Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 2, 2016

44 | Feeling the '44' on June 2, 2016

Today two bad things happened to people close to me.

One, my friend got in a 'car crash', they should be okay, but it was still a bummer.

Car Crash = 44

Two, my sister, who I haven't talked to in a couple of years now, was diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer = 26 (June 2, or 2/6)
Cancer = 44 (6/2/2016 = 6+2+20+16 = 44)

My sister is also 44-years old...

She's born in Sagittarius (Pearl Harbor Day)
I'm born in Cancer

Sagittarius = 144
Cancer = 44

My sister said I got what I deserved when my house was burglarized.  I told her she should be careful what she says, because saying shit like that will bring something bad back.  We haven't talked since.  Now I feel bad that we haven't spoken and something bad has come back.


  1. Cancer is never a good thing to have, but I don't think it is the cancer that kills people it always seems the chemo does. It can always be cured with a propper diet as well. Our bodies are amazing at getting rid of these diseases.

    1. I agree, but sadly my sister is very mainstream and my mom is telling me that my sister has already decided she is going to do chemo. My mom was trying to tell her to seek alternatives and work on her diet (something I've been telling my sister for fifteen years now) but my sister wasn't listening. Her husband is a doctor and he reenforces that mainstream medical message.

    2. The T Cell training to target your exact cancer is showing great results! It's also in the mainstream, so the doc hubby will accept! Most of the "Cancer Treatment Centers of America" can offer or direct to research hospitals that offer. At the very least genomic testing of the cancer should always be done for targeted treatment.

      Infamous investor Sean Parker (Napster, Facebook) just dumped several hundred million into T Cell based cancer treatment.

    3. Zach search youtube "cancer liposomal vitamin c"

  2. Sorry to hear that bro sending good vibes your way

  3. Sorry Zach, hope everything works out and this brings you and your sister closer.

  4. Family shit. Impossible to make right in my experience. I wish you the best, but keep a watch at your back. I'm sure you are aware that the shithole "powers that be" know just how to take out family, especially via cancer. Been doing that since at least JFK. Take care Zach. Take a break.

  5. This is one of my concerns also..

    My first name = 44

    I was born a cancer = 44

    Plus the number 33 seems to be very connected to me...

    Savage = 330

    The number 33 follows me around everywhere everyday..

    Even my license number adds up to 33

    I turn 33 in two years.

    I feel like something bad my happen then... plus i have very fair skin and skin cancer has always been something I've worried about.

    1. Me too. But that's the system trying to scare you. Lots of the awaken are coded with natural 33s and 44s. My first and middle name reduce to 33, my birthday is 33, is see 123 all the time, my anniversary is 1-23. All unknowingy done.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. People who use numerology probably failed at math and statistics in school. Here is a secret: you can make numbers say anything you want them to say. So if you're using numerology to say something - that is like using numerology to cook your food for you.

    1. You do realize how ridiculous that statement is, right?

      According to your logic, Pythagoras failed at math... Just so you know, the person that writes this blog used to make a living using math.

      I'd do my research next time, before speaking down to others like you're better, or possess more intellect than them.

    2. And if you don't use numbers to cook, you'll fuck your food.

      Chef Shaughnessy

  8. Write your sister a letter apologizing for whatever she's pissed at you about. It doesn't matter if you're right and she's wrong do it anyway. She made the right choice with chemo alternative cancer treatments don't work. So sorry to hear the news. Hope everything turns out okay. You might want to send flowers along with that letter too. I'm sure she'd love that. Cancer is very scary make sure she's knows you're there for her.

  9. Sorry to hear this Zach. Cancer is brutal. My grandmother died of breast cancer years back.

    Hopefully your sister is strong and will pull through

  10. Hey Zach, Deadspin just did a post on your Cavs prediction ... no surprise there, "first they ignore you, then they mock you ..."

    1. That didn't go well for USA Today or Sports Illustrated when they did the same thing. Thanks for the heads up.

  11. Very sad news, I wish all the best. Hope you are fairing well. Keep that chin up, and keep an eye out for a silver lining, brother.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry the hear this. Cancer seems to be a big thing lately. So, I hope things go well with you and your sister.

  14. Sorry to hear this tough news. Stay strong. The universe is a mysterious thing the way those numbers show up even in our personal lives.

  15. I'm sorry to hear this. My birthday is Dec 7th, my boyfriend is 44 and his sign is Cancer.

  16. You never know, Maybe her Husband the Doctor gave it to her.. Doctor are just like Lawyers, Judges, firefighters, Police, and all the rest of the Oath takers.... There in the club and we aren't............. And who really knows why death is so bad... I believe this is a level of hell where we are now...I pray you two work out your beef... But your for truth and she is for the lie.........We fellow truth seekers are your brothers and sisters Zach .. Remember that brother

  17. Sorry to hear it, man. Alkalizing the body is supposed to rid the body of acids and carcinogens. For instance, eating bananas and drinking lemon water are two of the best ways to alkalize. Cancer can only grow in an acidic environment. That's why they pump sugar so much in our society (nothing but acid). Also things like green vegetables can cleanse and alkalize. For what it's worth.

  18. June 2nd also happened to be my birthday.. and honestly this hit me hard considering my girlfriend happened to be in a car accident that night, right after getting a new tattoo.

    Wow, I am MINDBLOWN

  19. June 2nd also happened to be my birthday.. and honestly this hit me hard considering my girlfriend happened to be in a car accident that night, right after getting a new tattoo.

    Wow, I am MINDBLOWN


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