Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

33 44 57 59 63 66 71 74 79 | Mother Teresa to be made a Saint on September 4, 2016 (Pope Francis announcement)

Nice time stamp.  This article has to do with Pope Francis making Mother Teresa a Saint.

Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52
Francis = 6+18+1+14+3+9+19 = 70
Pope Francis = 122 (221, reflection)

Let us decode the date they're making Mother Teresa a Saint.

9/4/2016 = 9+4+20+16 = 49
9/4/2016 = 9+4+2+0+1+6 = 22
9/4/16 = 9+4+16 = 29

Saint = 1+1+9+5+2 = 18/27
Saint = 19+1+9+14+20 = 63

Let us also decode Mother Teresa.

Mother = 4+6+2+8+5+9 = 34
Teresa = 2+5+9+5+1+1 = 23/32
Mother Teresa = 57/66 (Mary = 57) (Woman = 66)

Mother = 13+15+20+8+5+18 = 79
Teresa = 20+5+18+5+19+1 = 68
Mother Teresa = 147

Blessed = 2+3+5+1+1+5+4 = 21/39
Teresa = 2+5+9+5+1+1 = 23/32
of = 6+6 = 12
Calcutta = 3+1+3+3+3+2+2+1 = 18
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta = 74/101 (Jesus = 74) (Masonic = 74) (Christian = 101)

Blessed = 2+12+5+19+19+5+4 = 66
Teresa = 20+5+18+5+19+1 = 68
of = 15+6 = 21
Calcutta = 3+1+12+3+21+20+20+1 = 81
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta = 236

The date she was born on, and the age and date she died on, are interesting.

8/26/1910 = 8+26+19+10 = 63 (Saint)
8/26/1910 = 8+26+(1+9+1+0) = 45 (Holy Bible)
8/26/1910 = 8+2+6+1+9+1+0 = 27 (Saint)
8/26/10 = 8+26+10 = 44 (Kill)
8/26 = 8+26 = 34 (Mother)

Notice her birthday will fall on the 239th day of the year in 2016.

Like her birth, her death date has the 'kill code' as well.

9/5/1997 = 9+5+19+97 = 130
9/5/1997 = 9+5+1+9+9+7 = 40
9/5/97 = 9+5+97 = 109
9/5 = 14 (Dead)

The day of her passing is also the day that leaves 118-days left in the year, the number for 'death' in jewish gematria.

Death = 4+5+1+100+8 = 118

The date September 5 can also be written 5/9.  Remember, the word 'kill' in jewish gematria sums to 59.

Kill = 10+9+20+20 = 59

Notice where the miracle of the 30-year old woman having here stomach tumor cured occurred.

Koklata = 11+15+11+12+1+20+1 = 71
Catholic = 3+1+20+8+15+12+9+3 = 71

The word 'miracle' and the word 'mother' have something in common.

Miracle = 4+9+9+1+3+3+5 = 34
Mother = 4+6+2+8+5+9 = 34

Notice mother Theresa's birth name according to the article.

Gonxha = 7+6+5+6+8+1 = 33
Agnes = 1+7+5+5+1 = 19/28
Gonxha Agnes = 52/61 (Miracle = 61)

Gonxha = 7+15+14+24+8+1 = 69
Agnes = 1+7+14+5+19 = 46
Gonxha Agnes = 115

1979 was a fitting year for Mother Theresa to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mother = 13+15+20+8+5+18 = 79
'79, Nobel Peace Prize


  1. Not on my birthday lol my full name equals 239

  2. She died 6 days after Diana 8/31/1997 Mother Theresa 9/5/1997

  3. who is sharing this?
    Catholic Church= 69 (3+1+2+8+6+3+9+3, 3+8+3+9+3+8)
    Initials CC= 33
    M+T= 33 (13+20)
    Her birth name: Gonxha= 33/69 (7+15/6+14/5+24/6+8+1)
    Mother Teresa= 66/57 (13/4+15/6+20/2+8+5+18/9, 20/2+5+18/9+5+10/1+1)
    Mary= 57 (13+1+18+25)
    Woman= 66 (23+15+13+1+14)
    Blessed Teresa of Calcutta= 74/101 (Jesus= 74) (Masonic= 74) (Christian= 101)
    Ding Dong= 74 (4+9+14+7, 4+15+14+7)
    The Witch is Dead= 66 (2+8+5, 5+9+2+3+8, 9+1, 4+5+1+4)
    Where she performed a miracle:
    Koklata= 71 (11+15+11+12+1+20+1)
    Catholic= 71 (3+1+20+8+15+12+9+3)
    Sister Mary Teresa= 71 (1+9+1+2+5+9, 4+1+9+7, 2+5+9+5+1+1)
    Miracle= 34 (4+9+9+1+3+3+5)
    Mother = 34 (4+6+2+8+5+9)
    Theresa May= 43 the reflection (2+8+5+9+5+1+1, 4+1+7)
    pretty similar names and "May" is like "Mary"...
    Mother= 13+15+20+8+5+18= 79
    '79, Nobel Peace Prize
    Religious= 52/115 (18/9+14/5+3+9+7+9+15/6+21/3+19/1)
    Theresa May= 115 (20+8+5+18+5+19+1, 13+1+25)
    Pope= 52 (16+15+16+5)
    Prophecy= 52 (7+9+6+7+8+5+3+7)
    She died September 5th written 5/9
    St. Peter’s Square= 59 (1+2, 7+5+2+5+9+1, 1+8+3+1+9+5)
    "Mother Teresa was no saint"= 93 (4+6+2+8+5+9, 2+5+9+5+1+1, 5+1+1, 5+6, 1+1+9+5+2)
    The Sun said to be 93 million miles away
    Saturn= 93 (19+1+20+21+18+14)
    Flight 93 on Sep 11th turned around next to Cleveland, crashed into Indian Creek
    Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4= 33
    Indian + Creek= 33 + 33= 66
    You've also got the 93 WTC Bombings…/22-weeks-nevada-tes…
    and of course this story is on the 3/9 the reflection of 93 which could just be a coincidence.
    Saint= 63 (19+1+9+14+20)
    Witch= 63 (23+9+20+3+8)
    she was born on 8/26/1910 = 8+26+19+10 = 63
    Sum of numbers to 63 = 2016
    In 63 days after she becomes a Saint there is 66 days left in the year.
    In my opinion this has nothing to do with religion, it's just the elite causing propaganda making more people anti-religion to cause race wars etc. It's all a distraction from the truth, the REAL teachings of Jesus/Y'shua


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