Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, October 23, 2016

21 33 39 40 66 139 | Jessica Drake (porno actress) & Karena Virgina, the latest Donald Trump accusers, October 23, 2016

This is the second 'Jessica' to come forward.

6/14/46 = 6+14+46 = 66
6/14/1946 = 6+14+19+46 = 85 (Hillary = 85)

The last was 'Leeds', which reminds me of 'Illinois', and the 45th Presidential race.  Keep in mind Illinois is the 21st State.

This is news as of October 23, 2016.  Notice October 23 has the '33' connection.  This "Donald Trump the super perv" campaign began October 7, 2016, 16-days ago.

10/23 = 10+23 = 33
10/7/16 = 10+7+16 = 33

Keep in mind October is the only '33' month, the month of Hillary's birthday, which is in three days, October 26.  She will be '69'.

10/23/2016 = 10+23+20+16 = 69 (Hillary about to turn 69)

The distance of 16-days from the October 7, 2016 news story of Donald telling Billy Bush on a bus, 11-years ago, how good of a groper he was, also connects back to '33', as shown above.  Only 'sixteen' and 'ninety' when written out, sum to '33'.  Can you recall how '16', '33', and '90' were involved in the death of Prince earlier this year?

Again, notice the mention of $10,000.

10/23/2016 = 10+23+20+16 = 69

The name 'Drake' also connects back to New York.

The number 'ten' also factors in.  Remember, the 10 Commandments come from the 39-Books in the Old Testament.

39 breaks down to '12'.  Notice the mention of '12th' woman to step forward.

39 = 3+9 = 12
12 = 1+2 = 3

Here is where it gets funny.  Notice she is now '42'.  That synchs up with her name, and the name of the woman who the first story came out about, Nancy O'Dell, with the remarks on the bus.

Bus = 2+21+19 = 42

I love that this is Golf Related.  This picture looks like it could have been photoshopped.

The location was also 'Lake Tahoe'.

And get a load of the other woman mentioned below, Karena Virginia, or KV, like the virus, that wipes out humanity.

KV = 11+22 = 33

Her initials breakdown to 2 and 4, or 4 and 2.

K = 11 = 2
V = 22 = 4

Her name also connects to Freemasonry.

Keep in mind, Virginia is where Washington D.C. is, and where George Washington is buried, who Donald Trump has the parallels to.

The question I now have.

Will we get a story of Donald Trump roofied me story before the election?


  1. They're both fitting for the D-4 T-20 the 42 character

  2. Also Drake is another name for Dragon

  3. Also Drake is another name for Dragon

  4. A porn actress is essentially a prostitute that films the acts with a dumb underpaid buck instead of random Johns. Most do straight up hooking on side so why take Trump's sex offer?


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