Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Banned from posting on Facebook for expressing thoughts about the word 'Faggot'


  1. I am shocked you ever used Fakebook.

    1. There was a day when I explained why I was opening up a Free to Find Truth account on the CIA's favorite spy social media platform, Facebook.

  2. Looks like you can't receive Facebook messages also. It shows undelivered on my end.

  3. Zach has the right to say whatever the F he wants and so does everyone else. Sure it may change your view of him or not that's your choice. The problem with the world is everyone trying to be Political Correct passive aggressive little bitches. At least Zach is being up front and honest with his thoughts which I respect. Love or hate speaking the way you feel is much better than being whispering little bitch.

  4. It is hard to know who is an agent, until it is too late. Whenever I find them, I unfriend them. Unless they're wearing batman masks, then I keep them around to add to the evidence of what I am exposing.

  5. This video exposes who owns facebook.

    1. I didn't watch yet, but if it isn't the video with Mark Zuckerburg showing the Star of David on the inside of his sweatshirt, it is the wrong video.

  6. Well I feel that the gays should stay away from are children and be not aloud to serve food and Gay = 33 in Gematria

  7. Exactly. They want to let the TV and schools educate them, where it is "cool to be gay".

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I too have had to " create value. " and return myself to zero- point as the store clerks usurped prescious time with an iPhone..Truth is what You are about,it's how come I visit your site,as we know swine will turn and rend those casting pearls.Masonic criteria: exsentuate division,augment strife rationalize hatred.The enormity of our unknowingness ,think light spectrum and the tiny slice is visible to us humans,leads in the direction of the abstract.PHTHAGORAS " despise all those things which when liberated from the body you will not want "

  10. W O W -- the War On Words grows daily.

    The "normalcy of gayness" really ramped up with claims that some animals were gay. Uhhh ... NO! Nature doesn't work that way. EVER. Some male animals will mount others as a show of dominance & some females will mount other females to show nearby males that their heat cycle is peaking (cows especially do this). Animals bond with others of the same sex for companionship only -- never for "sexual pleasure".

    There's no need for people to look high & low for this truth -- Nature provides it right there in front of you.

    Of course, to actually SEE & UNDERSTAND that -- first you'd have to get out IN Nature -- & OBSERVE ... something today's prissy, "Eek! Germs & Dirt! Non-Perfumed Smells!" society isn't about to do.

    I fully support your RIGHT to Use Whatever Words YOU Want To. Can't remember the last time I heard someone shrug off a slur with,

    "Sticks & stones may break my bones,
    But words will never hurt me."
    It's called RESILIANCE.

  11. I completely agree with you...and I feel compelled to throw in my 2 cents. I don't necessarily blame the gay kids for turning out the way they have. Anymore than I blame the ADHD, autistic and all the rest. The kids are the ones being bent over. They are so fucked because our food system is destroying their bodies and brains. Our medical system is destroying their gut and brain health basically from the womb because they push shots and bullshit on pregnant mothers. If people knew how toxic and totally fucked our food is they wouldn't even believe it. I mean, the hell with all of the other shit...I mean our food is unbelievably toxic. And it's so hard to eat a non-toxic diet. I actually have managed it for over a year now at probably 95% and that is only because I live somewhat in the country and have access to a lot of organic local food producers. Our water is poisoned, our clothing contains toxins, nearly every lotion or soap people use is toxic. Our kids just don't stand a chance. Their bodies are a toxic soup and their brains are getting rewired by too much TV and the fucking corrupt BS music industry. People think I'm just totally paranoid...and I am...I don't trust one damn thing hardly. But I mean just burying your head in the sand isn't going to fix this mess. Kids are going to be so screwed in another generation. The kids of my children's generation will probably have extremely high rates of infertility. We've got 1 in 28 boys diagnosed with Autism in the children born today. Then out of those other 28, half of them will be gay...and I'm sorry...they aren't born that way. Not the autistics, nor the gay people. This toxic garbage we live in is fucking everyone up. It's a fact. The research being done by real people that don't have their heads up the asses of major corporations all know and and prove it every day. And yet here we are. It's like watching a train wreck and you can't do anything about it. And goddamn social media like twitter and facebook only brainwash people further! Twitter is obviously the Bluebird, the old name for MK Ultra. I feel like we live in star wars...we truth seekers out here...we are the resistance. We will have dark days ahead...I hope everyone is preparing for a fight.


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