Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

33 44 62 138 | KKK wins 'Adopt-A-Highway' ruling in Georgia, July 5, 2016, propaganda by the numbers

There's no question why 'Adopt-A-Highway' is emphasized.

The small way also connect to the KKK.

KKK = 11+11+11 = 33

As you read through, be sure to notice the number of pages in the ruling.

The 33 page ruling on the KKK related matter?

KKK = 11+11+11 = 33

This story comes out of 'Georgia'.

Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44
Georgia = 7+5+15+18+7+9+1 = 62 (Mason)


  1. There goes the neighborhood!

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  2. a bills player named Kyle Calloway was killed by a train recently. is there any connection to super bowl 51?

  3. If I understand correctly, this whole "case" is a NON-ISSUE anyway -- because the state DISCONTINUED THE CLEANUP PROGRAM 4 YEARS AGO ... right? But that's ONLY mentioned in the next to last sentence ... paragraph 18 (out of 19) ... sentence 27 (out of 28).

    What a wonderful display of wasting tax dollars -- though I doubt ANYONE connected to this SCAM actually DID ANYTHING. It's more likely some Law School Interns were told to write up briefs for a HYPOTHETICAL CASE ... & THAT'S what's being presented to us denizens of "The Lower Tier" as though it were Fact. (Doubters: if someone decided to "speak up" about such a deception -- who'd believe them? Besides, "Speaking Out" ... & ... "Being Accepted Into The Bar" are two wholly incompatible entities.)

    Georgia has been Ground Zero for Race-Related Trouble since Day One.

    Flipping through the study guide for Becoming An American Citizen, I recently learned something ... Georgia was the "13th ORIGINAL STATE". Now, NO ONE will EVER convince me that THAT is NOT a "Trick Question" -- slipped in there to deliberately Trip People Up. What do we hear about ad nauseum? The 13 ORIGINAL COLONIES ... NOT ... "The 13 ORIGINAL STATES"! ;D:D

    1. This is one of those trolling stories, I think, they do it just to get people worked up bit that ino about Georgia is really interesting, thank u. I feel like Georgia is a really important layer in the story. It's the 4th state accepted into union and 4 is a cornerstone, it turns a triangle into a square. Plus, the force/4s, and guidestones, etc.

    2. Think about the definition of state, it can refer to a particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time, ex: the state of the company's finances."
      Synonyms: shape, circumstances, position.

      It can also mean to express something clearly in speech or writing.
      Ex: "the reported stayed that..blah, blah, blah."
      Synonyms: express, voice, utter...

      We have to look at the stories on more than just the literal of what they refer to.
      Like I was thinking about how Georgia is the fourth state and the term "4th Estate" is used to refer to the news media, journalism, the press. As we know the press is extremely powerful as most people believe everything they poop out. So I take that as to Georgia being a lot more powerful than we r told. Plus they have like 4 army bases and we know how important the military is.
      It's something to consider anyway.

    3. Those are EXCELLENT points about Georgia! That one about the "Fourth Estate" REALLY got my attention -- because that's EXACTLY how the person studying for this exam pronounces "State"!

      FYI: Most Mexicans (but few Americans) KNOW that ... PRIOR TO the '96 Summer Olympics in Atlanta ... the U.S. GOV went trolling through Mexico, searching for "Skilled Craftsmen" to construct ALL of the facilities needed for The Games (including hotels, etc.). They enticed workers to come with (mostly unfulfilled) "PROMISES" of high wages ... & ... (to ensure "They'd Stay Put & Keep Working") ... Workers' Families were INVITED to come along as well!

      Hundreds Of Thousands of Mexicans were brought in ... ALL at Gov Expense & with NO "U.S. Documentation" (thus guaranteeing "no messy paper trails"). It would also later serve as the "EXCUSE" needed to Deport Them when the work was finished.

      AFTER the work was done, the LOCAL GOV claimed that the influx of Mexicans was "Ruining the Old South 'Feel' of the City" -- & would "be a drain on their economy" ... so ... THOUSANDS were rounded up & quickly deported. Many however, had already moved to other parts of the U.S. -- completely unaware that they were considered "illegal" ... because it was the U.S. GOV who had brought them here!

      ANOTHER TRUTH Never Publicized -- Each one of the Million+ Bricks that pave the 21-Acre "Olympic Park" ... WAS MADE -- & LAID ... by SKILLED MEXICAN brick masons -- craftsmen specifically imported from a region of Mexico (that was formerly) well-known for such talent. Not only was this labor obtained for a fraction of it's worth ... but it ALSO DRAINED FROM MEXICO much of it's most-highly-skilled population (proving there's more than one way to decimate a nation's economy!).

      NOW though -- Georgia has some of the harshest "Anti-immigration" practices in the country ... akin to those in Arizona.

      While verifying some of the info above, I ran into something else -- something even MORE RELEVANT:

      "William Porter Payne" is credited with "Bringing The Olympics To Atlanta". His wiki page says he is a Member Of: "THE GRIDIRON SECRET SOCIETY" ...

      ... which is a GEORGIAN BRANCH OF "SKULL & BONES" (!)

      EVERY Georgian Politician -- *SINCE THE 1930s* -- has been A Member ... including President Jimmy Carter!
      (You'll definitely want to check out THE GRIDIRON SECRET SOCIETY wiki page!) ;D :D


    5. All in my backyard. I have pictures from 96 from Cancun that my brother took of billboards that say, "Need work? Come to Gainesville, Ga!!"

    6. And we've got one of those bricks. Smh at myself.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Thanx for this info. Amazing stuff!

      The puzzle pieces are starting to click into place, the veil is thinner by the day.

      Adam Lanza
      Sam Adams
      Madison Ave.
      Edison, Thomas Alva

  4. Off topic but I was looking at two baseball books in Amazon:
    - 56: Joe Dimaggio and the Last Magic Number in Sports has 139 customer reviews.
    - The Only Way I Know by Cal Silken, Jr has 33 customer reviews.
    Could be coincidence or Masonic signalling.

    1. I feel a Cal Ripken post coming from Zach soon. =)

    2. Last MLB appearance on a Oct. 6th date. 10/6. 106. Prophecy.

    3. I'm right outside of Baltimore. Ripken was a God around here. That one would hurt if he was knowingly in on all this shit. He broke the streak for consecutive games played. I've never been a sports fan but that would be a bummer.

  5. Zach just watching Querreys game and they've been talking for a while about how he was drafted for the Detroit Tigers baseball team but picked tennis.

    If he goes onto win it might just be worth noting this down?

    1. Cleveland is playing Detroit tonight, (Cleveland has won 13 straight at home) , and their record is 51-32.

    2. Last night's score : 12-1 Indians. (13 hits for Cleveland).

  6. He didn't even get a single point break in 1hour and a half.

    1. Just broke, he wont 3-2 coming from 2-0 down in his first game on a date with 49 numerology.

      Todays date has 49 numerology. Serving for the 3rd set now.

      Ranoic = 33. Players he beat in his first game = 33.

    2. You must of knew he was gonna lose mate I spotted his 33-1 odds just like Iceland before they got knocked out the Euro! Never bettin on a 33-1 again!

    3. That was 33-1 to win it all but it was 2.5-1 or so for the single game today. Lost a little bit but wasnt trusting the querrey story too much

    4. I wonder if jmontz in jewish gematria means mason

    5. 33-1 odds dont mean they will lose. Rule the world won the grand national @ 33/1.

      And thats one of the biggest events in england.

    6. I know we don't have to follow your thoughts but come one man both Querrey and Cilic are out… I lost a lot of money since I discovered gematria.

    7. Risk management is important

    8. Look i provide information, what you make of that is your choice.

      Why dont you attempt to work this out yourself? Maybe you could have found something i missed or look over?

      Instead your waiting for others to give you picks, essentially your putting blind faith in me. As you said i could be a mason trying to get you to lose all your money,

      Start thinking for yourself.

    9. Yeah a blind man who trade makes more money than everyone who trust gematria. I believe a lot of things that Zach is presenting but making predictions on who's going to win is a fantasy for me. The NBA Finals was predictable. Did anyone believed that LB was going to loose again in final against the same team?

    10. I will let me some time to learn how it works, I didn't knew gematria even exist last week but I saw that a lot of people won very often so I thought I could follow their predictions.

    11. MaestroMilan1899, You mad Bro? You sound like a typical sports loser. Pissed bc you lost off of someone else work. Now trying to discredit Jmontz. You don't know gematria so how can you say it doesn't apply to sports?

      I placed money on Jmontz picks and I will continue to do so. I am an adult who takes responsibility for my own actions. He provided great info and I am grateful for him sharing. I wish he continues to do so.

      Maestro and trying to show off that you "trade and makes more money than everyone who trust gematria." Just shows everyone how a low vibrational person you are.

      Stop attacking others when they have done nothing to you. Act like an adult take responsibility for your own actions, and STFU. We are all here to learn and I think if we start looking at things as a team we will all benefit. In sports, in life, and self discovery.

      Thank you!

    12. Sorry you lost bro, you win some you lose some i guess. Im still working all this stuff out myself, the connections are easier enough to see but i need to get better at interpreting them.

      I'll be looking at Wimbledon more closely after tonights Portugal v Wales match.

      Looking at Raonic's stats he could end up going into the final on 33 wins this year... Probably meeting Murray - Lots of 33's there.

    13. jmontz.

      Are you still confident in Portugal & France?

      Wimbledom just wiped me out

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Im still confident in my numbers yes.

      There's a narrative for all four teams, wales have strong ties with Prince Charles hence why there into the semi's. Could they go on and beat Portugal - 38 then Germany - 38?

      Maybe but i still go with my original pick as it follows the pattern of the tournament.

    16. Jmontz does Protugal score 2-0 mean anything ? CR7 scored 50' Nani scored 53'

    17. They did score in the 50th and 53rd Min of the game and thats how they will record it. But if you watched the game the goals both were scored with 49 + 52 mins on the clock which holds greater significance.

      Look below you will see why them two numbers were important today.

  7. So you still believe his going to win it, 3-2? I'm having a couple of hearth attacks here

  8. Gotta love GA. Such a strange place to live in the South. The city I live in is known as the Poultry Capital of the World, and thus had dozens of chicken processing plants filled with Immigrants. Then the big debate in the county is what to do about all the Mexicans? All the while, you know they don't want to get rid of them, they are keeping the entire county running on chicken!

    Then there are the cops. If you count City, County, State, Highway Patrol, and GBI(all of which have branches in HALL county) you have 1 cop per 20 people in the populace, not counting people here illegally.

    Fun zone.

    1. Just now saw your post (I was too busy constructing my novel to Prunella above!! Lol) Have you ever heard of THE GRIDIRON SECRET SOCIETY? It was a new one to me ... supposedly a Georgian branch of Skull & Bones! ;D :D

    2. I will look into it. Sounds very familiar.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Zach, there's a story all over the news about a black guy getting shot by police in Louisiana. The story was posted at 10:26am. Zero doesn't matter in Gematria correct? If that's so there is your 126 again that you've been saying is being coded into so many things. I wonder what it means. I love learning. I get pumped when I see something that I know is coded BS.I'm still small potatoes but thank you again for your videos and blog.I just keep trying to tell anyone who will listen. Ttyl.Tim

    1. Blood = 126 in Jewish Gematria (This could be why)
      If you sum the entire alphabet in Pythagorean Gematria, it totals 126 as well.

  10. So everyone take a look at the mega millions numbers:
    29 46 53 64 73
    and 10 for the megaplier.


  11. 2-0 Portugal. is that too much hype so the common bettor favors Portugal to win?

    1. Sort of...

      First thing ill tell anyone is forget about what your watching. Player form, team form has nothing to do with the outcome of the match. The numbers tell you exactly whats going to happen.

      Ronaldo scored with 49 mins on the clock. 49 = Revelation. Revelation the book of Prophecy. Todays date = 49.

      Nani scores with 52 on the clock.

      Nani = 38 - Portugal = 38
      52 = Prophecy
      Nani made his 102nd appearance 102 = Key of David

      You see all the prophecy connections on a date connecting to Revelation?

      This is hows its done all the time every sporting event. You just need to learn how to read the numbers.

    2. Ronaldos goal was his 61st for his country and equaled Platinis record.

      Sixty One = 131 - Championship.
      Also = 41 - Big number this year.

      Scores that on 49 mins = Revelation.

      This coming 39 days after he won the champions league final for Real Madrid = 49.

      Theres 39 books in the new testament, Revelations the 66th book and the final one.

      Thirty Three = 66

      Finals on a date with 33 numerology.

    3. Thanks man for responding I've been trying to learn myself. it can get confusing at times.

    4. I know brother was the same for me when i first started learning. Keep watching Zachs videos and his blog and you will start to pick up the number patterns yourself! Then you'll be able to help me in turn :)

    5. Pardon me for saying, but I think this is the thing right here... "Keep watching Zachs videos and his blog and you will start to pick up the number patterns yourself! Then you'll be able to help me in turn"...
      None of us can see everything. There are a lot of news outlets to try to cover and we all have our own experiences and references to pull from. I think we all help each other in this way and it's very important that we do so! Zach is a gematria savant and there's much to be learned, for sure, but in addition to that we all come with our own unique 'take' on matters. We've seemingly been very synergistic when basically brainstorming in the comments as we do. Maybe it's baby steps, but we're making progress anyway! :)

    6. Exactly this... I feel somewhat bad for my tennis picks. However i used the wrong website to take the stats from. ATP's website only had players games from the ATP tour and not other tournaments.

      If i had known that Both Cilic and Querrey were playing there 38th games of the year today i would never have backed them. Infact i would have backed the other two on a date with 49 numerology.

      38 = Death.

      Chris Coleman Just lost the same day in his 38th game in charge of Wales.

      Someone could have picked that up for me, sometimes i post on here in the hope that someone will have some insight ive overlooked.

      I really encourage people not to just come here and try and get free sporting picks learn the practice and apply it that way we can all further ourselves.

    7. jmontz, this is where Im lost, so the numbers do not line up for Cilic, because the numbers that did were incorrect your saying?

    8. Yes, cilic had prophecy numbers lining up for him. However it just meant he was there two lose from two sets up to federer.

      From my observations teams, players and coaches seem to win and lose on x amount of games. 33/38 so far seem to be bad numbers.

      Like i said this is all trial and error for me at the moment, i got the two tennis games wrong. But i only lost what i made on sams last match and ive all ready made plenty on the euros so far.

    9. Yea, and it's no ones mistaken by my own, after I read your tennis numbers, I went completely in on Cilic & Querrey, didn't see how the numbers were off.
      Got killed yesterday.

  12. how do I find out what some numbers mean? is there a list that tells you the number and meanings
    Ex : 131 - Championship

    1. Go on and use the Gematria calculator. Sumerian doesn't really apply so use the other 3 methods that are on there.

      Type in the word and it will calculate for you, play around with common words connected to sport and you'll soon pick up the relationships certain names and numbers share with each other.

      Zach, i know your probably mad busy but might be an idea to maybe pin a starter blog listing all the websites you use e.g. Number Empire, Gematrix.. Ect and maybe link your youtube beginner videos, to help out the new guys that have just arrived here, no doubt your getting floods of new people onto your blog!

      For anyone else who reads this and is new go on Zachs youtube page and i believe he has a few beginner videos that walks you through the basics.

    2. Nice imma break down every cnn vid and BR report. Might do abc news also so I'll have different sources . Thanks man


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