Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

86 | ISIS claims Belgium attacks, CNN headlines

ISIS is an imaginary symbol, created by western governments, who operate through contrived terrorism and constant fear mongering over their people.


  1. Synagogue Satan" in the English Reduction system equals 52

    Skull And Bones" in the English Reduction system equals 41

    Todays Date numerology.

    3+22+16= 41

    3+22+20+16= 61

    3+22+(2+0+1+6)= 34 (Supposedly 34 People Died )

    3+2+2+(2+0+1+6) = 16

    41+61+34+16= .. 152 ..

    Terrorist" in the English Reduction system equals 52 / 61

    Brussels " in the English Ordinal system equals 115 (Killing=115)

    Brussels " in the English Reduction system equals 25 / 52

    Belgium" in the English Reduction system equals 33

  2. They'll probably say the terrorists came from Molenbeek...

    Sint Jans Molenbeek in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1137
    United States President in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1137
    Sint Jans Molenbeek in Simple Gematria Equals: 188
    Bavarian Illuminati in Simple Gematria Equals: 188

    Molenbeek-Saint-Jean" in the English Reduction system equals 67
    Blood sacrifice, human sacrifice, third degree
    Molenbeek Saint Jean in J/e/s Gematria Equals: 1053 1050 175
    Seventy Seven in Simple Gematria Equals: 175

    molenbeek" in the English Reduction system equals 37
    Molenbeek in Jewish Gematria Equals: 167 492 82

  3. We are all IsIs---133 Simple, 1230 Jewish

  4. Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Dead today 322
    He was blackmailed for Crack By Toronto
    Police Chief Bill Blair , A known Mason
    Rob Ford = 42
    Rob B Ford = 44
    dead on 322
    Bill Blair = 41 , 203 , 77
    William S Blair = 140 , 1191
    1191 very fitting for a police chief 911...

    1. Kill = 44
      Cancer = 44
      Rob B Ford = 44

    2. Good work, also 'Ford' dead in 'March'.
      Ford = 43
      March = 43

  5. ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

  6. The Atomium is in Brussels. Its a big structure symbolizing an iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times. Made in 1958 for the Atomic age. Very CERN like

  7. Globalists are calling for US troops in Syria.. Blaming it on Assad

    1. "World war iii begins in brussels" in the English Reduction system equals 137

      137 is the 33rd prime number

    2. Belgium is the "Battleground of Europe" in World War I and World War II, at least as it is known.

  8. It's always two explosions, right. Boston marathon, the WTC, etc. Two comets supposedly whizzed past past us today. Twins, pairs, a matched set. Boom boom.

    The pictures are so fake. I can't take stuff seriously. I feel like I'm in an RPG.

    1. Two Explosions---206, 1236

      That's a 26 for God and sort of a 66.

    2. I'm beginning to think we are.

    3. It certainly explains a lot of things, doesn't it. Realizing how coded everything is and seeing how VR is becoming a real thing...well it makes sense to me it's the next logical step. I mean if u look at religion it basically sounds like God is playing a giant game of The Sims. So is "he" playing it or are we playing and the object is to realize it? Why else are these shootings getting ever more ridiculous?

  9. Terror Sprouts in Brussels---2106, 360. ;)

    1. Today is also World Water Day---169

    2. Brussel Sprouts are Terrible----337, 2022

      Which isn't true.

  10. Black glove on left hand...
    left hand path" in the English Reduction system equals 52
    "revolution" in the English Reduction system equals 52
    " left hand path" in the English Ordinal system equals 115
    black glove" in the English Reduction system equals 36
    The craft" in the English Reduction system equals 36
    Black Glove Left Hand in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1002 960 160
    "left hand" in the English Reduction system equals 34
    Left Hand in Jewish Gematria Equals: 184 420 70

  11. Like when the White House suddenly lit up like a rainbow flag 1 hour after the gay marriage ruling, the Effel Tower and other major sites in EUR are lit up with the Belgian flag. It sure is amazing how electrical installations that take several days to complete can be done in minutes when terr0r strikes.

  12. "Kill The 115" where you been? We need more comments like yours! Actually this whole post by Zach has good comments this time - shout out JE, Rigged Game , etc.

    Hey man, email me real quick to -

  13. Hey Zack, I just found an interesting connection here to this article. Just watched your YouTube video on this one and you mentioned the number 159 showing up again and not knowing what it means. Here's a theory you might be interested in:

    159 is a lot like 15/9 or 9/15 - September 15th
    September 15th is 177 days away from today (3/22)
    "President Barack Hussein Obama Assassination Attempt" = 177 in English Reduction

    When you showed the 130 days between Paris and Belgium attacks equaling Washington, I quickly thought to myself maybe that is the coding: that the next attack will be in Washington (DC). You've been predicting this for quite a while and it would make for interesting timing two months before the election. With all the Jade Helm practice last summer, they could have been preparing for Martial Law next fall. Most likely just a bunch more fear mongering, but hey, you never know!

    Also, good luck in Vegas!


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