Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 2, 2016

39 44 47 118 | September 2, 2016, FBI releases Clinton report (July 2, 2016 interview)

The election is November 8, or 11/8.

Recall that James Madison wrote Federalist Paper No. 39 on January 18 or 1/18 in history.  There is a good deal of '39' in this article from CNN about the July 2, 2016 interview Clinton did with the FBI.

7/2/2016 = 7+2+20+16 = 45; Race for 45th President 
(Madison, Clinton & Trump connected through New York, NY)

Nice post time.

The next President will be the 44th person to be President.

9/2/2016 = 9+2+20+16 = 47
Forty-Four = 144; Hillary Rodham = 144

At least 39 times!!!!!!!!  Love it.

New York = 39; Empire = 39; NY = 39; George = 39; Madison = 39; 7/26/1788 = 39
39-Floors at the U.N.; 39-proposals became the Bill of Rights; Ten = 39; MSG = 39

George Clinton, born 1739, first governor of New York
George Clinton, VP to Madison
Madison and the '39' proposals here:
Read about this recent accident at Madison and 118th in New York:

Notice the date, July 2, 2016, a date with '45' numerology.

7/2/2016 = 7+2+20+16 = 45 (Next President will be #45)

Who is the gematria pro at CNN anyway?  I should call and ask.  'Oh s***', or '42'.

Oh s*** = 15+8+19 = 42 (Freemason = 42) (Zionism = 42)

March 9, or 3/9... or 9/3?  Help me people.  How don't they see it?  Also, all of these dates are rich.  Do the numerology, lots pop just on the surface.  March 3?  March 2?  May 3, 2016, a date with '44' numerology?  As for March 25, it is the 81st day of the year, the weakest connection of all, but one that goes back to Chicago, where Hilary is from.  There's more.


  1. At least 39 times, maybe 40, but AT LEAST 39. Trust me I work for CNN. LOL

  2. That's funny because George Clinton played the 39N in Atlantic City on year on 7/4.

  3. This could be the media driven perfectly executed Twist of the Century. Think of how even CNN and MSNBC has been ripping Hillary as Untrustworthy and Corrupt ?

    Federal Indictment Assassination" in the English Ordinal system equals 322

    Hillary Thirty Nine" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

    Hillary Thirty Nine" in the English Reduction system equals 101

    Hillary Skull and Bones Assassin" in the English Reduction system equals 101

    Clinton Trump Civil War" in the English Reduction system equals 101

    Bones Assassin" in the English Reduction system equals 39

    Hillary Charged For Trumps Death" in the English Reduction system equals 144

    Hillary Rodham Murder" in the English Reduction system equals 106

    Hillary Rodham Murder" in the English Ordinal system equals 223

    1. Hillary Murder" in the English Reduction system equals 74

      Hillary Murderer" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

      Hillary Murderer" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    2. Can't let an indicted election winner become president.

    3. Hillary has a stroke -- 202/76/973
      stroke -- 88/25/335
      Trump -- 88/25/470

      Well, well.

  4. The words "mass deletion" jump out. Interesting considering how we've been hearing about the Mandela effect all year.
    Bleach bit lol
    Maybe it works like white out.

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    1. Hmm Thx Jones The Plot Thickens ..

      mass deletion" in the English Reduction system equals 46

      hit and run = 46

      Deletion" in the English Reduction system equals 39

      Mass" in the English Ordinal system equals 52

      New York Hit and Run Prophecy" in the English Reduction system equals 137

  5. Friday dump right before a holiday weekend. They always do this with things they don't want the public to see. Some things are just what they are.

  6. Mass deletion sounds like mass murder PSYOP

  7. Zach where do the Toronto blue jays fit in this year considering The script of this year is from previous coded 666 years it's directly centered around 1974 and 1992 1974 is 42 years ago and 1992 is 24 from politics to sports from greats retiring to pres candidates nba champs mlb champs damn near everything
    1974 1+9=10 7+4=11 reduce the 10 leave the master -u got 111 1992 1+9=10 9+2=11 same thing 111 2016 -216 another back door everything from these years seems to be mocked in some form this year take a look it's well worth it overwhelming similarities with sports and politics 73-74,74-75 91-92,92-93 15-16 16-17 it looks that leading into and out of the 666 years are without a doubt parallel can u please take a look teddy bridge water started this whole 92 thing for me born in 92 with a 11/10 birthday going down by the numbers

    1. do you se the similarities in those years 1974 1992 and 2016 leading into and going out do you think you can do a post video something it's seems like a scramble of the same names cities teams places and events

    2. Also didn't look but don't se why 1947 wouldn't be mixed in there to

  8. Could be reaching but 57 days to the start of World Series Josh Donaldson hit for the 1st time 3hrs in a single game or 131 sounds like one of more to come from them saying his first they called it a hat trick and won 9-6 ALCS ties in with the other 666 years

    1. Those were hit 31 32 and 33 to give it more thouught

  9. I'm not a shill or a fan something you must be just looking at what's not directly in my face you probably don't even understand what your looking at

    1. Calm down. You seem like an agent. True followers of the truth know blue Jay's aren't in the cards this season. If you've done research.


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