Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, July 10, 2016

MartyLeeds33 has challenged me to a debate...

MartyLeeds33 (the shill) says I am teaching a false form of gematria and he wants to debate me to prove that my methods are unfounded.  I'll keep everyone posted on when this debate goes down.  I predict a first round knockout, by myself.  This will be too easy.

And for anyone who follows this fucking idiot, don't say I didn't tell you this guy was a fraud since the beginning.  A lot of you need to work on your shill detection.  Vortex Math = Nothing


  1. Funny you said something might go down on the 11th so make it happen. Brother..All tell you what I found out at Frye's house here latter today..

  2. Zach I dont deny that you are the master of gematria but in terms of being able to apply it, I think others use it better in terms of sports predictions etc. But like I said before to call sports winners, you just have to look at Underdogs and where the money is. If you bet them consistenly you will win.

    1. Why so much hatred? This is what the freemasons want. Division. You really need to wise up. If you think your thr first to know about sports rigging you are a idiot. Thats all I have to say

    2. +Mike Manning "Thats all I have to say"
      We could only be so lucky!
      You are dishonorable, so it is highly unlikely that you will hold your tongue.
      Unfortunately for us all, you will bear out your inability to GTFO, I am sure.

    3. Wow you sure are an angry hater Zach. i dont get paid to "troll" your blog. I contribute my ideas. I also weeded out the losers Milo and Warriyahtruth. You should be glad, I take the time to give you my picks

    4. If you can appreciate the fact that I have no interest in anything you have to say because of what you have shown about yourself time and time again, then you can refrain from posting here in the future. You're not welcome.

  3. "Round One Knockout" = 72 & 216 [6*6*6 = 216]
    "Two One Six" = 144

    72 is like 12 * 6 or 126
    "One Two Six" = 144

    I've only seen a few of his videos. The problem is that your work is about decoding MSM. I guess he could argue that your connections aren't relevant, but you're not the only making them.......This should be good. Will it be on Radio?

  4. Isn't "you're using the wrong kind of gematria" sort-of like saying your psychic abilities aren't as valid as mine? Clearly, MY perception is the right one because, well... it's MINE, dammit!
    The arrogance that anyone somehow knows everything, and on top of that knows HOW everything in this world works, never ceases to amaze.
    Pure, unmitigated arrogance!
    Lemme know when this happens. I'll make popcorn.

    1. The thing about his work though, is it has no relevance. Thus the 33 at the end of his name.

    2. Well Z, you (and I am talking Zach Hubbard here) don't go talking shit about people, in general. You usually try to clear the air and/or set records straight. You've not got a lot of time for the nonsense, but these people seem to have all the time in the world for it!
      Generally, Zach isn't the guy saying he knows everything about everything. He's the guy who says "Hey guys, I see this is being applied and I see it's a trend! Come look at what I've found and let's see if we can find more connections while working together!"
      Zach Hubbard is not the guy dividing here. It's obvious to me that the others who are talking smack are.
      I try to listen to everyone. Not just hear, not just *see* but actually LISTEN and try to understand. Unfortunately for the shills, their crap is utterly lost on me. Always has been!

    3. Mir, you sure love to dick ride Zach. Amazing you had your hands free to type what you did LOL

    4. +Mike Manning,
      I certainly don't have to agree with everything Z says or thinks, and I don't, but it's his blog. I could challenge every little thing I perceive as different, but I don't because there is little point.
      Zach knows that and isn't here to coerce or brainwash anyone into accepting his view on all things. One thing about him that you don't seem to get is that he KNOW this, but has NEVER been as rude to me as you have just been.
      People see you for what you are, Mike Manning, and while you attack me, it only shows them what a schmuck you really are.

    5. Mir is much more mature than I. Thank you Mir. Always.

    6. Well said Mir!! After that filthy outburst, Manning might as well give up on this site -- he'll never get ANY feedback on here again. EVER. (Except from the other identities HE'LL have to create -- just to make it LOOK like someone gives a shit!) Lol ;D :D

  5. I follow Marty and I've often wondered what he thought of you use of gematria. I'm surprised that he thinks so poorly of your work. You actually put it to use. I love debates and am looking forward to it!

    1. I'm not, he is just a shill, so why would he validate the truth? He has no legs to stand on so it will be a quick debate. His work doesn't apply to anything.

  6. 'Marty' (through Reduction English Gematria) = 23

    'Judaism' (through Reduction English Gematria) = 23/32

    'Satanists' (through Reduction English Gematria) = 23/32/41/50

    23 + 32 = 55

    41 + 14 = 55

    50 + 05 = 55

    'Satan' (through Ordinal English Gematria) = 55

    1. Yes. Marty is Jewish. Which means he created nothing. His "Pi Cipher" is a direct rip off of my work "The Esoteric Tale of Humpty Dumpty", where all the Occult/Freemasonic references are given in various threads and posts and videos.

      Further - the ONLY person to ever link Pi to the English Alphabet was "The Fetch" and it was The Fetch who introduced the exact methods through which The Alphabet is shown to be a hyper-dimensional representation of Pi.

      Having gone through most of Marty's hoops and stretches, I still don't find where he actually makes a case for the linking of Pi as the Omnific Word, the Alphabet as a Representation of Pi, etc.

      Further, various Occult influences on the language used no less than 190 different cipher patterns, the extent to which are referenced in obscure works covering Cornelius Agrippa, himself influenced by Trithemius, regarded as one of the founders of Steganography.

      Marty's work is simplistic 1-7 reduced integral or ordinal value numerology and his work utterly destroys "the Word" and the genius of the phonetic cipher that is at the very core of the English language and Alphabet.

    2. I, Fetch, speak the language of the Gods. = 314

      The "gods" are the Letters. The Alphabet is "the God", Osiris, which is Pi.

  7. I used to like Marty Leeds until I found out he became a flat Earther! I never listen to him now!

    1. That flat earth conspiracy theory was created by the powers that be and they use their puppets like rapper B.O.B. To attempt to bring mainstream validity to a contrived conspiracy theory part of the controlled opposition. Taking us back to pre Christopher Columbus discussions.

    2. I've never heard of this guy, but I wouldn't tie in all Flat Earth people with controlled opposition. The masons created the system this way to confuse us to the truth. It's like how Alex Jones blows the whistle on 9-11 being an inside job... He gives you some of the truth, but leads you astray in the end. He also does a good job of making the truther movement look bad. I imagine that's what this clown Marty Leeds is attempting to do the same to the FE movement. That doesn't mean FE is bullshit. NASA is bullshit. There's a lot of very smart people in the FE movement. People have to learn to separate each topic from each other. Gematria, FE, symbols, etc... I believe they are all interconnected though, and the masons love when we're all fighting with each other. Something to think about :)

    3. They have some good points like what are they really doing in Antarctica but that whole thing about the oceans being held in by a wall of ice is ridiculous.

    4. Well said Legionary, B.O.B. Has also certainly said some things containing actual truth. And I don't want automatically invalidate anyone associated with the flat earth society. But personally I think it is a bullshit theory. It's the same idea as an earth centered galaxy basically. They say that you should be able to measure the earths curvature every 86 miles, but that's one fact that dosent account for changes in topography. I am totally of the mindset that you need to question everything you're told. Even question if the earth is spherical or not. But I think flat earth is mason invented to senselessly divide us over something that ultimately isn't really that important. There are some smart people associated with this to be sure, but I think they're smart people who have been fooled. As for Alex jones, I used to watch him, as I'm sure many people on this blog did, but then stopped because I thought he was just another fear mongering disinformation agent. And NASA is bullshit it stands for Never A Straight Answer. I like to get as many minds on things in media/social media as I can. Especially people associated with Zachs blog who already have an ALT mindset to begin with.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. The ice wall doesn't sound any less bullshit than the big bang, or the Earth rotating at 1,000mph, revolving around the Sun at 66,600mph, The Sun revolving around the Milky way at like 1 mil, and the Milky Way moving at 50 mil or whatever ridiculous number they have it at, and us not feeling a damn thing. I don't know... I know there's math equations for everything, but what they tell us just does not fit with the every day experiences we feel and see.

  8. If your going to debate Marty Leeds ask him how come he won't admit he stole Dennis Fetcho's cipher. Here's Fetcho's blog he just happened to have wrote an article on 711,
    "7/11" - Esoteric Constructions in the Alphabet

  9. I heard that asshat on Freeman Fly once, & he deliberately AVOIDED talking about how this skill could be applied -- even when Freeman specifically stated that HE WANTED TO UNDERSTAND GEMATRIA. When Freeman said, "At least admit that you're a mason --", Leeds changed the subject. He spent the entire time insisting that it takes YEARS of intense study to even brush the surface of Gematria! Maybe it's like that when you're a mason, but for those if us not trying to ass-kiss our way up to a meaningless "degree" -- we "got it" in the time it took to watch Zach's "How To Gematria" video.

    Asshat Leeds talks like he's shot full of speed -- a hundred miles an hour & bouncing all over the place. That's what all Snake-Oil Salesmen do -- they overwhelm & confuse at the same time.

    A "challenge" is a TACTIC -- MEANT TO DISTRACT YOU FROM COMPLETING YOUR BOOK. Do NOT fall for it! This shithead isn't going anywhere & you've got bigger fish to fry. Stay focused on YOUR WORK & don't let ANYONE SLOW YOU DOWN.

    This "debate" would only be recorded & then chopped into sound bites that have been edited in ways to discredit you. They want your valuable time & energy to be spent DEFENDING -- Yourself & Your Work -- WHICH YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ... THE TRUTH SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. So do NOT make this easy for them. YOU MUST CONTINUE TO CALL YOUR OWN SHOTS ... & if there ever IS to be a "Debate" ... let it come ONLY AT A TIME OF YOUR CHOOSING ... & ONLY ON YOUR TERMS.

    HE SOUGHT YOU -- which means The Outcome has already been planned & the trap has been set. Remember ... They Script EVERYTHING In Advance -- & They NEVER Make A Move Until They've ALREADY ENSURED That The Results WILL BE TO THEIR BENEFIT. There's NO NEED FOR A "SHOWDOWN" OF ANY KIND ... YOU ARE BEING "CHALLENGED" ONLY BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN DEEMED A LEGITIMATE THREAT.

    At present, You ARE "The Victor" -- There Is NOTHING TO BE GAINED FOR YOU. That is why THEIR TROLLS are attempting to "egg you on" -- they're seeking to "transform" your independent nature into one of COMPETITION ... just like they do in THEIR RIGGED SPORTS.

    I Neither need -- nor want -- to see your considerable talents minimized to the level of "Spectator Sport". This ploy reeks of their desperation to distract you. I don't recall tales about ANY Wise Man -- even Jesus -- EVER being goaded into an "Honest Debate". You know why? Because it's an OXYMORON -- THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

    And yeh, Manning -- if this post means I'm an acolyte ... then I'll wear that label proudly. You can get as vulgar as you like -- it won't change a thing for ME.


    1. As do YOU ... this knowledge you've uncovered is REAL -- & it is far too essential to be deliberately reduced to the level of "dinosaur bones" ... I say that because his "challenge" reminds me SO much of those charlatan "paleontologists" who were literally throwing bones at each other, lol!! Create the Spectacle & Control the Lies -- we've seen it before, eh? ;D :D

  10. Awwwe. I love you guys. *group hug*

    1. Hugs all around -- we WON'T be divided!! It's hilarious that -- finally -- they're discovering just how damned smart WE ARE -- & everyone else CAN BE. It must be driving them crazy trying to figure out "What Made Us This Way" -- How could we possibly grasp ANY of this knowledge -- WITHOUT THEIR "HELP"?? Lol (PTB: We warned ya'll not to be so careless with all that Radiation ... but you wouldn't listen to US ... Now see what's happened? It didn't kill us -- it ENHANCED us!) Heh heh ... ;D:D


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