Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

33 44 46 47 58 118 119 211 | The Alton Sterling shooting hoax by Baton Rouge Police on July 5, 2016, decoded

You'll notice down below that Alton Sterling is known as 'CD Man'.

Alton = 1+3+2+6+5 = 17 (CD Man) (Mason)
Sterling = 1+2+5+9+3+9+5+7 = 41/50
Alton Sterling = 58/67 (Freemasonry = 58/67)

This story comes on July 6, or 6/7.

Alton = 1+12+20+15+14 = 62 (Mason)
Sterling = 19+20+5+18+12+9+14+7 = 104 (Message Confirmed, Over and Out)
Alton Sterling = 166

His name connects to his July 5, or 7/5 assassination.

His initials also pop.

A = 1; S = 19; AS = 119

I suspect this prop outfit was a paid advertisement by Miller.

Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33 (Prohibition ended in '33)

This story comes from July 5, 2016, a date written 5/7 or 7/5.
Scottish Rite = 57; New World Order = 75

7/5/2016 = 7+5+20+16 = 48 (48 second clip of shooting) (Hoax = 48) (Propaganda = 48)

Let us examine the name of the police in light of Baton Rouge.

Baton = 2+1+2+6+5 = 16
Rouge = 9+6+3+7+5 = 30
Baton Rouge = 46 (Sacrifice)

Baton = 2+1+20+15+14 = 52
Rouge = 18+15+21+7+5 = 66
Baton Rouge = 118 (Death)

Baton Rouge, Louisiane is also right for a national psy-op centered on death.

And Louisiana and 'death'.

Their times with the department being reported as 4 years and 3 years also reminds me of '43' for 'Civil War'.

The first officer named is Blane Salamoni, with the BS initials, not by accident.

Blane = 2+3+1+5+5 = 16
Salamoni = 1+1+3+1+4+6+5+9 = 30/39
Blane Salamoni = 46/55 (Baton Rouge = 46)

Blane = 2+12+1+14+5 = 34
Salamoni = 19+1+12+1+13+15+14+9 = 84
Blane Salamoni = 118 (Death) (Baton Rouge)

The second officer is Howie Lake II.

Howie = 8+6+5+9+5 = 33 (Police) (Race War)
Lake = 3+1+2+5 = 11
Howie Lake = 44 (Officer) (Trooper) (Kill) (Shooting); Howie Lake II = 62 (Mason)

Howie = 8+15+23+9+5 = 60 (Police) (Conspiracy)
Lake = 12+1+11+5 = 29
Howie Lake = 89; Howie Lake II = 107 (Shooting)

Johnny Dunham, aka 'manchurian police'.

His name also connects to the date of the incident, July 5, or 5/7.

The victim's age of 37 might also factor into the 5/7 killing.

And am I the only one that thinks the name Carl Dabadle Jr. sounds like it is contrived?  It connects to 'Baton Rouge' and more.

The federal police are who seemingly maintain the 'race war' propaganda by the numbers.

In Jewish Gematria, the name 'Alton' also matches 'Mason'.

The number 211 is the 47th prime number.

Louisiana = 3+6+3+9+1/10+9+1+5+1 = 38/47

Again, the Masons are playing 'God' over the masses.

Mason = 4+1+1/10+6+5 = 17/26

When you sum every number 1-26, it totals 351.

CNN has this on their news ticker just before they introduce the video of his killing.  The "skirts" know what's up with '213'.

They also had some NWO coding, going with the date of the shooting.

New World Order = 75/174


  1. "Miller" also equals 48, just like the date of the shooting.

    From the Story:
    "Get on the Ground" = 74 & 173
    "Master of the Lodge" = 74 & 173

    "One Hundred Seventy Three" = 112 [1 + 1 = 2]
    173 is the 40th Prime Number

    "Fortieth Prime Number" = 235 [First 3 Prime Numbers]
    "Forty" = 84 [the reflection of the date of shooting]

    From the Story:
    "He's got a Gun" = 45 & 117 [both reduce to 9]

    197 is the 45th Prime
    "Forty Five" = 54 = "Fifty Four" [Pure Reflections]
    "One Hundred Ninety Seven" = 107

    1. bad...I was looking into a movie character from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"...."Ian Miller" = 48. Sorry about that.

      "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" = 105 = "Zionism"

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Im pretty sure he didn't predict him to win the whole thing just vs djokovic...

    2. Don't mind him, he is the worst troll of my blog. If you can believe it, he showed up just in time for Super Bowl 50 where Peyton Manning won. He just asked to be my Facebook friend the other day. Apparently Mike Manning is a 20-year old middle eastern man and a professional gambler, at least according to his Facebook profile.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Re: Mayor Melvin "Kip" Holden (Sr.) ... there's a Really Strange report at (LA news) saying that Holden's *37* year old son -- "Kip II" -- was arrested on Domestic Abuse Charges ... On "FRIDAY NIGHT" ... with No Date Given. No other media have anything about it.

    Given that this "son" is the EXACT SAME AGE as the "Alton Sterling" character ... & that he was reportedly "arrested" for throwing some pillows at his wife ... it makes you wonder if it's a tactic to "ensure" the mayor goes along with this farce ... Or ... is this just another facet of the overall "ritual"?

    In 2015 there were allegations of sexual misconduct against Mayor Kip Sr. It's been noted before that "scandals" are often used as blackmail to make sure All The Necessary People "Stay On Board". Maybe that's how Baton Rouge wound up with the "lucky" assignment of hosting this -- the latest Race War Event. ;D :D

    1. Such things can have serious consequences:

      Pillow Fight -- 137 SE
      137 is the 33rd prime

      Authority =137
      Mind Control =137
      Authority =137
      Washington DC =137
      United States President =1137

    2. Lol -- who knew? Bunch of pillow huggers I guess ... ;D ;D

  4. 2-0 Portugal. is that too much hype so the common bettor favors Portugal to win?

  5. Indeed Zach, the names selected for these hoaxes are always specifically chosen to symbolise the themes being conveyed. Both Alton and sterling have Anglo-Saxon olde English origins. The etymology of Alton derives from a last name meaning town at the source of a river. Sterling comes from the word steorra meaning star, due to the fact the original silver pennies bore a star makers mark. Rather interesting when you consider the death place being located close to the Mississippi River. Also Triple S Food mart, triple s, S S S = 19 19 19 = 57 a lot like the date of his death...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. HEADLINE: Dallas police shooting: 'Black Power group' claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come

    'Black Power group' English Reduction EQUALS 75
    (2+3+1+3+2+0+7+6+5+5+9+0+7+9+6+3+7), which reduces to 12, which reduces to 3

    "assassinations" in the English Reduction system equals 44 (1+1+1+1+1+1+9+5+1+2+9+6+5+1), which reduces to 8$category%20p$1

    "Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage"

    EQUALS 307 (7+6+3+9+3+5+0+2+9+3+3+0+4+6+9+5+0+5+8+9+2+5+1+0+2+8+1+5+0+2+3+1+3+2+1+0+2+3+2+0+4+9+5+6+9+9+2+7+0+4+5+1+2+8+1+0+7+5+5+5+9+1+2+5+0+4+6+9+5+0+6+3+2+9+1+7+5), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1

    "outrage" in the English Reduction system equals 33 (6+3+2+9+1+7+5), which reduces to 6

    "racist police" in the English Reduction system equals 58 (9+1+3+9+1+2+0+7+6+3+9+3+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4

    "black on black crime" in the English Reduction system equals 63 (2+3+1+3+2+0+6+5+0+2+3+1+3+2+0+3+9+9+4+5), which reduces to 9

    Ex-Illinois Rep. Walsh says Twitter took down Dallas tweet 'Watch out Obama' Chicago Tribune Headline

    "watch out obama" in the English Reduction system equals 44 (5+1+2+3+8+0+6+3+2+0+6+2+1+4+1), which reduces to 8

    "Watch out" in the English Reduction system equals 30 (5+1+2+3+8+0+6+3+2), which reduces to 3

    "This is now war" in the English Reduction system equals 61 (2+8+9+1+0+9+1+0+5+6+5+0+5+1+9), which reduces to 7
    "outrage" in the English Reduction system EQUALS 33 (6+3+2+9+1+7+5), which reduces to 6

    Dallas attack suspect 'wanted to kill white people'

    "wanted to kill white people" in the English Reduction system equals 109

    (5+1+5+2+5+4+0+2+6+0+2+9+3+3+0+5+8+9+2+5+0+7+5+6+7+3+5), which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1

    "Racist Police" in the English Reduction system EQUALS 58 (9+1+3+9+1+2+0+7+6+3+9+3+5), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4

    "racist " in the English Reduction system equals 25 (9+1+3+9+1+2+0), which reduces to 7


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