Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, June 4, 2016

33 42 63 64 74 79 96 | The Prophet Muhammad died at age 63, and Ali died 63-days before the Olympics, on 6/3 (The "Messenger")

When you sum 1 through 63, it totals 2016, like the year.

Muhammad is referred to as the "Messenger" in the Quran.

Let us not forget that 'Muhammad Ali' was born in '42.

It has also been 42-years since 1974 when Ali became champion for the second time.

Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammad Ali in 1964, the year he became the boxing champion of the world.  If you count the end date, his death comes in a span of 64-days from the start of the Olympics.

Ali was 22-years old when he changed his name.

The means he was Muhammad Ali for '52-years'.  Muhammad in the Quran is often referred to as the 'Prophet' Muhammad.

As I said earlier in the year, "52 seems to be huge in the year of the Pope's vista", which is still going on.

Recall, the first Olympics in Greece were on the date of April 6, which can be written 6/4.  That is the 96th day of the year.

Recall how Muhammad Ali opened the '96 Summer Games in Atlanta, on the thirty-third parallel, the same parallel he died on in Phoenix.  Most boxing rings are 96-feet around.

In light of Ali dying at 1974, let us look at his 1974 boxing match against George Foreman, known as the 'Rumble in the Jungle'.

This was the first fight 'Don King' ever promoted.

The date of the fight had '113' numerology.

10/29/74 = 10+29+74 = 113

It was also a date with '33' numerology.  We just saw Ali pass on the the 33rd parallel.

10/29/1974 = 1+0+2+9+1+9+7+4 = 33 (Don = 33)

October is also the only month with '33' gematria, that special number to the same gang of Jews and Masons.

Notice also that 'Rumble in the Jungle', what the event was called, had gematria of '79', matching Ali's birth numerology; born to be a champion.

Again, Muhammad Ali was born January 17, 1942. a date with 79 numerology.

1/17/1942 = 1+17+19+42 = 79

George Foreman was born January 10, 1949.

1/10/1949 = 1+10+19+49 = 79

The Jews also love to stamp '59' on the black people, 'Zaire' was a fitting location for making money off two black men beating the shit out of each other.


  1. 6+3+16= 25
    6+3+20+16= .. 45 ..
    6+3+(2+0+1+6)= 18

    25+45+18= .. 88 ..

    Kill Boxer" in the English Reduction system equals 45

    June Third Muhammad Ali" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    Cassius Clay Muhammad Ali" in the English Ordinal system equals 228

    CC + MA = 33 + 41 = 74

    Cassius Clay " in the English Reduction system equals 33

    Forty One" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    Forty One" in the English Ordinal system equals 118

    June Third" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    June Third Ali" in the English Reduction system equals 59

    Jewish Kill" in the English Ordinal system equals 118

    Jewish Kill" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    1. I posted this in the other thread

      Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee = 133, 142

      Not sure if there is a relationship but if Cleveland wins game 2 they will be 13-3 in playoffs and 42 has a relationship with 142

      Lebron James = 42

      Ali rope a dope = 63
      Cavaliers =36 the reflection of 63

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dude I think the next game is Sunday.

    4. January Seventeenth" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

      January Seventeenth" in the English Reduction system equals 74

      Louisville Phoenix" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

      Louisville Phoenix" in the English Reduction system equals 92 / 101

    5. 92-74= .. 18 ..

      Eighteen" in the English Ordinal system equals 73

      Eighteen" in the English Reduction system equals 46

      6+3+(2+0+1+6)= .. 18 ..

      KY AZ" in the English Reduction system equals 18

      KY AZ" in the English Ordinal system equals 63

      (((or 6-3)))

    6. Thanks Warri... I had like 4 hours of sleep the past few nights and confused myself hahaha....

      the game is definitely tomorrow.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Thats only recently. He lost game 2 against spurs in 2007

  2. 15 Rounds with Muhammed Ali by Billy Crystal

    The Vietnam connection is well presented.

  3. I'm sure if you look into it, you'll find some connections to Elijah Muhammad, former leader of the NOI based in Chicago.

    1. Malcolm X broke off from the Nation of Islam in '64.

    2. Good observation!

      Elijah Muhammad = 119

      His last name at birth was Poole...

      Poole = 63... Muhammad Ali died on 6/3.


    3. His middle name was Robert, aka "33"...

    4. In Bacon, NOI = 116, if six was nine...


    5. NOI = 228(E)/99(J)

      The 99th prime is 523, and the sum of 99's divisors is 156.

      Nation of Islam = 888(E)

    6. 6/3/16 9:10 MT (21:10 MT) in Phoenix,AZ is also 6/4/16 04:10 UTC

  4. Tatyana Ali (Ashley from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) birthday is 4 months 11 days from Muhammad Ali's death yesterday.

    1. And 7 months 22 days til her next bday in 2017

    2. I had a huge crush on her when I was a kid.


  5. Another sports upset occurred, Serena Williams was defeated at the French Open.

  6. heavyweight - 8+5+1+22+25+23+5+9+7+8+20 = 133 SE

    From the first Olympics to Ali's birth
    1942 - 1896 = 46 kind of like 4/6 the first day of the first Olypics

  7. I already broke this shit down on my channel it is connected to the NBA finals. 44 days after death of Prince. King James equals 44 4x4 is 16 and Sum Prince and Muhammad Ali's ages you get 131 for Championship.
    M=13 and A=1 131 again.

    Sacrifice equals 226. 22x6 is 132 Like Ali. 6/2 for the start of the finals.

    63 days before Rio very good catch

    They said he died in Phoenix=46

    Also Ali was Champion in 1974? God damn Sports are all scripted.

    1. Prince was sacrificed for GSW though... So could this be a final sacrifice for their 131, to 44 LeBron?

    2. I just realized that LeBron sums to 118 in Bacon... 118 and 44 are numbers connected to kill and death. 118 is also connected to another James(Madison), and Saturn(Nike).

      Just do it = 118


    3. LBJ = 102(B)... 102 and 118 are both connected to Darren Collison.

    4. Lebron was prince for Halloween which is why he lost the Finals. Lebron equals 197 like prince. They are connected to both teams. The date of Princes death to game 6 is 57 days. Come on bruh

    5. I'm confused about what you're trying to articulate here... In other words, who do you think will win?

      For the record, I think it will be GSW in 7... If they win game 2, it will be GSW in 5.

    6. Queen Elizabeth II equals 168 and 1008 Lol Like Cleveland Cavaliers, Like Fifty one years, like Erik Spoelstra. Queen Elizabeth equals 69.

      Lay down your reasoning for GSW In 7. Lay down your reasoning for the Elite to Put Lebron under the rug for SOMEONE 3 YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIM.

    7. Warri is the smartest person on here. Show him some respec!

    8. I'm not trying to sway anyone Warri, but my reasoning is one of the least complicated out there... I will reveal the one simple thing, which made me confident in my choice when it's all said and done(whether I get it right or wrong).


      For now, take a look at my 7 game scenario...

      Game 1 - GSW
      Game 2 - CLE
      Game 3 - CLE
      Game 4 - GSW
      Game 5 - CLE
      Game 6 - GSW
      Game 7 - GSW

      You don't think this scenario would set things up perfectly for Vegas?


      As for the age of the players, that doesn't mean a damn thing... Look at how the torch was passed down from Magic to Michael. They invested a ton of money in Magic, but they still made him bow out early. In the end, he paid off his debt later on.

      To the people rigging the system, it's not always about getting a return on investment right away... They think further into the future than most could even fathom.



      To whom it may concern...

      Stay confident in your picks... Don't let me, or anyone else for that matter, sway and confuse you.


    9. I respect your opinion.

      Mike you were saying you were the smartest person on the board. Your opinion doesn't mean much so stop mentioning me in your opinions!

  8. Yesterday was Curtis Mayfield's birthday, he was born in 1942, died Dec 26th, 1999 at the age of 57 in Roswell, Georgia. I'm wondering if this is at all related too or just random that I took notice.

  9. Ali didn't have Parkinson's, the Jews poisoned him ... and now they have sacrificed him ...


      Like everyone's favourite time traveller.

    2. I actually think Fox is simply faking it ... Ali was a much greater threat given his charisma so he had to be incapacitated ... he wasn't killed since he's probably been such a cash cow over the last few decades ...

  10. Let's not forget "race war" 33.

  11. Interesting because 6/5 is typically the 156th day of the year. Cavs played on 5/23 and lost with 99 points. I wonder if that is a clue that they will lose game two. Or maybe they will win since it is a leap year so 6/5 is the 157th day now

    1. Princes death to Sunday is 46 days with the end date. 1 month and 16 days.

      Lebron should take it.

      The game after that is 49days after with the end date but without is 48 which is for Lebron hmm

    2. I'm just seeing this comment now Rigged... hopefully this will help you or Warri.

      523, happens to be the 99th prime, and the summed divisors of 99 (1 + 3 + 9 + 11 + 33 + 99) = 156


  12. Actually after watching the press conference by the Ali family "spokesman", I think Ali's death is a hoax (see also Prince) ...

    1. You think he's still alive?

    2. Zionists are notorious hoaxers and I believe that's what they also did with Prince and David Bowie ...

    3. So, where are they if that's the case?

    4. Our map of the world was given to us from the same bunch who have lied to us about pretty much everything. Why assume it's correct?
      The world could be a lot bigger than we know.

    5. @Sanjay H - It's interesting that the family is having a private viewing and burial. That seems to be happening more when celebs die - no public viewing.

  13. Listening to funeral arrangement announcement. Any thoughts on Ali private family service on Thursday and then on Friday being interred before the public memorial service, along with cause of death being septic failure?

  14. Muhammad Ali = 42
    Lebron James = 42

  15. That is what I am thinking but can see both sides

  16. Also Bryce DeJean-Jones died in Dallas which is also on the 33rd.


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