Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 9, 2016

26 41 67 | Dylan Noble, 19-year old white teen, shot June 25, 2016

This story is circulating on social media as one of those, "See, no one cares about the white kid who was shot by the police!".  It is another divide and conquer story, another false narrative.

Notice the kid's name is Dylan, an automatic reference to the Charleston Church shooter, Dylann Storm Roof.  The name "Dylan Noble" is clearly a name for a "psy-op" story.  What a last name.

Dylan = 4+7+3+1+5 = 20
Noble = 5+6+2+3+5 = 21
Dylan Noble = 41 (13th Prime)

Dylan = 4+25+12+1+14 = 56
Noble = 14+15+2+12+5 = 48
Dylan Noble = 104

Reportedly, he was shot on George Orwell's birthday, June 25, 2016.

6/25/2016 = 6+25+20+16 = 67 (Freemasonry) (Alton Sterling) Philando Castile)

I like the mention of how long the video is, 26 seconds.

Mason = 26


  1. White and nobel. Did he have a horse?

    1. He has a horseshit story about him, if that counts.

    2. I knew a kid named Noble in middle school who lost an eye and three fingers trying to build a bomb. If that happened today he would have been *branded* a domestic terrorist.

    3. No doubt. I will neither admit nor deny having done such things. Never blew up, though.

    4. @extracapsa. Possibly, but more than likely he would only be branded an idiot by the locals. Because little Noble wasn't contrived for the agenda by the numbers.

    5. True that. Good ol Anarchist's Cookbook eh Shag ;)

    6. Not me! But we're I Canadian, I would be you. And the Banana Peel thing did not work.

  2. 100' feet away for 26 seconds?

    100 + 26 = 126
    "One Two Six" = 144

    1. 100' away for 26 seconds with a 14 second gap?

      100 + 26 - 14 = 112 [Alt 911 dialing code]
      "One One Two" = 126

      "One Hundred Twenty Six" = 96 & 267
      "Bankers without Borders" = 96 & 267

      503 is the 96th Prime
      "Five Three" = 53 [Sum 1 thru 53 = 1431]

      "Scottish Rite Freemasonry" = 1431(Jewish)
      "Behold a Pale White Horse" = 1431
      "Instrument of Destruction" = 1431 [322 in Simple Gematria]

  3. Dylann Oble?
    Oble = 34

    And they add the details about him making a "conscious effort" to keep his hands behind his back and in his waistband? After a police chase? what, was he braindead? This smells of bullshit

    And he mutters he hates his life, just to round out your perfect image of the suicidal white lone wolf maniac


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