Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

33 58 157 | Court orders school in Cleveland, Mississippi to desegregate

This story is true all over this country.  I live in Seattle where the schools are segregated.  The dividing line is north and south of Dearborn St.  This reporting is to remind people of the division.

Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33
Race War = 9+1+3+5+5+1+9 = 33

Mississippi = 4+9+1+1+9+1+1+9+7+7+9 = 58 (Freemasonry) (United States)
Mississippi = 13+9+19+19+9+19+19+9+16+16+9 = 157 (United States)


  1. Notice the CNN video time - 3:22. Skull & Bones.

    1. There's a reason its in the screen capture. =)

    2. Notice the stuff happening in Venezuela with the state of emergency declared last Friday the 13th. Venezuela = 111 and 666, 39. Its coming out of Caracus, Venezuela the capitalm CV or 322. Notice on your keyboard at your computer or phone that the letters C and V are next to each other. Copy and paste ...much like history repeating itself. I use C and V on a daily basis. They incorporated all this stuff into the computer because we use it everyday . WWW = 666 in Hebrew lettering , CV next to each other which is 322, and probably tons more

    3. Notice the stuff happening in Venezuela with the state of emergency declared last Friday the 13th. Venezuela = 111 and 666, 39. Its coming out of Caracus, Venezuela the capitalm CV or 322. Notice on your keyboard at your computer or phone that the letters C and V are next to each other. Copy and paste ...much like history repeating itself. I use C and V on a daily basis. They incorporated all this stuff into the computer because we use it everyday . WWW = 666 in Hebrew lettering , CV next to each other which is 322, and probably tons more

  2. I'm starting to research US Airways Flight 1549, the flight which ended up in the Hudson River. When you listen to the ATC tapes the controller mentions flight 1549 and then mentions flight 1547, very unusual. Odds of having both engines being disabled by birds are astronomical.

    Have you done anything on US Airways FLT 1549?

  3. 85, the reflection of 58 has a link here. 85 days ago was 2/23. Cleveland is going for their 85th post season win or their 85th post season loss. This points back to Kyrie and bed bugs after gsme against OKC

  4. Ah, irony. Figures they'd use a SMALL Mississippi town for this bullshit, when the BIG CITY of Cleveland OHIO is FAR more prejudiced & segregated (& since those that run that super-Zionist enclave LIKE it that way, it will STAY that way ...). It's the usual hrpocritical, Progressive/ Zionist trademark: Do As I Say, Not As I Do (Because We're Special -- & YOU'RE NOT.)

    The South has ALWAYS been FAR more integrated than the rest of the country. Go to any small Southern town & you'll find a sea of mixed-race faces ... just as it was BEFORE RECONSTRUCTION. "Miscegenation" is one of the reasons the South was so brutally attacked -- elitist eugenicists were determined to end the race-mixing.

    This's SHOULD be addressing WHERE THEY PLACE THE SCHOOLS & HOW THE DISTRICTS ARE MAPPED OUT. But it will serve as a distraction from the FACT that "SCHOOL" is nothing but a PRISON CAMP FOR KIDS -- there is NO worthwhile, life-affirming "learning" that takes place there. None whatsoever.

  5. Hey Zach.. idk your email. But can you do a blog on WW2... showing connections of pearl harbor, the atomic bombs.. stuff like that. I think it be a cool blog post. Since you did civil war stuff.

  6. Hey Zach.. idk your email. But can you do a blog on WW2... showing connections of pearl harbor, the atomic bombs.. stuff like that. I think it be a cool blog post. Since you did civil war stuff.

  7. I find it just a little bit funny that the Republican National Convention is also being held in Cleveland (albeit, a different Cleveland) this year.

  8. The federal government's constant interference in our lives is why Trump is going to be President! I swear I think Obama is working against Hillary's election. All this shit he's creating is falling back on her!


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