Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Was there just one bloodied crisis actor for the Brussels, Belgium terror hoax?

They keep showing this woman.  Look at this picture carefully, see how many things you can count that are wrong with it.


  1. no bruises looks like she came off a movie set.

  2. Ha :D ... Look at the kid beside her ... wearing the Nightmare on Elm street shirt. Of the Freddy Kruger shirt. Died her hair red too for the occasion :D Awesome stuff man. Only reading bout this now. Was always on the cards since Nov. 13th. Belgium ranked no.1 in world in soccer at mo too ... Euro 2016 kicks off in june. First time in history there'll be 51 matches played. One to watch ... All the best man, Dar!

    1. Oh and France is the host nation this year :D

    2. Lol ur right about freddy Krueger.

    3. Ha, poor lady, the box of hair dye was booby-trapped. And look at that creepy one eye.

    4. Yikes that eyeball is creepy. Looking straight at the camera with a Dr. Evil blood scar lookin thing :D Even Fred Kruger Jr. is scared. Not sure if its a reference, but Nightmare on Elm Street originally released on November 9th 1984. 9/11.

    5. Feck, Freddy Krueger. Always spelling that wrong :)

  3. Zach what would happen to the us if ww3 kicked off.

  4. She is also flashing the one eye.

    1. Good catch!

      Blood looks old and dried not new and fresh. Looks patteded on not like rubbed on by brushing shoulders with someone else.

      All the people around her wearing red seems to be a decoy to not focus on her blood.

  5. Noone else really seems to concerned or frightened.

    1. Yes, the extras were told to look as disinterested as possible, disdainful almost, except for the creepy old man staring at the kids ass. What a joke.

  6. Also take a look at the other 22 ridiculous photos on cnn. Think maybe red is the color of this hoax?

  7. Black Woman Right Eye Injury" in the English Reduction system equals 118

    Green and Red Shirt" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    Krueger" in the English Ordinal system equals 85

    Brussels Belgium" in the English Reduction system equals 58 / 85

    Part 2 of Nightmare on Elm Street came out in 1985. It's Title Freddy's Revenge. Gonna watch it tonight for clues we may have missed.

    Freddy's Revenge" in the English Reduction system equals 76 / 85

  8. Does the reflection of the guy with the red vest in the back of the photo seem odd? He is look one way but the reflection on the glass has him completely facing the opposite direction.

  9. To me it looks like these are photoshopped individual people cutouts just slapped together in one photo like paper dolls. The perspective seems off. They don't look like they are sharing the same space, place where an event just happened.

    1. Prunella, I was thinking about your VR comment yesterday, and something occurred to me; what of the possibility that the ever-increasing surreality of these events is very much the point, to convince those of us with eyes to see that none of it is actually happening? How would we know, really? If people were really being hurt, this would certainly be a clever way to keep us divided and docile, as well as questioning our own reality. I think the great reveal will be the lifting of this facade, but will it just be replaced with another?

  10. Yeah, I don't know what lies beyond. Anything is possible. But I doubt people are really dying, because I just don't see the point in being raised to believe the media is telling truth and being fearful, then being shown slowly that it's all fake and losing all fear of it only to find out it was true? Does that make sense? Not to me. I think we r being shown that we have to be able to trust our gut feelings no matter what the people around us believe. Kind of a vaccine against the madness of crowds maybe.

    I could very well be wrong, but I find it more empowering to look at it from that perspective right now anyway.


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