Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 11, 2016

36 38 44 96 151 | Montijo Airbase tragedy in Portugal, day after Portugal wins European Championship

151, the 36th prime.

Portugal, soccer champions just yesterday, in 2016.  2016 = 20+16 = 36

If you sum every number up to 63, it totals 2016.

Portugal has fitting gematria for a story of ritual 'death'.

Portuguese Air Force also has a 'Freemason' connection.


  1. "Lockheed" = 36
    "C" = 3
    "130" = 13

    36 + 3 + 13 = 52 [Prophecy]

    "C - One Hundred Thirty" = 211 [47th Prime]
    "C - One Hundred Thirty Hercules" = 131 [Championship]

    "Three People Killed" = 88
    "Poison" = "Program" = "Trump" = 88

  2. I've noted this often happens when good things happen to a country or individual we often then see some kind of tragedy occur. Almost as if the scales have to be balanced out somewhat.

    1. Or maybe sacrifice must be made to the their gods for which the sports championships pay ritual tribute to?

  3. so I found something on 187. The 187th prime is 1117. 11x17=187. November 17th or 11/17 is the 321st day of the year(leaving 44). OR the 322nd day in a leap year. The year 1776 was a leap year. The 187th day of the year is July 6th, 7/6 like the year 1776. Bones=187 (jewish).


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