Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

33 47 137 | 33-days from Scalia's death to the nomination of Merrick Garland for Supreme Court justice replacement

Antonin Scalia died February 13, the 44th day of the year.  The span of days from February 13 to the nomination of Merrick Garland is 33-days.

Antonin = 1+5+2+6+5+9+5 = 33
Justice = 1+3+1+2+9+3+5 = 24/33

If you don't count the end date, it is a span of 32-days.

America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32

What stands out to me about the judge nominated are his initials, MG.

M = 13 = 4
G = 7
MG = 137 or 47

The numerical significance of those initials is fitting for the job.

Washington D.C. = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14+4+3 =  137 (33rd Prime Number)
Judge = 10+21+4+7+5 = 47

Let us decode the name, Merrick Garland.

Merrick = 4+5+9+9+9+3+2 = 41
Brian = 2+9+9+1+5 = 26
Garland = 7+1+9+3+1+5+4 = 30
Merrick Brian Garland = 97
Merrick Garland = 71 (Think of relationship between 44 and 71)

The picture above of VP Biden and Justice Garland standing next to #44 is something else.

Remember, Justice Scalia died on the 44th day of the year, Lupercalia.

Merrick = 13+5+18+18+9+3+11 = 77 (Washington D.C., on 77th Meridian) (Court)
Brian = 2+18+9+1+14 = 44
Garland = 7+1+18+12+1+14+4 = 57 (Supreme Court)
Merrick Brian Garland = 178
Merrick Garland = 134

Notice Garland comes from Chicago, what a surprise.  His birthday is also November 13, the date of the Paris Terror attack hoax of this past year.  It is interesting that he turned 63-years old that day.

Paris = 16+1+18+9+19 = 63
Charlie Hebdo = 3+8+1+9+3+9+5+8+5+2+4+6 = 63
*Recall the relationships between these events
*Recall the overwhelming '63' connections

11/13/1952 = 11+13+19+52 = 95
11/13/1952 = 11+13+(1+9+5+2) = 41 (Merrick)
11/13/1952 = 1+1+1+3+1+9+5+2 = 23
11/13/52 = 11+13+52 = 76 (Master)

He attended Harvard at Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Harvard = 8+1+9+4+1+9+4 = 36/54
Harvard = 8+1+18+22+1+18+4 = 72

Cambridge = 3+1+4+2+9+9+4+7+5 = 44
Massachusetts = 4+1+1+1+1+3+8+3+1+5+2+2+1 = 33/69
Cambridge, Massachusetts = 77/113

Cambridge = 3+1+13+2+18+9+4+7+5 = 62
Massachusetts = 13+1+19+19+1+3+8+21+19+5+20+20+19 = 168
Cambridge, Massachusetts = 230

His age of 63 stands out, especially in 2016, the year of 666, and so does the fact that he was nominated by Clinton in prior years.

A consensus candidate?  A CC?  A 33?  33-days after the death?  Okay...

The stance Trump and other Republicans are taking shows partisan pettiness.

There are no liberals or conservatives on the Supreme Court.  Just fascists.  Citizens United?  All these people deserve to be shot.

Obama's = 6+2+1+4+1+1 = 15/24
court = 3+6+3+9+2 = 23
pick = 7+9+3+2 = 21
Obama's court pick = 59/68 (Barack Obama = 68)

Notice the CNN update time, 5:09.

Negro = 59
Kill = 59 (Jewish Gematria)

Also, Merrick began his quest for the Supreme Court in '95, the reflection of '59.

Obama's = 15+2+1+13+1+19 = 51
court = 3+15+21+18+20 = 77 (Merrick)
pick = 16+9+3+11 = 39
Obama's court pick = 167


  1. Replies
    1. Good one!

      Merrick comes from Maurice and means dark skinned according to Behind the

  2. Merrick Garland " in the English Ordinal system equals 134

    The Wizard Of Oz Supreme Court " in the English Reduction system equals 134

    Supreme Court" in the English Ordinal system equals 174

    pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" in the English Reduction system equals 174

    The Wizard of Oz Merrick Brian Garland" in the English Reduction system equals 174

    The man behind the curtain" in the English Reduction system equals 105

    The man behind the curtain" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

    The Wizard Of Oz" in the English Reduction system equals 77

    Eighth Circuit" in the English Reduction system equals 77

    Eighth Circuit Judge" in the English Reduction system equals 97

    Eighth Circuit Judge" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

    Merrick Brian Garland " in the English Reduction system equals 97

    Merrick Brian Garland " in the English Ordinal system equals 178

    Oz" in the English Ordinal system equals 41

    U.S.A" in the English Ordinal system equals 41

    M.G. = 47

    Judy Garland Died @ Age 47.

    1. Cambridge, Massachusetts = 77 / 113

      The Wizard of Oz = 77

      I Didn't notice that 'till just now. Unreal

  3. Justice Garland =63/144. [Merrick Garland from Cambridge is 63]

    Garland reminds of the town in Texas that hosted "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" (=116) and the shooting hoax that was to follow. That happened on 5/3/15, or 10 months 13 days before the announcement of "Justice Merrick Garland" =113/221.

    1. Turns out this guy has connections to the OKC Bombing and more...

    2. Today's Total Date Numerology.

      3+16+16= 35
      3+16+20+16= 55
      3+16+(2+0+1+6)= 28
      3+1+6+(2+0+16)= 19

      35+55= 90 (33 days)

      28+19= 47 (Judge and MG = 47)

      90+47 = .. 137 ..

      OKC Bombing (April 19, 1995)

      4+19+95= 118
      4+19+19+95= .. 137 ..
      4+19+(1+9+9+5)= .. 47 ..
      4+1+9+(1+9+9+5)= 38

      April Nineteenth Ninety Five" in the English Reduction system equals .. 137 ..

    3. April 19, 1995

      118+137+47+38= .. 340 ..

      three hundred forty" in the English Reduction system equals

      .. 97 ..

      Merrick Brian Garland" in the English Reduction system equals

      .. 97 ..

    4. There are 2 16s in today's date which is basically 88 88. Twins.

  4. Merrick Garland is a connecting point...
    Unabomber case Ted Kaczynski!

    Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski born May 22, 1942), also known as the "Unabomber

    5/22=522=April nineteenth
    April Nineteenth in Jewish Gematria Equals: 522
    4/19 date of OKC bombing
    Inside Job in English Gematria Equals: 522

    Ted Kaczynski" in the English Reduction system equals 49
    Anti Christ" in the English Reduction system equals 49
    "Twin Towers" in the English Reduction system equals 49

    Ted Kaczynski in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1172
    Ted Kaczynski in English Gematria Equals: 888
    Ted Kaczynski in Simple Gematria Equals: 148
    Donald J Trump in English Gematria Equals: 888

  5. obama just picked kansas over unc in the finals

  6. Merrick Garland worked on the OKC bombing case 4/19/1995. He was put on the lower court by Bill Clinton on
    3/20/1997 Difference between the two dates are ...
    The total number of days between Wednesday, April 19th, 1995 and Thursday, March 20th, 1997 is 701 days.

    This is equal to 1 year, 11 months, and 1 day.

    OH WOW! 1111

    1. Now this is downright scary...
      Difference is 701 days...
      Seven Zero One in Simple Gematria Equals: 163
      Barack Hussein Obama in Simple Gematria Equals: 163

  7. Unabomber... Bomb dates

    May 25 1978
    May 9 1979
    November 15 1979
    June 10 1980
    October 8 1981
    May 5 1982
    July 2 1982
    May 15 1982
    June 13 1985
    November 15 1985
    December 11 1985
    February 20 1987
    June 22 1993
    June 24 1993
    December 10 1994
    April 24 1995

    He stopped at 2/20/87 and started back up on 6/22/93 (Clinton's first year in office)


    The total number of days between Friday, February 20th, 1987 and Tuesday, June 22nd, 1993 is 2,314 days.
    This is equal to 6 years, 4 months, and 2 days.

    George Bush in English Gematria Equals: 642


    Ted Kaczynski in English Gematria Equals: 888

    It's almost like that's when the FBI (secret society FBI) took over the bombings and tagged Kaczynski's and Geirge Bush's name on it in the date difference numbers.

    This is equal to 6 years, 4 months, and 2 days. =642

    They signed both names this way.
    642+246=888= Kaczynski

    Authorized by George Bush so Clinton (only six months in office) would know who gave it the go.

    George Bush in English Gematria Equals: 642

    February 20th, 1987 and Tuesday, June 22nd, 1993 is 2,314 days.

    Two Three One Four in English Gematria Equals: 1248

    George Herbert Walker Bush in English Gematria Equals: 1518

    George H W Bush in Simple Gematria Equals: 138
    138+831=969 Speed of Saturn
    Master Mason in Simple Gematria Equals: 138

  8. Forget that "they took it over in 93 theory.. Third bombing..

    American Airlines Flight 444
    Aircraft type Boeing 727-223/322
    flying from Chicago to Washington, D.C.'s National Airport, which on November 15, 1979
    Mk Ultra Mind Control Handlers in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1115
    One One One Five in Simple Gematria Equals: 144


    Flight Four Four Four in Simple Gematria Equals: 242
    Brotherhood Of Saturn in Simple Gematria Equals: 242
    Flight Four Four Four in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1158

    They sure liked that 9669 number!

    1. Chicago is playing Washington right now in DC.

  9. 96 69 are wheels spinning in opposite directions. Like how water is supposed to whirl one way when u flush a toilet in northern hemisphere and the oppisites way down under


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