Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

38 42 44 113 114 | The death of George Carlin, June 22, 2008 (93, 226 and New York City)

Notice George Carlin is from New York.  We've had some recent revelations about New York and '226', like his June 22, or 22/6 death.

George died 41-days after his 71st birthday, or a total span of 42-days.

Notice the span of 1 month and 11 days as well.

5/12/1937 = 5+12+19+37 = 73 (Sacrifice)
5/12/1937 = 5+12+(1+9+3+7) = 37
5/12/1937 = 5+1+2+1+9+3+7 = 28
5/12/37 = 5+12+37 = 54 (Sun) (Love)

6/22/2008 = 6+22+20+08 = 56
6/22/2008 = 6+22+2+0+0+8 = 38 (Death)
6/22/2008 = 6+2+2+2+0+0+8 = 20
6/22/08 = 6+22+08 = 36

Again, June 22 can be written 22/6, a number connecting back to New York City.  As we decode it,  keep in mind the February 26, 1993 NYC WTC bombings, at the beginning of the 42nd President's term, Bill Clinton.  The 'Clinton' name, which is not his birth name, connects back to New York City. February 26 can be written 22/6.

2/26.... 1993 WTC Bombing?  Don't get me started on how it connects to 9/11.

Remember the name George Denis Carlin sums to '93'.  Dead on 22/6.... 42-days after his birthday.

I wonder if George Carlin ever talked about I AM?

George Carlin also died in a fitting place for death.

His final comedy special was also released 38-days after his death, July 29, 2008.

7/29/08 = 7+29+08 = 44 (Kill)

The special has been aired on HBO months earlier however, March 1, 2008, when it was recorded live.

It's bad for ya = 48/57/120 (George = 57) (Scottish Rite = 57)
Illuminati = 48/120

From the date his final special debuted, to the day he died, was 113-days.

'113', an important number to the 'Scottish Rite'.

It was also a span of 114-days.  George Carlin = 114

Also, here is the track listing of Carlin's final performance.

Notice it was Carlin's 14th show with HBO, his last.  HBO is run by the Masonic-Jewish cartel.

End = 5+5+4 = 14
Dead = 4+5+1+4 = 14


  1. There is lots of interesting numbers when you write out the Month and Day. I used "May" as an example:

    "May" = 39 & 234 [234 + 432 = 666]
    "May First" = 666
    "May Third" = 44
    "May Eighth = 96 = "Freemason"
    "May Ninth" = 41 & 104 [Reflections]
    "May Twelfth" = 43 & 133
    "May Thirtieth" = 156 [911 is the 156th Prime]

    Also, I've noticed that if you divide the number of days by 33, you get (365 / 33 = 11.060606). That is kinda like an upside down 911 & and a 666, or maybe a 99 & a 911.

    From the number 116:
    "One One Six" = 48 & 120, an exact match for "Illuminati"

    I found it interesting that in sports, the game is separated by Quarters and Halfs...etc...:

    "One Quarter" = 44
    "One Half" = 34

    Interesting about 369. A representation of a 30-60-90 "Triangle" = 86 = "Symbol":

    "One Third" = 48
    "One Sixth" = 42
    "One Ninth" = 45

    Check out how they are separated by three each and the largest portion (1/3) or .33 is "Illuminati". From largest portion to smallest portion is 396.

    "Three Nine Six" = 69 [Reflection of 96]
    "Three Hundred Ninety Six" = 116

    Even other measurements have connections:
    "One Eighth" = 91 [1/8 = 2/16]
    "Two Sixteenth" = 182 which is 91 + 91 = 182.

    1. 369 / 3 = 123 = "Conspiracy"
      1+2+3 = 6 [The first "Perfect" number]

      369 x 3 = 1107 or 117.

      "November Seventh" = 187 [Murder Code]
      "November Eighth" = 79 & 151, an exact match with "Schizophrenia"

      "Rigged Election" = 79 & 133
      "This is a Hoax" = 133 = "Government"

      "Election" = 38 & 83 [Reflections]
      163 is the 38th Prime and 431 is the 83rd Prime

      If you write out these numbers you end with deeper reflections:
      "One Hundred Sixty Three" = 108 & 261, and now its reflection
      "Three Hundred Sixty One" = 108 & 261

      The same for its reflective Prime:
      "Four Hundred Thirty One" = 115 & 268, and now its reflection
      "One hundred Thirty Four" = 115 & 268

      But you know what they say:
      "The Fix is In" = 123 = "Conspiracy"

    2. Curry had 30 60 90 this year
      As far as points , shooting % and free throw %
      Hmm triangle huh

  2. His Birth Numerology has that 37 & 73 Reflection.

    "Perfect" = 37 & 73
    "Ordinal" = 37 & 73
    "Kingdom" = 37 & 73

    Funny how "King Dome" = 42 = "Freemason"

  3. Nice post Z. I thought you'd like a look at him.

  4. I'm a big George Carlin fan. I think I remember him mentioning the phrase "I think, therefore I am" in one of his bits, though I don't remember which one. I truly hope he wasn't controlled opposition; if he was, he did a terrible job. Probably the most anti establishment mainstream comedian I've ever listened to. HATED corporations and government. So I don't know.

    1. Thats how controlled opposition works. By pointing out all the low hanging fruit, its easy to Gate Keep the bigger picture.

    2. It's from his book "Napalm and Silly Putty".

  5. "Old Fuck" is interesting because its 27 & 72 [Reflections]

    The running times are curious. I wonder if they were all converted to minutes, whether it would bear fruit. The running time for "The Self Esteem Movement" is interesting at 1:16 or 76 mins..

    "Self Esteem" = 37 & 109 [157 is the 37th Prime]
    If you add them together [10 + 109 = 119 or 911 backwards]

    "Self Esteem Movement" = 72 & 216 [6*6*6 = 216]
    "The Self Esteem Movement" = 87 & 249

    The running time 1:16: [an Upside Down 911]
    "One One Six" = 48 & 120 [an exact match for "illuminati"]
    "Seven Six" = 36 & 117

    223 is the 48th Prime:
    "Forty Eight" = 133 = "Government"

    449 is the 87th Prime:
    "Four Four Nine" = 72
    "Four Hundred Forty Nine" = 116

    It appears that the running time connects to the title, similar to what I have found with movies.

    1. "Every Child is Special" has a running time of 1:42 or 102 mins.

      "Every Child is Special" = 96 & 204 or 42 & 69
      "Forty Two" = 142
      "Freemason" =42
      "Fuck You" =102
      WTC attack lasted 102 mins.

    2. Jake could you take the time to have a look at the numbers on US rapper B.o.B? You clearly have more experience with the numbers than I do I've been following his music since January he speaks out on a lot of topics.. Just curious if he's controlled opposition too? He spoke out about flat earth like tila tequila and Joe rogan

    3. He kind of had a debate on Twitter with Neil DeGrasse Tyson about it too

    4. Daz, no matter their stance, they're all controlled opposition pushing several pieces of a big agenda. False competition is there to make people think they made a choice on their own when in fact it was all manufactured and perverted truth. The average person doesn't fact check and therefore has successfully outsourced their critical thinking skills. The truth is simple for those willing to seek it. Most just listen to another person's version and stick to it as it "makes sense", without the fact checking of course...

  6. Wow, I was conceived in NYC and born in Santa Monica. Crazy coincidence. So, of course I HAD to look up what hospital he died in. It was St. John's Hospital...the very same hospital that I was BORN in. (I ran some numbers on it; 205 & 61. Doesn't match anything in the article, though.)

    I've also worked at St John's as a nurse. Actually, I've worked at dozens of hospitals (since I was a substitute nurse for much of my career.) So now, it's amazing to find out that lots of secret society crap must go on in hospitals...what with killings that were supposedly natural deaths, and deaths that are fake. But I never saw one darned thing that looked suspicious...or heard any weird rumors from the other staff members. (And sometimes I knew them quite well if I happened to be a "regular" substitute at a facility.) I guess they leave the suspicious cases to a limited number of trusted staff; it would make sense.


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