Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, July 11, 2016

47 112 211 | Colts to honor Super Bowl XLI team November 20, 2016

11/20, eh?

20/11 is another way to write that date, a lot like '211', the 47th prime number.  Again, the first Super Bowl was played in the 47th season of the NFL.  Also, upcoming Super Bowl 51, will be the 47th of the modern era.  The Baltimore Ravens won Super Bowl 47, and the Colts are originally from Baltimore.

20/11/16 = 20+11+16 = 47 (Date of honoring)

Oliver Luck, Andrew Luck's father, played his career with the Houston Oilers.

The honoring will come 77-days before Super Bowl 51, or 11-weeks, or 2-months and 16-days.


  1. This lines up with your other post early:

    "Eleven Weeks" = 126
    "One Two Six" = 144
    "One Hundred Twenty Six" = 96 [If a Six was Nine]

  2. 11/20 vs Tennessee Titans (Old Houston Oilers).

  3. All lining up. I haven't even really seen much news on NFL teams besides Colts and Giants. I am still waiting for Roddy White with his 131 to end up on one of them.

  4. Colts already have a 1/31 birthday on their squad too!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I personally dont believe Giants will make SB. Colts are more likely. I think we will see Cardinals and Colts if anything. Arians vs Pagano

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Lol cardinals out of all of the teams I'm not sure how I can make a case for them

      I think everyone is sleeping in the Patriots in a pats vs Giants is looking good rite now or colts vs packers

    3. Brady wont win after the suspension. Pats will suck next yr. I could see Packers or Cardinals make it. If its colts cardinals, again we see the CC connection and red white and blue theme

    4. Mike Manning is only hear to add needless noise. His opinion is worth less than nothing. Don't entertain the troll.

  7. Man I just remembered when the colts won this super bowl this article references... the coach Tony Dungy's son "commit suicide" that same year! Hindsight is 20/20 if you catch my drift...

  8. The Baltimore Ravens were originally from Cleveland, with Cleveland winning the basketball championship this year.

    1. Very interesting maybe that a sign for the colts . I just feel it's a team that no one is talking about that gonna come out of no where

    2. Thats why Luck left the season early last year, so that nobody will bet them early.

  9. IF Colts finish with a 10-6 record; Coach Pagano will have "51" wins with the Colts.
    Pagano's post season record if he wins the superbowl would be 6-3. If you sum 1-63 = 2016

    Colts regular season game 10/16/16 @ Houston to the date of the SUperBowl 2/5/17 = 112 Days
    Colts Opener 9/11/16 to 10/16/16 game in Houston = 35 days (Havent found any significance yet)

  10. NFL Running Back Posts Picture of Police Officer Getting His Throat Slit by Black Man
    It's Isaiah Crowell of the Cleveland Browns I don't do sports decoding but maybe it tells you guys something. It is Cleveland where the RNC convention starts next week so it probably means something.


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