Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Feedback on fighting/arguing in comments (How to Gematria and how not to)

I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, I'm trying to help you guys out, especially those of you who aren't learning from your mistakes.  What you need to know is that a 'brand of gematria' has arisen from those who follow my work, but this brand stinks and needs to be thrown out with the garbage.  It is the brand of contriving words, phrases and sentences until "the number is hit".  Maestro and Brother Berg practice this method of gematria often and they should both realize at this point it is absolutely worthless.  A lot of you are copying these methods and making the same mistakes in return.  Sometimes I'm surprised no one realizes that I never do this.  The reason I don't do it, is because I realize it is a garbage method.  I've been telling Brother Berg this isn't how it is done for months and only recently has he admitted that perhaps it isn't the best way to use gematria.

The worth is in what I have been doing since the beginning.  It is decoding the information that exists (a sharp contrast from making up words and phrases that "kind of" fit the picture) and comparing that decoded information with history.  Finding the rigging is finding the repeating patterns in history that are done by the same numbers again and again, that are coded into the teams, players, coaches, scores, records and dates.

When I predicted the college basketball tournament would be Kansas and UNC while overlooking Villanova's connections to Philly, a lot of you went out and started generating words and phrases in the calculator finding confirmation for the UNC and Kansas championship.  Imagine instead if that time was used decoding more teams, looking for that Philly connection.  We let an easy one slip through our fingers with the information we had from the beginning.  We let it slip through because time wasn't used correctly.

So Maestro and Berg, I'm not trying to insult you.  I'm trying to say wake up and smell the coffee, apply your time with the methods that work, and stop just typing sentences into the calculator.  Same with all of you who have taken on these practices.

Here's to getting better at this craft.

EDIT:  Brother Berg is not happy about this and perhaps Maestro isn't either, but I know Maestro has pretty thick skin.  I told Brother Berg to swallow his pride and step his game up.  Just realize, I'm not here to be your friend, I'm here to help you see the truth of this world, and I know that this language of gematria can reveal a lot of truth, but as we have come to find out, it can also be used incorrectly and mislead.  I don't want people to be wasting their time, frustrating themselves and calling bullshit on the entire practice. I want this work to be understood, appreciated and used correctly.  That's all.  Brother Berg is a smart guy and he does have a lot of great ideas.  He has also made a lot of important gematria discoveries by doing things the right way, as has Maestro.  I'm just calling out what needs calling out, and that is the generating of words and phrases and sentences in attempt to force the pieces of the puzzle to fit together.  A lot of that is going on, and it isn't helpful to anyone.


  1. Any thoughts on this video through gematria: ?

  2. No one is getting any better at the Craft if they don't expand upon your work. You forbidding it exposes yourself as wanting to control the flow of information. This is why I don't fully trust this site.

    Gematria- later adopted into Jewish culture that assigns numerical value to a word or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to nature, a person's age, the calendar year, or the like.

    1. Instead of tweaking a phrase to fit just right with a certain number just take what you see in a headline or use the exact phrase or quote someone uses. Don't substitute their words with your own made up f the topic or headline Zach is discussing is Donald Trump being killed and how he's a racist, don't go type in the gematria calculator "Donald Trump the racists killed" or some dumb stuff like that. The words we need to be typing in are exactly what CNN and news headlines tell us, the topics, key phrases they use, names of important figures and cities, numbers spelled put like 322 is "Three two two", once you catch on you'll automatically know what to type in the gematria calculator. What I do is write down porrant phrases on a notebook like "world war three", "Zionist", "Nuclear war", "Barack", "the star spangled banner", etc...and put their corresponding gematria. That way I van vkmpate and contrast with other words when they come along and I can connect the dots like "Mark if the beast" = 144 and do does "two one six". 216 = 6*6*6. It'll All come to you. Read headlines and decode important words and phrases then compare to gemstria words and phrases you already know.

    2. Instead of tweaking a phrase to fit just right with a certain number just take what you see in a headline or use the exact phrase or quote someone uses. Don't substitute their words with your own made up f the topic or headline Zach is discussing is Donald Trump being killed and how he's a racist, don't go type in the gematria calculator "Donald Trump the racists killed" or some dumb stuff like that. The words we need to be typing in are exactly what CNN and news headlines tell us, the topics, key phrases they use, names of important figures and cities, numbers spelled put like 322 is "Three two two", once you catch on you'll automatically know what to type in the gematria calculator. What I do is write down porrant phrases on a notebook like "world war three", "Zionist", "Nuclear war", "Barack", "the star spangled banner", etc...and put their corresponding gematria. That way I van vkmpate and contrast with other words when they come along and I can connect the dots like "Mark if the beast" = 144 and do does "two one six". 216 = 6*6*6. It'll All come to you. Read headlines and decode important words and phrases then compare to gemstria words and phrases you already know.

    3. Thanks guy I've never seen. That wasn't transparent at all.

      nine forty one am" in the English Reduction system equals 75

      nine forty one am" in the English Ordinal system equals 174

    4. Coca, this man contributes a lot on my YouTube channel, and if you read the comments there, you would have seen him before. There was a time when no one saw you before either. If you don't trust me, fine, but I'm only trying to help all of you with this message. Hopefully you get my book when it comes out, because then you won't be arguing with me anymore, you'll be seeing things the way I do. And if you think I am wrong, tell me where those who are generating words and phrases to predict the future have ever gotten anything right.

    5. Brother Berg when he argues with me often says it worked for him with the Broncos, but as I remind him, he picked the Broncos because I did, and I picked them by doing what I explained in the original message.

    6. If their work is garbage. Then why are they the only ones who's work you give any attention too? Seems like the epitome of hypocrisy or alternate agenda to me.

    7. He didn't say their work was garbage. He said some of the methods they use are.

    8. Yes CoCa, half their work is good and better. The other half is what is throwing so many predictions off course. Thanks MadDog, always the voice of reason.

    9. Berg Released Civil War Videos right before the Super Bowl Going against the Broncos

    10. He bet on the Broncos and won money, so I don't think he went against the pick. =)

    11. It's not about you picked it or I picked it or he picked it or she picked it. That's ego shit. The illusion of separateness. Zach's obviously got the bomb method which is why I expand on his picks with my own experimental method that's been shown continuously to have merit. This 'mistake after mistake' shit is borderline slander but I didn't think I needed to lay down any heavier disclaimers. So yes i agree we should all be working with the content as available, which is what I've been doing for the past several months. But it's also art, sacred geometry made manifest, so, you know, do what the fuck you want with it too.

      Also what Zach is trying to say here is clean it the fuck up you spammers out there who go ballistic on every single post with off topic remarks. Let's all get a grip here and work together. Divisive shit the last thing we need.

  3. Please read this Milo. May the freemasons have mercy on your soul

  4. Good thing u posted this cause I do that shit to sometimes..

    1. I take that shit back I don't do it to make the number "hit" I do put sentences and names and stuff people said but not to make it hit..

    2. Nah not even sentences .or I'll word it different like what I did earlier ,game one ,lose game one,first game ect but never to make any number hit just out of curiosity but if it's interesting I'll share it what is people think about it

  5. ESPN Has a MJ Timestamp. Apparently the Bulls eliminated the Cavs on this day. Timestamp when over 39 seconds. Timestamp shown 24.

    1. 1993 the Cavs 23rd season.

      Jordan got his 3rd title. It's not hard to pick the Cavs lol

    2. Tyronn Lue = 144, "Mark of the Beast" and also equals "two one six." Lue is 39 all numbers connected to Saturn. We going Sizzla son

  6. 100% correct. All the information is all ready provided for us its just about piecing together and picking up the patterns. Not making stuff to fit.

    There's a fair few clever people on here and we should be working together to code these events. The 80/1 winner of the masters also springs to mind.

    1. Thank you. I'm just trying to keep people on the right path.

    2. Thanks Zach, there are people here who appreciate what you are doing and what you are showing us.

    3. Right on, I've been trying to generate spreadsheets more than making articles and comments. Seems like the simple names, birthdays, and cities are the most important. I had Willett in my golf spreadsheet, but once we got rolling on Dustin Johnson I didn't look that close at him. Right now I'm making a baseball spreadsheet. Takes forever but it will be useful once its done. Should I try to do one for the Preakness? We are fairly certain Nyquist is winning so wondering if its worth looking at the other horses. Thanks Zach, I wouldn't know any of this if you didn't figure it out first.

    4. The race is on the 142nd day of the year, a clear parallel to the 142nd Kentucky Derby.
      Nyquist = 35
      Thirty-Five = 142
      Plus that whole 13th triple crown thing and him lining up in gate 13.

    5. That said, it is always worth taking a second look. The more work, the better the results.

    6. It's mostly the same horses too. Just a few new ones jumping in for the preakness. Nyquist will be 9-9 wins also; which is 14 weeks and 1 day; for the 141st Preakness.

    7. On the same day is the 135th FA Cup final... Wonder if theirs a link there. Trying to code the winner but im struggling at the moment.

    8. Clarification: 99 days = 14 weeks 1 day

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Chris Smalling uniteds #12

      Chris Smalling = 144
      Born 22/11/89

      26 Years old, last FA Cup final between these two teams happened 26 years ago. Fitting player to score a united winner... :)

    11. i know everyone here is sold on nyquist

      but theres a new horse this race laoban born jan 31
      trainer Eric Guillot 131

      both links to championship might want to look into

  7. For the record, I appreciate everyone's input. I have thus feeling that there is definitely mire than one way to look at all this...and Franklin, I believe that is by DESIGN of those who created and use these codes.
    Now is not the time to allow anyone to duvide and conquer us, folks! :-)

    1. I appreciate everyone's input too, and Maestro and Brother Berg do good work for the most part. I singled them out because they have influence and I need them to hear what I am saying.

    2. I have a message nd to create an Access databasevto hold this info and put it to work to crunch for me. I see what you're getting at with consistency and rules. It's not always easy to remember to look at a given set of numbers (like a date) and apply all the variations of summing values, for example. It would seem that adding in phrases which are not part of the original message as delivered would be adding unwanted complication to the process. As with the Budweiser article, the original article was headed with "Hip hops" and other Messaging other articles with the same subject did not have. To that end, do you usually try to find an original article before deciphering? I'd noticed that articlea by the AP are used extensively, but many times verbiage is altered, so the messagea therein may also be somewhat altered or omitted...

    3. I have a message nd to create an Access databasevto hold this info and put it to work to crunch for me. I see what you're getting at with consistency and rules. It's not always easy to remember to look at a given set of numbers (like a date) and apply all the variations of summing values, for example. It would seem that adding in phrases which are not part of the original message as delivered would be adding unwanted complication to the process. As with the Budweiser article, the original article was headed with "Hip hops" and other Messaging other articles with the same subject did not have. To that end, do you usually try to find an original article before deciphering? I'd noticed that articlea by the AP are used extensively, but many times verbiage is altered, so the messagea therein may also be somewhat altered or omitted...

  8. Damned keyboard!
    more not mire
    divide nor duvide duhvide
    Sorry about that!

  9. To be honest, I am not exactly sure when this became a gambling site, and over the last year I've seen many instances of people nailing the participants in final games with gematria, but not so much the winners. The biggest flaw of the research is that obviously not everyone is databasing the discovery or else there would be less chasing of our own tails.

    Rock on.

    1. I agree Stephen. In spite of Zach offering a plethora of articles, too many readers are focusing on the gambling. Bugs me to no end!

  10. Great post, Zach, I agree completely.

    I have always thought that method of making up phrases until you find one where the gematria fits whatever theory you're piecing together was a weak method.

    The only time you should be doing the gematria on a phrase, is when that phrase has been used by someone in the mainstream media.

    Brother Berg does lots of great decoding that is very valuable so I hope he doesn't take this too hard.

  11. Berg will take it hard when he is wrong. Anyways there is a 1:31 Timestamp for the Warriors."Heavy favorites to underdogs" 131 of course is good for the championship game in this instance.

  12. So Derozan got blocked by James. Then Lowry scores to make it 23-21......with 3:22 left and before commercial/Timeout they showed the James block 44 Sum.....73 is 21st prime and the amount of wins Cleveland will have when they win it all.

    WWE. Wow

  13. Number 31 Terrence Ross comes in and makes a 3....Ohio equals 47 You can not make this shit up.
    Lebron R James equals 132

  14. It's important to remember that those who are sending out these coded messages are fully aware of their own agendas & therefore have no need to broadcast them. They're ONLY telegraphing messages to their cohorts -- descriptive themes are the realm of the Historical Revisionists.

    NO ONE is detracting from ANYONE'S basic work. OPINIONS SHOULD NOT OVERRIDE THE ORIGINAL FACT-BASED INFORMATION -- there's no need for people to "choose sides". From what I've read, Zach is simply saying that this is not in line with what he's discovered. Therefore, those following this method should not expect the same results ... & I believe he IS genuinely concerned about newcomers growing confused & giving up altogether.

    Yes, there ARE many forms of gematria -- but they ALL sprang from a BASIC form that everyone has to master initially. Judaic texts are full of arguments about which form is "Right", & the Mormons have their own interpretations. The common denominator though, is the SIMPLEST, MOST BASIC FORMAT. The elite KNOW THIS -- & it suits their purposes when people drift away from ANY BASIC, ROOT KNOWLEDGE.

    I do ALL my computations on paper -- it takes longer, but it also forces me to really THINK about them. As a result, I throw out lots of connections because closer analysis revealed I was simply drifting off topic.

    Much learned forethought went into DEVISING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE -- the "Goal" was to UNITE MANY LANGUAGES INTO ONE ... while at the same time ENABLING (some of) IT'S USERS TO PRACTICE THE GEMATRIA THAT ALREADY EXISTED. (Which was no small accomplishment!)

    It's not hard to see how the LANGUAGE PATTERNS imposed were DESIGNED TO CONFUSE ... & also to "Identify Outsiders" -- like Shibboleths. (Did someone say Tower Of Babel?). We are the ONLY people on the planet who place their adjectives AFTER nouns, while everyone else -- throughout history -- has always done the OPPOSITE.
    Example: Spanish = el gato blanco ... the cat white. English = the white cat. What's "normal" for us, is NOT normal for the rest of the world -- nor has it EVER been.

    But ... articulating IDEAS is very difficult in English. Gematria lets the user convey -- in very few words -- IDEAS that would otherwise take long passages to explain. The longer an explanation is, the greater it's likelihood of being misunderstood -- or ignored altogether. The Sioux had 50+ words for "Cloud" -- ONE SINGLE WORD could explain an entire weather pattern. To do that in English would require pages of text -- & still leave the reader confused. (Consider this post to be a good example!)


    Gematria DOES NOT "Predict The Future" -- It Is A TOOL ... Used By HUMANS ... To Convey THEIR Intentions -- which means OTHER HUMANS always have the potential to disrupt ANY "Prediction" CONVEYED via Gematria.

    1. Stick to the basics (which we KNOW are being used);

    2. Do your OWN computations & see the Gematrix-type sites for what they are -- a font of unnecessary "extras" ... fun to look at, but NOT "The Source" (would you be able to spot it if you were being fed erroneous info?);

    3. STOP wasting your Precious, VALUABLE TIME (& your money) on Fraudulent SPORTS! Go do something, or take a nap ... but STOP feeding the system that enslaves us.

    Gematria shows us that it's unimportant who "I Am" ... what matters is who WE ARE (do the math -- ACTUALLY SEE IT ON PAPER -- & compare ... THEN (hopefully) ... you'll understand the difference ...! ;D :D

    1. Yep -- I fucked up ... We place our adjectives BEFORE our nouns -- NOT AFTER. I did say it was confusing though ... Lol! ;D

    2. "we are" = (short form) = 5 + 5 + (10) 5 + 5 + 5 = 25

      The square root of 25 = 5. 5 is the essence of life number, & The Golden Ratio contains the square root of 5. 5 IS SPECIAL, just as WE ARE.

    3. Very well said. With special emphasis on the WE. French for Yes. Like Indra's Net, we're each a reflection of that diamond of collective consciousness. Each unique perspective helping to shed light on the entire experience.

  15. For the record I don't condone made-up phrases or talking shit about teammates. And all due respect to Zach for his Prometheus steez in illuminating us with the light of Gematria but it seems to this truthseeker there's more than one way to skin a cat.

  16. Thank you for sharing of information for me. If you care about the furniture and sofa, the company mozza we are pleased to share to readers. Mozza is a company specialized in providing all kinds of furniture and a sofa in the market by consumers concerned, appreciated. Currently Mozza is offering some high-end items with full sofa features like styles, designs, sizes and colors to suit each room's space, workplace. Mozza supply products to the market to meet the criteria of quality and prices to suit each object. Here are some of the products being offered in addition mozza market: leather sofa (sofa da), sofa cloth (sofa nỉ), sofa corner (sofa góc), high-end sofa (sofa cao cấp), living room sofa (sofa phòng khách), and interior construction (phụ kiện tủ bếp).

    1. i care about the furniture and sofa, Tuấn. hook a brother up

    2. I like sofa as much as the next guy, who doesn't like sofa? But, I'm suspicious of the message:

      Tuan -- 56/11/341
      Le -- 17/8/25
      Quang -- 60/24/318
      Tuan Le Quang -- 133/43/684

      What? 133?, Obviously a contrived name.

      Mozza -- 81/27/1081

      Notice how in "Mozza" the Simple English and the Jewish gematria match. Hmmm.

      leather -- 69/33/219
      sofa -- 41/14/147
      leather sofa -- 110/47/366

      110? 47? 47 is year one of the CIA.

      cloth -- 58/22/181
      sofa cloth -- 99/36/328

      corner -- 73/37/258
      sofa corner -- 114/51/405

      living -- 73/37/785
      room -- 61/25/210
      living room sofa -- 175/76/1142

      73, 37: notice how the gematria of "living" and and "corner" match.

      high-end -- 55/46/81
      high-end sofa -- 96/60/228

      High-end? I'll just bet.

  17. ^Tuan hustling sofas on the low at the blog spot during tense times. #opportunist

    1. lol shoutout Tuan for the icebreaker. I'm down for a Vietnamese sofa for sure!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Do you all really think "they" dig deep to find the intended messages? It is coded on the surface. We channel surf, when you see 33 or 47 people killed here or a quoted word in a headline, time to change the channel. Illumi-dignitaries aren't decoding and wasting their time all day long like some of us. Shit is on the surface. Gematria is part of the equation, plus most of us are from the states.. take a look at some overseas stuff to see the equivalence of contrived stories, dates, and people. Sometimes gambling is really a 50/50 bet, no one is bragging when they lose, right, trolls? Zachary thanks for pouring out the ego Kool - Aid everyone has been drinking.

    Kool aid (11+15+15+12+1+9+4=67)

    Oh snap

    Jeb Bush (10+5+2+2+21+19+8=67)
    Satanic (19+1+21+1+14+9+3=67)


  20. You have enough people betting one way, the outcome changes, so they win the real money, not the proletariat betting chump change on balls and feet

  21. Brother Berg Maestro " in the English Reduction system equals 92 / 101

    Control Opposition" in the English Reduction system equals 92 / 101

    The Jokes is on You folks. Hubbard is Maestro and Brother Berg. Good work is ignored on this site purposely. It's super Transparent if you just think about it.

    "The Best Way to Control Opposition is to Lead It." ~Lenin

    1. REALLY?? And people call Milo a moron... You take the cake CoCa

  22. Great post Zach!!! Could not agree more. We need to keep it simple and "by the book', so to speak, because THEY do it that way.


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