Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, July 9, 2016

RFG Chosen One (blog follower) says Alton Sterling killed by police (Reminder: Not all YouTube truthers are "chosen")

The comment reads:

"How do you know the killing of Alton Sterling was real? My research shows his death was a planned propaganda event, corresponding with the 'Blues Lives Matter' bill, signed by the Louisiana Governor, May 26, 2016. That bill Targeted Black Lives Matter, saying they were a threat to police, causing 'hate crimes' against police. The day after the news of Alton Sterling's killing, the Black Lives Matter protest had the shooting of police in Dallas. Learn your gematria.Hate Crime = 46 Dallas Police = 46 Dallas, Texas = 46 Baton Rouge = 46

The officer who killed Alton Sterling, has name gematria of '46' and there's even more. Also, the Alton Sterling shooting came across the street from a store called 'Big Ben', and in London, where Big Ben is, the 'Pound Sterling' is not doing well. This is all part of an NWO psy-op. So again, I ask, how do you know the killing of Alton Sterling was real? Checkout my channel for more information. This is all part of a race war, planned agenda, psy-op, and you've got more homework to do."


  1. The response should be interesting, if you get one. I doubt you will.

    1. Naw. He'll probably just get deleted and in another video this guy will say that Z never responded.
      That's the kind of flakes we deal with, apparently!

  2. As a person of mixed descent I find his remarks highly offensive and downright racist, sparking division amongst us all. Our focus should be on coming together to address the real problems of this world. Who the hell cares about the goddamned melanin you may or may not have. All I care about is surrounding myself with intelligent, free-thinking people who share a common belief in ridding this nation of the disease that has infected it since its inception.

    1. Thanks Elliot, I'm trying to help RFG get there. Your message is right on point.

    2. Your welcome, Zach. I just feel bad for the guy. All that knowledge he possesses is not being put to good use. Please keep it up. You've revolutionized the truth movement, and I trust you'll never forget that. Serious talk. Much respect.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Here is another Gematria lesson for you.
      Lawyer = 84
      United States of America = 84

      And I thought you were trying to take the system down, not be a part of it?

    2. Wait! Lemme call the WAHHHHHHmbulance for you!

  4. It really seems like Zach gets jealous of other people who get attention in the truth seeking community. Sad we cant all just get along and work together

    1. How much do you get paid to troll my channel? $10 an hour? Sorry about your $5000 loss tonight, looks like you were wrong again. Still waiting for a correct pick from you.


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