Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My future book tour, ha!


  1. Come to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can put you up for an Atlanta stop. Looks like the SE is filling up.

  4. You have to stop by the Big Apple. Lot of Truth Seekers out here.

    1. I'm in NYC, and I don't know about this statement. Most of the people I know here either don't care, or are straight retarded lol.

    2. I think people in NYC know more than they are willing to admit. They're just too afraid to speak up. But if I'm wrong, then you're probably right lol.

  5. Its ok Zach. I will buy your book :)

  6. Hey Zach, there were some deaths related to Hockey on May 30, memorial day. I saw it on ESPN yesterday and started looking in to it. Can you check it out and see if anything is clued up for who will win the Stanley cup? Both deaths have connections to sharks and penguins. I am still trying to solve the riddles

  7. Hey zach, i just noticed that Boston is currently 32-20 (322) in the mlb..

    Also ortiz is retiring after this year....

    Maybe something to keep an eye on.

    1. That would be something, the GM of the Cubs vs his old team... two cursed teams... I'm not giving up on my Astros pick yet.

    2. Hey i also want to remind you...

      That last year when i made my royals in the world series prediction...

      It was based off of their record...

      I made my prediction june 10th.

      They were the only team in the league with a "33-23" record.

      A few teams are close to that record right now..

      Might want to take notes on any team that has a "33-23" or maybe "23-33" record.

      Watch for this record in the next few days. Might be a connection.

    3. Astros are 100% dead. Their star pitcher Keuchal is awful this year. Rangers rule the AL

    4. Houston dead? They are currently on a 5 game win streak, and creeping up the standings. Still plenty of ball left.

    5. Interesting.. With Houston's loss tonight, they are 25-30. Where have we seen that number before? (523-235)

  8. I actually think you'll have a good turnout Zach. The only thing is, there will be several people arguing about sports behind your booth.

  9. Yeah- people think I am retarded when I talk about this stuff. You have a great writing voice, especially for this material. I plan on telling everyone about it. Looking forward to more blank stares...


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