Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 6, 2016

33 53 73 119 | Will Bucks County buck trend?, CNN's November 6, 2016 reporting on 2016 election hopes fro Trump

CC!  Today is November 6, 2016.

11/6/16 = 11+6+16 = 33
11/6/2016 = 11+6+20+16 = 53 (Pennsylvania)

Critical Counties = 73/82/181 (181, the 42nd prime number)
Hillary Clinton = 73

Will Bucks County buck trend?  = 92/101/110/119

Bucks = 11/20/29/56 (President = 56)
Bucks County = 37/46/55/154

And of course, they're talking about Pennsylvania, like Pennsylvania Avenue.


  1. Bucks also rhymes with fucks a fertile word.

    The only people I know who are jazzed to vote are the Trump supporters. Im predicting some sort of fuckery like Trump winning popular vote but Hillary taking electoral college, or lawyer "experts" coming up with some reason that one or the other isn't able to take office, and then maybe some sort of "terrorist" "attack" (finger quotes working overtime) within the next year.

    Basically I no longer give a shit tho. I only observe it because im forced to. Its like my TV is stuck permanently stuck on the mouth breather channel. I'd much rather just turn it off.



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