Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 10, 2016

27 38 44 47 70 82 84 106 123 216 | The death of Jimi Hendrix & the Kurt Cobain parallel (27 club)

Perhaps Jimi was born under a bad sign.  He was born on the 47th Parallel in Seattle, Washington, a parallel meant for a 'rock' 'legend'.

Rock = 18+15+3+11 = 47
Legend = 12+5+7+5+14+4 = 47

He was born November 27, 1942, the 331st day of the year.  Remember the year '42, because 'Kurt Cobain' sums to '42'; so does 'Freemason'.

11/27/1942 = 11+27+19+42 = 99 (Thirteen) (Jimi = 41; 41, 13th prime number)
11/27/1942 = 11+27+(1+9+4+2) = 54
11/27/1942 = 1+1+2+7+1+9+4+2 = 27 (Plus born on the 27th day)
11/27/42 = 11+27+42 = 80

331 is the 67th prime number, connected to 'blood sacrifice'.  November 27 also leave 34-days left in the year, a number connected to 'murder'.

Seventy = 38; Death = 38

He died 70-days before his birthday in '70.  He died on a date with a life lesson number of '44'.  It reminds of how Seattle area rocker Kurt Cobain died at age 27, 44-days after his 27th birthday.

9/18/1970 = 9+18+19+70 = 116
9/18/1970 = 9+18+(1+9+7+0) = 44 (Kill)
9/18/1970 = 9+1+8+1+9+7+0 = 35
9/18/70 = 9+18+70 = 97

Kurt = 2+3+9+2 = 16/25
Donald = 4+6+5+1+3+4 = 23
Cobain = 3+6+2+1+9+5 = 26
Kurt Donald Cobain = 65/74 (Curt Cobain = 42/51) *Masonic = 74; Freemason = 42/51

Kurt = 11+21+18+20 = 70
Donald = 4+15+14+1+12+4 = 50
Cobain = 3+15+2+1+9+14 = 44 (Kill)
Kurt Donald Cobain = 164 (Kurt Cobain = 114)

K = 11; C = 3... Mainstream = 113; Dishonest = 113

Kurt Cobain was born February 20, the 51st day of the year.  Kurt Cobain = 51 (Conspiracy)

Notice Cobain was born in '67.  Blood Sacrifice = 67

2/20/1967 = 2+20+19+67 = 108
2/20/1967 = 2+20+(1+9+6+7) = 45 (Dead April 5, or 4/5)
2/20/1967 = 2+2+0+1+9+6+7 = 27 (Dead at 27) (Just like Jimi)
2/20/67 = 2+20+67 = 89

4/5/1994 = 4+5+19+94 = 122 (Seattle on the 122nd Meridian) (So is San Francisco)
4/5/1994 = 4+5+1+9+9+4 = 32
4/5/94 = 4+5+94 = 103

Below we will see how Jimi Hendrix also ties to conspiracy.

James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21 (Jimi = 1+9+4+9 = 23)
Marshall = 4+1+9+1+8+1+3+3 = 30/39
Hendrix = 8+5+5+4+9+9+6 = 46
James Marshall Hendrix = 88/106 (Prophecy = 106)
Jimi Hendrix = 69

His place of death connects to his name gematria.

In Simple English, his last name synchs with Seattle, his place of birth.

James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48 (Jimi = 10+9+13+9 = 41)
Marshall = 13+1+18+19+8+1+12+12 = 84
Hendrix = 8+5+14+4+18+9+24 = 82 (Seattle)
James Marshall Hendrix = 214
Jimi Hendrix = 123 (Conspiracy)

Notice the last show Hendrix played was the Isle of Wight Festival in England.

Remember, '227' is the 'Pi' number.  When you divide 22 by 7, you get 3.14, the number for Pi.  When you sum the first 144-decimals of Pi, it totals 666.  Mark of the Beast = 144

Hendrix would die 18-days after performing at this show, August 31, 1970.  He would die on the 18th day of the month.  Jimi was also the closing act of Woodstock, August 18, 1969.

Woodstock = 5+6+6+4+1+2+6+3+2 = 35/44/53

18 = 6+6+6

6x6x6 = 216

One last point, all of this coding comes back to 'Freemasonry'.  Remember the whole Courtney Love angle with Kurt Cobain's death?  A lot of people think she is responsible.

7/9/1964 = 7+9+19+64 = 99 (Thirteen) (Numbers connects to Jimi)

C = 3; L = 12 = 1+2 = 3
CL = 3.3.

Kurt Cobain's song 'About a Girl' is supposedly about Courtney Love.

Kurt Cobain was found on a date with '106' numerology, April 8, 1994.

4/8/94 = 4+8+94 = 106

Hoax = 48
Evil = 48
Propaganda = 48
Illuminati = 48
Hollywood = 48

United States of America = 84
States = 84

The divisors of '44' sum to '84'.

Kurt Cobain = 114; Dave Grohl born 1/14

Dave Grohl also benefited huge from the death of Kurt Cobain.  It is interesting that his birthday came 82-days before Kurt's death, as a 'Seattle' band.

The 2 months and 23 days also pops.

Let us decode his name to see how it fits in as well.

David = 4+1+4+9+4 = 22 (Dave = 4+1+4+5 = 14)
Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
Grohl = 7+9+6+8+3 = 33 (Rockstar)
David Eric Grohl = 81 (Dave Grohl = 47)

David = 4+1+22+9+4 = 40 (Dave = 4+1+22+5 = 32)
Eric = 5+18+9+3 = 35
Grohl = 7+18+15+8+12 = 60
David Eric Grohl = 135 (Dave Grohl = 92)

Grohl says he wrote the song 'Everlong' as a tribute to Kurt Cobain.


  1. Oooo. I really like this post.

    1. Lets not forget 126:
      12 * 6 = 72
      "Seventy Two" = 42
      "Seven two" = 33 & 123

      "One Two Six" = 144

  2. I always thought "Hendrix" was a very odd way of spelling the surname "Hendricks", almost like it was a made up stage name. Guess we solved that one.

  3. Jimi died 09/18/70 = 116 [911 Reflection]

    "One One Six" = 48 & 120 [Exact Match to "illuminati"]

    and then look at the relationship with Cobain's B-Day and Death:
    1 month 16 days? [or 116]

    "Jimi Hendrix" = 123
    "One Two Three" = 58 = "Freemasonry"

    Remember the Jackson 5:
    "Its Easy as One Two Three" = 86
    "as Simple as Do Re Mi" = 70
    "Baby You and Me, Girl" = 75 & 174 [Exact Match to "New World Order"]

    Notice that:
    "Eighty Eight" = 123 [James Marshall Hendrix" = 88]
    "Eighty Six" = 47 & 101 [kinda like and Eleven]
    "Seventy" = 110 [an Apex Number kinda like Eleven]

    "Eleven" = 27 & 63 [They all die at 27]

  4. Marvin Gaye's last Motown record and death by the numbers

    1. Yes, I have a video on Marvin Gaye and Sam Cooke. Great work.

    2. Cool,thx ,I have a hard time searching for your work that is not so recent got to figure that out.

  5. Both of them were apart of the 27 club of celebs who die at age 27 I watched a documentary on Kurt cobain he def was sacrificed in the punchline is he girlfriend went to have great success in so did his group nirvana who turned to foo fighters

    1. "Foo" = 666

      "Foo Fighter" = 654(Sumerian)
      [654 + 456 = 1110]

      "One One One" = 48 & 102 = "Key of David"
      "One Hundred Eleven" = 126
      "One Two Six" = 144

      Notice that 48 & 102 is just like 48 & 120
      "illuminati" = 48 &120

      126 is Kind of like saying a "Single" Number 26
      God = 26

      "Foo Fighters" = 65 & 128
      "Seven Eleven" = 128

  6. "Rock and Roll" = 123

    Again the Jackson 5 song:
    "Jackson Five" = 43 & 115

    "Scottish Rite Freemasonry" = 34 & 115

    43 plus its reflection 34 = 77:
    "Thirty Four" = 16 & 61 [61 + 61 = 77]

  7. "Eleven" = 27
    Jimi was born November 27 [11 = 27]

    Jimi died September 18th:
    "September Eighteenth" = 96 [If a Six was Nine]
    "If a Six Was NIne" = 63 & 144 [Sum 1 thru 62 = 216]
    "Two One Six" = 144

    "Sixty Nine" = 49 = "Revelation"
    "Sixty Nine" = 139 = "Freemasonry"

    Or maybe like saying "Double" 16's:
    "Double Sixteens" = 57 & 174 = "New World Order"
    "Sixteen" = 33 & 96

    1. Note that 96 also equals 69:
      "Ninety Six" = 49" = Revelation"
      "Ninety Six" = 139 = "Freemasonry"

      Freemason = 96

  8. Zach, you should check out the documentary "Soaked in Bleach" about the death of Kurt Cobain, in case you haven't watched it already. The movie itself paints a pretty damning picture of Courtney Love and her apparent involvement in Kurt's death; this evidence of course could be applied to a Masonic network, also. It mainly shows the many inconsistencies of the crime scene if it was indeed a suicide and how strange Love was acting. Kind of reminds me of how 9/11 was an open and shut case in the media before anyone could even investigate. Even the former Seattle police chief they interview says they fucked up and didn't properly investigate anything. Quite an interesting documentary, if you've got the time.

    1. It seems like Kurt's death was just another staged theater production.
      Young rock star found dead by a suicide but of course, the information doesn't add up, the widow acts fishy, some goofball comes forward and says Courtney paid him to rub out Kurt - you've got yourself a lil mystery go on kids solve it - meanwhile we'll be raking in the $$$$ from the books, films, docuBSmentries, "found" music, Kurt's diaries and artwork, Courtneys diaries and artwork, and the dead rock star mystique that makes all of their music more valuable and appreciated than it would have otherwise been.

  9. So I'm watching Fox News and they are reporting in front of the "Dallas Shooting Memorial." Dominant behind the reporter is a "Super Man" balloon with a balloon Finger like you would see at a Football game, meaning "We're Number One" attached. Check this out!

    "Superman" = 35 & 107
    "Shooting" = 107

    "Number One" = 44 & 107

    "Finger Point" = 133 = "Government" = "This is a Hoax"

    "Superman Finger Point" = 105 = "Zionism" = "Nine Eleven"

    I can't believe they stages the reporter shot around the balloon to get the obvious message of - Dallas Shooting is a Hoax done by Zionist and Freemasons -

    Seems fitting coming from Fox:
    "Fox" = 666
    "Fox News" = 106 = "Prophecy"

    "Dallas Shooting" = 156 [911 is the 156th Prime]
    "Thirty Three" = 156

    "Dallas Shooting Victim" = 88 = "Poison" = "Program" = "Trump"
    "Dallas Shooting Victims" = 89 [98 Reflection]
    "Eighty Nine" = 116 [911 Reflection]
    "One One Six" = 48 & 120 [Exact Match to "illuminati"]

    "Dallas Shooting Memorial" = 98 [Reflection of "Dallas Shooting Victims"]

  10. Courtney Love
    227(B) 49th prime that is frequent coding in many events two hundred twenty seven 304(EO), 74(B) like bathtub, bow tie, Jewish, Masonic and Illuminati, 56(B) like Isis,
    1050(Eng Gem) like 15 Mars or 51 like Area 51, 87(Eng Gem) like Truth/Justice, 78(Eng Gem) like inversion of 87,
    1653(J) 1+6+5+3= 15, 51(J) again like Area 51
    58(EO,P) like Freemasonry, Nation of Islam, Pythagoras, Sandy Hook, fifty-eight and Washington

    1. Courtney Love's birthday

    2. aka Courtney Michelle Harrison has questionable pedigree... Surely she is one of the 'connected'.

  11. "Everlong" is about Dave Grohls' divorce from his wife at the time, not about Kurt.


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