Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

33 42 93 | Jason La and Teddie Mattox, the UCLA shooting witnesses June 1, 2016

I bet you there isn't a single person on the planet named Teddi Mattox.  "TM".  20+13 = 33

Teddi = 2+5+4+4+9 = 24
Mattox = 4+1+2+2+6+6 = 21
Teddi Mattox = 45 (Villanova lost to UCLA 45-years ago)

Teddi = 20+5+4+4+9 = 42 (Freemason)
Mattox = 13+1+20+20+15+24 = 93 (Propaganda)
Teddi Mattox = 135

Today is the 153rd day of 2016, June 1, 2016.

Thirty-three year old Jason "La".... in Los Angeles, or L.A.?


  1. Is that 666 on top of the car? Unbelievable. It's a terrible feeling to live in a world where only a select few can see through this bullshit. Please don't ever give up, brother. Your work is too important to ignore.

    1. It sure is. I am guess that is why Zach included the photo. It is pretty bad how much they aren't even tryimg to hide it anymore.

    2. If you click on the link you see 08 08 on two cop
      0808 = 88, same as posion and program

      On the street it say Keep Keep
      Keep Keep = 38 (death), 74

      The video is also conveniently 1:19 long.
      119 is the reflection of 911

  2. Teddi Mattox (T.M.) & Jason La (J.L.)

    T.M = 2,4

    J.L = 1,3

    Two Four" in the English Ordinal system equals 118

    Two Four" in the English Reduction system equals 37
    (UCLA= 37)

    One Three" in the English Ordinal system equals 90

    One Three" in the English Reduction system equals 45

    90+45= .. 135 ..


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