Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

50 63 135 | 'GOP backing away', Donald Trump headlines, October 4, 2016

The Key of David = 135 (Philadelphia established on date with 135 numerology)
*Hillary's DNC in Philadelphia, by the numbers of prophecy
David = 40; Hillary = 40; United States = 40

1  through 63 summed, totals 2016

10/4/2016 = 10+4+20+16 = 50 (Donald) (America)
10/4/2016 = 10+4+(2+0+1+6) = 23 (Donald)
10/4/2016 = 1+0+4+2+0+1+6 = 14 (Dead) (End) (Speech at 14:00)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hillary's Jewboy" in the English Ordinal system equals 184

    Hillary's Jewboy" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Ordinal system equals 148

    Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Sumerian system equals 888

  3. The CNN headline " I work for you now"
    Time stamp 1:23 lmao

  4. Jewboy is not me. And I only approve of work that is better than mine.

    Backing Away" in the English Ordinal system equals 97

    Backing Away" in the English Reduction system equals 43

    Civil War= 43 & 97

    GOP" in the English Reduction system equals 20

    GOP" in the English Ordinal system equals 38

    Death= 20 & 38


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