Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, June 3, 2016

Deadspin calls my work "bat shit crazy", June 2, 2016

I notice the turd who wrote the article posted at 5:55.  Big number in basketball.

You might recall this commercial during basketball season from the year Kevin Durant won MVP.  Remember, the MVP award began in '55.


  1. Compared to "normal" sleeping society, you are batshit crazy. If you ever get arrested and start talking the talk, they'll toss you in a padded room with an armful of thorozine just for shits and giggles.

  2. At least that article, even though it's presented in a mocking tone, is gonna bring new people to your blog and YouTube account. All this shit trying to discredit you is inevitably going to bring more truth seekers to your work. I think the powers that be are trying to discredit you and your work before it reaches a big enough audience. The attention you've received through the media is really a high honor, even though they're mocking you, they know of you and they're afraid of who you are and what you've discovered.

  3. Check out this article that came out before the The Finals started.

    The teacher is ofcourse flaunting a GS shirt ha. A bad omen perhaps?

  4. They also included warris video and Bobby Broussard video lol.

    1. They should be giving Dan the Man some love. No one can mess with Dan the Man!

    2. You do realize, that it wont be long now when you see your work on a TV Show. As always it will be a White Wash to mind control people into not looking any deeper. DO NOT SELL THE RIGHT TO MAKE A MOVIE/TV OUT OF YOUR BOOK!

  5. If cavs win you will def be dead soon lol

  6. The Author of that Article - Kevin Draper =123. Conspiracy =123.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Essentially, you know you are uncomfortably close to the truth when they finally decide to" expose" you (in order to mock you of course so the normies will associate your name with "crazy conspiracy theorist") ... in any case, be safe man and best of luck ... you are pretty much the only guy I know writing about how Zionist Jews are in total control of the NBA (among other things of course!) and are actually rigging games ... they are notorious for taking out their enemies in unusual "accidents" -- e.g., Boston brakes (see OKC Thunder owner Aubrey McClendon), etc. ...

  9. Yesterday on CNN I heard them mention that no Democrat has ever won an election the same year as a western team won the NBA final. As if openly admitting that the two are events are directly connected. So they reported the dems are rooting for Cavs and Gop are rooting for warriors. I just laughed and laughed. Congrats on the exposure to all mentioned!

  10. As I've said on your YouTube channel, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Even when they blackwash you, it sends more people to your blog. They can make up their own minds then.

    A little prediction: You will know when you've made it when they start creating about a dozen slickly produced but misleading YouTube channels about Gematria. Think of an Eric Dubay of Gematria.

  11. They shouldn't have brought up Elon Musk. He's in the news today saying we live in a computer program.
    Elon Musk: The chance we are not living in a computer simulation is 'one in billions'
    But this could be part of the conspiracy too. Elon could just be protecting the Zionist blaming the synchronicities on the matrix. lol

    1. One in a billion---131, 295(J)

      One in a billion chance---165, 990, 355

    2. You'd have a greater chance at throwing snowballs in hell = 216

      A greater chance of throwing snowballs in hell = 187

      Throwing snowballs in hell = 111

    3. Peppermint Schnapps Snow Cone---336, 2016

      Get some.

    4. Oh, Pigs will Fly---173, 1038

      Mark my Words---160, 960


    5. Once in a blue moon. -- 158/68/545


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