Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

33 40 43 67 76 104 113 | The release of Gucci Mane from jail, May 26, 2016, and the cloning rumors

When I worked at a teen homeless shelter in the mid 2000s, it seemed like half the kids who came through there were obsessed Gucci Mane.  I didn't understand it.  Now, everyone is asking me to look into this cloning allegation.  Turns out it is a 'mainstream' charge.

Radric = 9+1+4+9+9+3 = 35
Delantic = 4+5+3+1+5+2+9+3 = 32
Davis = 4+1+4+9+1 = 19/28/46
Radric Delantic Davis = 86/95/113 (Mainstream = 113) (Dishonest = 113)

His name corresponds with his place of birth, Bessemer, Alabama.

His place of birth also corresponds with Central Intelligence Agency.

Radric = 18+1+4+18+9+3 = 53
Delantic = 4+5+12+1+14+20+9+3 = 68
Davis = 4+1+22+9+19 = 55
Radric Delantic Davis = 176

Gucci Mane = 7+3+3+3+9+4+1+5+5 = 40
Gucci Mane = 7+21+3+3+9+13+1+14+5 = 76 (Mane = 13+1+14+5 = 33)

2/12/1980 = 2+12+19+80 = 113 (Radric Delantic Davis)
2/12/1980 = 2+12+(1+9+8+0) = 32
2/12/1980 = 2+1+2+1+9+8+0 = 23
2/12/80 = 2+12+80 = 94 

February 12 is the 43rd day of the year.  Lincoln born 2/12; Civil War = 43; Charleston = 43

Gucci = 7+21+3+3+9 = 43

From his birthday to his release date was 104-days.

5/26/2016 = 5+26+20+16 = 67 (Gucci Mane = 76)
5/26/2016 = 5+26+(2+0+1+6) = 40 (Gucci Mane = 40)
5/26/2016 = 5+2+6+2+0+1+6 = 22
5/26/16 = 5+26+16 = 47

The day of his released was the day Blue Lives Matter was signed in Louisiana to protect police from threats, namely 'Black Lives' Matter.

I don't know about him being cloned, but perhaps he has always been a "manchurian" human being based on the name gematria and birth numerology.  Lots of these celebrities seem to have been born into whatever is going on behind the scenes.


  1. This cloning stuff is funny to me it goes back to this artist name b.o.b saying the elite is cloning ppl

    This is the thing if they are doing why would they want ppl to no

    I def dont think he's cloned but it's possible he is a victim of mk ultra

  2. Clone? lmao
    he went to prison for almost 3 years .... no more codeine/promethazine . more books to read ... Its as if they want him to be same ol ignorant Gucci Mane lol

  3. That's mind blowing the homeless kids were obsessed with gucci mane. Think about it, you got people all over the world starving, Gucci mane's black brothers have swollen bellies in Africa they haven't eaten in so long. So you have these blacks who have 10 rolls royces and 8 houses which they've never been too and diamond grills in their mouth.... Meanwhile people who can't eat worship the epitome of decadence?

    1. You assume these people have mansions and limos. I doubt it, it's more likely these things are owned by the studios and these actors use them as stage props.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I met Gucci way back in the day, he had a side girl at a resturant I was working at in Atlanta. He had to be the smallest man I ever stood next to, even smaller than Andree 300, who is like a pixie.

    Why the fuck would you clone Gucci Mane?

    1. A small clone would be cheaper to feed?

    2. I wonder why these guys r so tiny like smurf sized? Prince was 5'2, Easy E was like 5 feet I think, lil Wayne is short, as u say Andre 3000, super tiny and petite and light like jockeys.

    3. Funny you said smurf size.. Alot of these goon rappers rap about 'dat snow white' (cocaine).

    4. Snow White's crew is the dwarfs. Whoops. Still along the same lines. Ha

    5. No doubt, Darius, he also "served" his time. He is due a little puppet love.

  6. Cloning morons is a profitable business makes sense. Reminds me of the movie " Total recall".

  7. No, I don't think it's clones.

    Remember that clones aren't magical unicorns. A clone would just be a person. In fact a clone wouldn't much different than an identical twin. So a clone would have to be fed, educated, and raised like a normal person.

    If you see a clone that looks 30 years old, more than likely the clone is 30 years old.

    So I don't buy into the idea that they grew a Micheal Jackson clone in a vat of chemicals that came our fully grown, knowing how to sing, dance and do the moon walk. So, when I see one of those sites that post 100% proof that so and so is a clone, I normally consider that to be a red flag.

    What is more likely is that the people running the program, chose twins for their projects. Or the pick a group of people who look the same to play the same role.

    1. MK Ultra on a celebrity look alike. Makes more sense. Like the performers in Vegas

    2. I agree, occam's razor and all that. Remember how the Nazi's were supposed to be fascinated with twins? Maybe this is why.

      If anyone is interested in hearing some wild shit about cloning, synthetics and robotoids, from the cold war Era then I highly recommend looking up the name Dr Peter Beter on YouTube.
      Prepare for brain ezplosion if you do lol

  8. @Zack

    How about some olympics updates. 1996 bombing and the 2016 Olympics. Clinton was president and now Hilary will be president. The numbers that stand out are 1966 year bomber was born and rio has 33 venues. It's been 7,314 days from bombing to opening ceremony. Anyone have info on the Zika and water contamination in rio ?

  9. As I already warned on terror attacks in the month of June, 2016 by posting those 2 warnings (see here - ), today another terror attack happened, this time in Germany:

    Again, was the ONLY service predicting earlier on May and warning citizens around the world for terror attacks on June, and we were so accurate, in fact, our Red Code marked date was June 22nd (just yesterday!)

    Reports suggest 25-50 injured in Germany cinema attack:

    1. I just saw this. Pretty interesting that it's on the same day as the Brexit vote.

    2. Your homepage needs set.

    3. Ed is already operational, pal!

  10. Radric Delantic Davis" in the English Reduction system equals 86

    Radric Delantic Davis" in the English Ordinal system equals 176

    Manchurian Rapper" in the English Ordinal system equals 176

    Manchurian rapper" in the English Reduction system equals 86

    Radric Delantic Davis Gucci Mane" in the English Reduction system equals 126

    Radric Delantic Davis Gucci Mane" in the English Ordinal system equals 252

    Gucci Mane Manchurian Rapper" in the English Reduction system equals 126

    Gucci Mane Manchurian Rapper" in the English Ordinal system equals 252

    1. 176-86= .. 90 ..

      252-126= .. 126 ..

      126-90= .. 36 ..

      (Gucci Mane Thirty Six Years Old)

      Gucci Mane Thirty Six" in the English Reduction system equals 93

      Gucci Mane Thirty Six" in the English Ordinal system equals 228

      Make your own conclusions.

    2. Gucci Mane Released From Jail. May 26, 2016

      5+26+16= 47
      5+26+20+16= 67
      5+26+(2+0+1+6)= 40
      5+2+6+(2+0+1+6)= 22

      47+67+40+22= .. 176 ..

      Radric Delantic Davis" in the English Ordinal system equals 176

      Manchurian Rapper" in the English Ordinal system equals 176

      Gucci Mane's Birthday Feb. 12, 1980

      2+12+80= 94
      2+12+19+80= 113
      2+12+(1+9+8+0)= 32
      2+1+2+(1+9+8+0)= 23

      94+113+32+23= .. 262 ..

      262-176= .. 86 ..

      Radric Delantic Davis" in the English Reduction system equals 86

      Manchurian rapper" in the English Reduction system equals 86

      That's how you do that.

  11. Completely different subject I know but my news feed on my phone is AOL. I could change it,it just doesn't really matter to me.Anyhow a story from Reuters posted 44 minutes ago. Supreme Court essentially said no to a proposal of Obamas to allow illegal immigrants to stay in thus country. The vote was 44. All of these different 44's in bold type in theheadline of the article. That wouldn't have meant anything to me before. Look,I'm small potatoes here. I'm about 2 weeks in but I love learning it and I'm trying to tell as many people as I can. I seriously hope I can spot a super hidden clue from these fuckers one day.Thanks again Zach.

    1. That's how works, they rub your nose in the numbers, I think a mostly an inside joke. They write the stories then laugh at the readers.

  12. Pardon me. The vote was 4-4.They killed the Italian Judge.

    1. On the 44th day of the year, Lupercalia.
      Lupercalia = 44
      (I am also pretty certain he is alive and well)

    2. I saw the movie " London has fallen" recommend it!


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