Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23, 2016 CNN Front Page (Breaking News Overload- Supreme Court, Germany shooting & Freddie Gray)

In the entire time I have been doing this, I've never seen CNN cram three front page breaking stories on their cover.  Today, June 23, 2016, is a first.


  1. A miraculous catch of numbers:

    German police shoot cinema attacker dead -- 333/153/1010
    A miraculous catch of terrorists, I guess.

    Supreme Court delivers blow to Obama on immigration -- 544/211/3477
    So then, when's Obama going home?

    Win for affirmative action -- 257/122/2235

    Cop acuitted in Freddie Gray case -- 270/135/1284

    House sit-in -- 139/49/601

    Dems keep guns protest going -- 304/115/1144
    Good! You've earned your pay for the day.

    UK decides: In or out of EU? -- 240/96/1120
    Nope, It's already been decided.

    The crackdown on Airbnb has begun -- 277/124/1781
    Airbnb? What's a bnb?

    What Hitler's Jewish neighbor saw -- 338/140/4125
    I don't know. Who cares?

    Brain-eating amoeba kills teen -- 244/109/682
    Then it attacks Tokyo.

    Prisoners murdered for their organs? -- 394/178/1518
    I think there would be a bigger market for electric guitars

    Boyfriend in student killing gets life sentence -- 466/196/1829
    And he still the boyfriend?

    1. *then it attacks Tokyo* hilarious.

    2. OMG -- I could read a post like this every day! Awesomely hilarious!! ;D ;D

  2. Ah I saw the brain eating amoeba killed teen was from Ohio but caught the ammo back from a lake in North Carolina so it connects to the basketball stories


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