7, or 7 and 9.

Murder = 13+21+18+4+5+18 = 79

That is also the 575th minute of the date, which reminds me of the word 'Emergency'.  All of us who went to public school know how they love to have 'Emergency' Drills.

The detail about a meeting with the psychologist is no coincidence.  In all of these shooting hoaxes, it is constant reminds of mental health and human psychology.  Let us decode the name of the two who supposedly died.

Principal = 7+9+9+5+3+9+7+1+3 = 53
Dawn = 4+1+5+5 = 15
Hochsprung = 8+6+3+8+1+7+9+3+5+7 = 57/66
Principal Dawn Hochsprung = 125/134
Dawn Hochsprung = 72/81

Mary = 4+1+9+7 = 21
Sherlach = 1+8+5+9+3+1+3+8 = 38 (Death)
Mary Sherlach = 59 (Kill, Jewish Gematria)

Notice the third woman, Natalie Hammond, survived.

Natalie = 5+1+2+1+3+9+5 = 26
Hammond = 8+1+4+4+6+5+4 = 32
Natalia Hammond = 58 (Sandy Hook) (Freemasonry) (Date numerology of incident)

Notice Natalie Hammond was 40-years old.  Sandy Hook = 40/49/58

Notice the name of the nurse, a woman who was one of the earliest interviews by the mainstream media liars.

Sarah = 1+1+9+1+8 = 20/29 (Sally = 1+1+3+3+7 = 15/24)
Cox = 3+6+6 = 15
Sarah Cox = 35/44 (Shooting = 44/53)
Sally Cox = 30/39

Sarah = 19+1+18+1+8 = 47 (Sally = 19+1+12+12+25 = 69)
Cox = 3+15+24 = 42
Sarah Cox = 89
Sally Cox = 111 (666 English Gematria) (Nancy Lanza)

Also the name of the secretary.

Barbara = 2+1+9+2+1+9+1 = 25
Halstead = 8+1+3+1+2+5+1+4 = 25/34
Barbara Halstead = 50/59 (Kill = 59, Jewish Gematria)

Barbara = 2+1+18+2+1+18+1 = 43
Halstead = 8+1+12+19+20+5+1+4 = 70
Barbara Halstead = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest, Green Screen, Scottish)

Notice the teachers that died, a substitute and someone employed to work there for a week... in other words, easy identities to falsify.

Lauren = 3+1+3+9+5+5 = 26
Rousseau = 9+6+3+1+1+5+1+3 = 29/47
Lauren Rousseau = 55/73 (Sacrifice = 46/55/73)

Lauren = 12+1+21+18+5+14 = 71
Rousseau = 18+15+21+19+19+5+1+21 = 119 (All Seeing Eye) (Star of David)
Lauren Rousseau = 190

Rachel = 9+1+3+8+5+3 = 29
D'Avino = 4+1+4+9+5+6 = 29
Rachel D'Avino = 58 (Sandy Hook...)

Rachel = 18+1+3+8+5+12 = 47
D'Avino = 4+1+22+9+14+15 = 65
Rachel D'Avino = 112 (Sandy Hook)

Notice that according to the story, the two adults and 15 children were killed.

Kill = 2+9+3+3 = 17
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

They also say that '14' died in the classroom.

Dead = 4+5+1+4 = 14

Further, they say that most of the bodies were found crowded in the 'bathroom'.

Bathroom = 2+1+2+8+9+6+6+4 = 38 (Death)
Bathroom = 2+1+20+8+18+15+15+13 = 92

The details about what the child heard, in regards to the murdering of a little boy classmate, could almost pass as comedy.  Adam was so angry at the world, he was going to take it out on a bunch of first graders he had never met!

44 and 144 are numbers of killing.  Checkout the gematria of 'killer', which also connects to death '6' and '7' year olds.

Next up, Victoria Leigh Soto's classroom story.

Victoria = 4+9+3+2+6+9+9+1= 43
Leigh = 3+5+9+7+8 = 32 
Soto = 1+6+2+6 = 15/24
Victoria Leigh Soto = 90/99

Victoria = 22+9+3+20+15+18+9+1 = 97
Leigh = 12+5+9+7+8 = 41
Soto = 19+15+20+15 = 69
Victoria Leigh Soto = 207

Notice the name of the young hero, Jesse Lewis, who was killed, along with the teacher.

Jesse = 1+5+1+1+5 = 13/31
Lewis = 3+5+5+9+1 = 23/32
Jesse Lewis = 36/63

Jesse = 10+5+19+19+5 = 58 (Sandy Hook)
Lewis = 12+5+23+9+19 = 68
Jesse Lewis = 126

Because Jesse Lewis told his classmates to run, 11 survived, and 6 of the survives ended up at crisis actor Gene Rosen's house.  Remember this guy?

Gene = 7+5+5+5 = 22
Rosen = 9+6+1+5+5 = 26/35
Gene Rosen = 48/57 (Hoax = 48) (Propaganda = 48) (Illuminati = 48) (Evil = 48)

Notice the '26' gematria of Rosen, a major number coded into the shooting.

Gene = 7+5+14+5 = 31
Rosen = 18+15+19+5+14 = 71
Gene Rosen = 102

Also above, notice the names Anne Marie Murphy, the classroom aide and the student she was found next to who she was supposedly protecting, Dylan Hockley.

Anne = 1+5+5+5 = 16
Marie = 4+1+9+9+5 = 28
Murphy = 4+3+9+7+8+7 = 38 (Death)
Anne Marie Murphy = 82

Anne = 1+14+14+5 = 34
Marie = 13+1+18+9+5 = 46
Murphy = 13+21+18+16+8+25 = 101
Anne Marie Murphy = 181

Notice her initials of AMM, that breaks down to '144', just like the gematria of 'First Graders'.

Dylan = 4+7+3+1+5 = 20
Hockley = 8+6+3+2+3+5+7 = 34
Dylan Hockley = 54

Dylan = 4+25+12+1+14 = 56
Hockley = 8+15+3+11+12+5+25 = 79 (Murder)
Dylan Hockley = 135

Read about Dylan's Mother, the paid liar, here:

More teachers decoded.

Kaitlin = 2+1+9+2+3+9+5 = 31/40
Roig = 9+6+9+7 = 31
Kaitlin Roig = 62/71

Kaitlin = 11+1+9+20+12+9+14 = 76
Roig = 18+15+9+7 = 49
Kaitlin Roig = 125

Yvonne = 7+4+6+5+5+5 = 32
Cech = 3+5+3+8 = 19
Yvonne Cech = 51

Yvonne = 25+22+15+14+14+5 = 95
Cech = 3+5+3+8 = 19
Yvonne Cech = 114

Maryann = 4+1+9+7+1+5+5 = 32
Jacob = 1+1+3+6+2 = 13
Maryann Jacob = 45

Maryann = 13+1+18+25+1+14+14 = 86
Jacob = 10+1+3+15+2 = 31
Maryann Jacob = 117

And more teachers.

Maryrose = 4+1+9+7+9+6+1+5 = 42/51
Kristopik = 2+9+9+1+2+6+7+9+2 = 47/56/74
Maryrose Kristopik = 89/107/125

Maryrose = 13+1+18+25+18+15+19+5 = 114
Kristopik = 11+18+9+19+20+15+16+9+11 = 128
Maryrose Kristopik = 242

Abbey = 1+2+2+5+7 = 17
Clements = 3+3+5+4+5+5+2+1 = 28
Abbey Clements = 45

Abbey = 1+2+2+5+25 = 35
Clements = 3+12+5+13+5+14+20+19 = 91
Abbey Clements = 126

Laura = 3+1+3+9+1 = 17
Feinstein = 6+5+9+5+1+2+5+9+5 = 47/56
Laura Feinstein = 64/73

Laura = 12+1+21+18+1 = 53
Feinstein = 6+5+9+14+19+20+5+9+14 = 101
Laura Feinstein = 154

Notice the time of the 'final shot', 9:40 AM.  That is the 580th minute of the day, what stands out is the 58 sequence in light of all the other '58' and 'Freemasonry' coding.

The details about Newtown police being on the scene at 9:39 and the Connecticut State Police on scene at 9:46 are funny.

Connecticut = 3+6+5+5+5+3+2+9+3+3+2 = 46 (9:46)

The gematria of the hospital has connections to 'death' and the federal government, which is headquartered on the 77th Meridian.

Danbury = 4+1+5+2+3+9+7 = 31
Hospital = 8+6+1+7+9+2+1+3 = 37/46
Danbury Hospital = 68/77

Danbury = 4+1+14+2+21+18+25 = 85
Hospital = 8+15+19+16+9+20+1+12 = 100
Danbury Hospital = 185

The date the 911 calls were made public also fits the rest of the script, 355-days later.

12/4/2013 = 12+4+20+13 = 49 (Sandy Hook = 40/49/58)
12/4/2013 = 12+4+(2+0+1+3) = 22
12/4/2013 = 1+2+4+2+0+1+3 = 13
12/4/13 = 12+4+13 = 29

The report released was a '44' page report.  Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

11/25/2013 = 11+25+20+13 = 69
11/25/2013 = 11+25+(2+0+1+3) = 42 (Freemason)
11/25/2013 = 1+1+2+5+2+0+1+3 = 15
11/25/13 = 11+25+13 = 49 (Sandy Hook)

To close, the biggest giveaway of the Sandy Hook School shooting hoax, was medical examiner, Dr. H. Wayne Carver.

Dr. = 4+9 = 13
H. = 8
Wayne = 5+1+7+5+5 = 23
Carver = 3+1+9+4+5+9 = 31/49 (Sandy Hook = 49)
Dr. H. Wayne Carver = 75/93 (New World Order = 75) (Propaganda = 93)

On February 25, 2011, Dr. H. Wayne Carver submitted the following to Congress Judiciary Committee.,%20Wayne%20Carver,%20Chief%20Medical%20Examiner-TMY.PDF

Notice the numerology of the date he made this proposal.  It is identical to the numerology of the shooting.

2/25/2011 = 2+25+20+11 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Sandy Hook)
2/25/2011 = 2+25+(2+0+1+1) = 31
2/25/2011 = 2+2+5+2+0+1+1 = 13
2/25/11 = 2+25+11 = 38 (Death)

Please also read these related posts:

Dr. Phil's Sandy Hook Poem:
44 page Sandy Hook report & 44 shooting since Sandy Hook on 44th day of the year:
Newtown, 44 minutes from New Haven (Skull and Bones) & Dr. H Wayne Carver:
Nicole Hockley, Sandy Hook victim's mother:
Troutdale, OR, 74th Shooting Since Sandy Hook:
44 School Shooting since Sandy Hook:
Batman foreshadows Aurora and Newtown:
October 1, 2015, Federal Court determines wrongful death in Sandy Hook:
Obama talks Scrabble on day of Sandy Hook shooting:
Project Longevity, two weeks before Sandy Hook:
Everytown for Gun Safety:
Dr. Phil, 11-days before Christmas:
Obama cries about first graders in Newtown:
Roseburg, OR shooting hoax shows Sandy Hook footage:
March 14, 2015, Sandy Hook victims sue Nancy Lanza:
Shpunt family in Newtown:
147 and 322 day cycles with School Shootings:


  1. Nice job Zachary . Really great break down. Also, if you go onto the FBI website and locate newtown, connecticut ( you can find info on any city, town, etc.) under MURDERS from 2012 it says 0 whereas it should say 27 - the 26 "Adam Lanza " " killed" plus himself.

  2. Adam
    Initials = APL (apple)
    One bad apple spoils the bunch.
    I always thought his face look like a skull or a vampire. Kinda dehydrated. He reminds me of Bat Boy from that old tabloid Weekly World News.
    I knew it was a hoax right away so I kinda enjoyed the bad performances, esp the hammy acting of Gene Rosen (rosy genes/dna like Aurora shooting) That guy should get an oscar! The only frustrating thing was trying to get people to see it was BS. I just don't understand how anyone could believe that one.

  3. Sandy comes up a lot. Candidate Bernie Sanders is the latest one. I think it's a ref to the Sandman giver of dreams.

    Vermont the 14th state, so its the first one after the original 13, initials VT reversed = TV
    They say that watching TV puts u in an dreamy alpha state easily suggestable, but I think we r in that anyway and have been our whole lives. There are 5 stages of sleep, REM is the last one and then the cycle repeats 5 times a night. Interesting, huh.

    The name Bernie (Burning) goes along with Donald Trump and his catchphrase "your fired"

  4. You're fired 839 756 126
    Jodie foster 999 756 126
    TV 42


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