Sunday, March 15, 2015

39 111 | Sandy Hook Victims Sue Adam Lanza's Dead Mother

Recall, the shooting took place on December 14, one week before the much hyped 12/21/12.  Notice that this story was released on March 14, 2015, another '14th'.   Perhaps the number 14 is of greater importance to this story than first realized.

At the center of the lawsuit is 'Nancy Lanza'.
  • Nancy = 5+1+5+3+7 = 21
  • Lanza = 3+1+5+8+1 = 18
  • Nancy Lanza = 39
  • Nancy = 14+1+14+3+25 = 57
  • Lanza = 12+1+14+26+1 = 54
  • Nancy Lanza = 111


  1. Of course the families waited until after the city and bank claimed her property and home as theirs..then demo the house.


  2. Osiris was split into 14 pieces.

    Muqatta'at, or the Quranic initials, are 14 different letter combinations of 14 Arabic letters that appear in the beginning of 29 suras of the Quran.

    MUQATTAAT = 114

    There are 114 chapters in the Quran. 19x6 = 114.

    I think 14 has much to do with the Osiris story, tho. Isis found all the pieces, and put Osiris back together for one last time, so they could have Horus, and defeat Seth, the evil brother.


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