Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

57 75 104 | October 4, 2016, Jewish New Year! Holy Jerusalem!!!! (It's Rosh Hashanah)

What a date for the Jewish New Year to come on, 10/4!

Remember, the U.S. gives Israel $104m every single day.  38 billion / 365-days

Remember the date the Jewish United States of America was established?

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104
7/4/1776 = 7+4+1+7+7+6 = 32

10/4/2016 = 10+4+20+16 = 50

In Francis Bacon gematria, America = 76.  Think about the year of establishment, '76.

Master = 76

Now, let us decode Rosh Hashanah.

Rosh = 9+6+1+8 = 24/33
Hashanah = 8+1+1+8+1+5+1+8 = 33/42
Rosh Hashanah = 57/75 (United Nations = 57) (New World Order = 75)

Rosh = 18+15+19+8 = 60
Hashanah = 8+1+19+8+1+14+1+8 = 60
Rosh Hashanah = 120 (Illuminati = 120)

Is today the end of 'Trump-Pence'?

They like to blow the Ram's Horn.

11/29/1947 = 11+29+19+47 = 106 (Date Israel was established)
12/7/87 = 12+7+87 = 106 (Delaware established 12-7-1787)

Remember, Israel is home of the Synagogue of Satan.


  1. Don't forget that Bible verse about blowing a trumpet

  2. Don't forget that Bible verse about blowing a trumpet

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. No wonder I read a weird ESPN article about a Michigan team called the Nimrods - Babylon King / big game hunter - killing giant prey. Allot of this gemartria is directly synked with history. The sports casters and articles are always dropping hints and random facts for this reason

  5. All those 104 points were quite impactful on me.

    104 looks like 14, & sure enough Fourteen=104. Fourteen also equals 41 which is where I think they want us to take this Decode.

    Forty One =731. Israel =37. Jerusalem Israel =73. 137 is the 33rd Prime, & like Zach said Rosh=33. Hashanah=33.

    Forty One =118. The US Presidential Election is on 11/8. USA=41, & you can't spell jerUSAlem w/out USA. H.Clinton =41.

    1. Great job Maestro! -@dabigtyme/Gematria G-spot & @Numbersdontlie aka UNK

    2. Thanks - I'm Following you on Twitter.

    3. Or keep it simple: Rosh Hashanah =66. Jewish New Year =66.

  6. By the time the Donald takes the stage in Arizona at 2:00pm it will be midnight the following day in Israel. October 5 = Tishrei 3 5777.

    October 5, 2016
    10/5/2016 = 15/216 = 6/9
    1 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 15
    10 + 5 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 24
    10 + 5 + 20 + 16 = 51
    10 + 5 + 16 = 31
    279 day with 87 remaining

    "Tishrei (/ˈtɪʃreɪ/ or Tishri /ˈtɪʃriː/; Hebrew: (tishré) תִּשְׁרֵי‎‎ or תִּשְׁרִי (tishrí); from Akkadian tašrītu "Beginning", from šurrû "To begin") is the first month of the civil year (which starts on 1 Tishrei) and the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year (which starts on 1 Nisan) in the Hebrew calendar."

    Note: 5 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 26

    1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 30
    1 + 3 + (5 + 7 + 7 + 7) = 30
    1 + 3 + 57 + 77 = 138
    1 + 3 + 77 = 81

    7 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 36
    7 + 3 + (5 + 7 + 7 + 7) = 36
    7 + 3 + 57 + 77 = 144
    7 + 3 + 77 = 87

    1. Nice one ,God is 26 like our 26 letter alphabet ..alpha numeric peace.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. March 22, 2013 to September 30, 2016 was 1289 days or
      3 years, 6 months, 9 days.

      To October 1, 2016 is 1290 days.

      Israel is 7 hours ahead of the United States EST, 10 hours PCT.

      March 22, 2013 is the day that end times prophesies propose was the Abomination (Obamanation) that causes Desolation because President Obama did not kneel at the Grotto of the Nativity. Interesting that he was back in Israel to mourn Shimon Peres.

      In keeping with the count, maybe we should look at November 15/16 as watch dates as it will be 1335 days since March 22 and 10 days before November 25/26.

  7. FYI. The Jewish New Year of 5777 began yesterday October 3. Today is Tishrei 2.
    Here is a link:

  8. Interesting how they lined that up. But all the Jewish calendars out there still use the 12 month Gregorian ways. And they use the new moon as the day after a visible crescent to start the month. But in reality the true Bible calendar uses a metonic cycle. 7 out of 19 years is a 13th month. A 13th month is found in Ezekiel and the moon year is 354 days a year 11 days shorter than the sun 365 year. After 2 years the moon is off the sun 22 days. 3 years 33 day difference. That's why there is a 13th month to keep seasons aligned. Ground hog day longer winter is the gregorians only way of saying a long winter this year instead of a 13th month. The true new moon for this month happened to fall on October 1st. It's the first dawn after conjunction not the first dawn after the 1st visible crescent. Last year was a 13 month year. The spring begins on the closest new moon to the vernal equinox and that is not always after the Equinox. Today is the 8th month 4th day. The TRUE feast of Trumpets was last month.

  9. The Vikings arrived in Paris on 24 ************

    FINAL 1 2 3 4 T

    (2-2, 1-1 Away)
    0 3 0 7 10

    (4-0, 2-0 Home)
    7 7 3 7 24


    1. DeMarco Murray: Sam Bradford is 'like a brother to me'

  10. Sportscenter just put a picture of Tom Brady, and his record of 131-37 in final 12 games of the season on instagram. 131 the championship number. If New England loses 2 games out of the 12 remaining as long as Brady plays, his record will be 141-39. 39 the number connected to New York. Just a thought

  11. Anybody catch Trevor Siemien injured by CLINTON McDONALD?

  12. So is Christianity/the bible propaganda for telling us not to kill when billions of people will be killed? Is it so people will think Jesus is coming half way through the end times so they will stand down?? Does God really come back in 2024? What is star wars foreshadowing? Fighting extra terrestrial? I'm new to truthseeking. I got some basics about the satanists. But what info should/do we need to know? What movie foreshadowed tons of creepy clowns?

  13. So is Christianity/the bible propaganda for telling us not to kill when billions of people will be killed? Is it so people will think Jesus is coming half way through the end times so they will stand down?? Does God really come back in 2024? What is star wars foreshadowing? Fighting extra terrestrial? I'm new to truthseeking. I got some basics about the satanists. But what info should/do we need to know? What movie foreshadowed tons of creepy clowns?

  14. Rosh Hashanah would have a different gematria in Hebrew from which gematria originates. Rosh Hashanah is merely the standardized English transcription for that Hebrew name. So the gematria of that is meaningless. You'd have to add up the Hebrew letters to find the real gematria of Rosh Hashanah. By the way the ram's horn is called a shofar which gives you a different numerical value in English and Hebrew. Do some real research next time. Such sloppy work.


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