Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 5, 2016

45 47 93 119 511 | Donald Trump rushed off the stage, Reno, Nevada, November 5, 2016 +Saturn & 45 +Secret Service & Lincoln

Remember, Israel worships Saturn, and today is SATURday, November 5, 2016, truly, a date with a major parallel to SATURN, as written, 5/11.

Also, Trump's campaign start June 16, 2015 to election day November 8, 2016, is 511-days.

See this video on Israel and Saturn here:

November 5, 2016, the date of this news.  Remember, remember, the fifth of November...

11/5/2016 = 11+5+20+16 = 52 (Prophecy) (Reno)
11/5/2016 = 11+5+(2+0+1+6) = 25
11/5/2016 = 1+1+5+2+0+1+6 = 16 (Sixteen = 33)
11/5/16 = 11+5+16 = 32 (America = 32)
11/5 = 11+5 = 16

The date connects to the location.

The date can be written 5/11, November 5.

'511' is a number of 'Saturn', and so is '45'.

Notice where the incident happened, Reno, Nevada sums to '45'.  This is a race to be the 45th President.

Reno, Nevada also sums to 99; Reno, Nevada = 45/99; Illinois = 45/99

The sum of the Magic Square of Saturn totals 45.  Again, today's date connects to 'Saturn', and '45' is relevant to Saturn.  Here is now the latest big news in the race.

The most common number used to represent Saturn is '93', which ties in with propaganda, which this news, no doubt, is.

Think about how Hillary became first lady in 1993.

Remember, the Secret Service was created the same day as the Lincoln Assassination, April 14, 1865.  In fact, it was the last thing Lincoln did before being shot, and dying early the next day, April 15, 1865, at 7:22 AM.  Again, Lincoln was shot by an actor in a theater.... think about it.

Lincoln had been reelected on November 8, 1864, emphasis on November 8.  That is the date of the election this year.

November 8, or 11/8.

Let us not forget Nevada is one of two states with gematria of '47', like the word 'President'.

The word 'time' also has gematria of '47', and again, Saturn is the keeper of time.

Consider that in history Lincoln was shot on April 14, or 14/4, a number also considered with 'time'.  That date in history, April 14, 1865, was the day Lincoln signed the Secret Service into existence.  He had been re-elected, November 8, 1864.

Also, in Lincoln's journal, on April 4, 1864, he recorded that he dreamt of being shot.

From the journal entry on April 4, to the assassination on April 14, would be shot 10 days later.

Nevada is the 36th state, established on Halloween, October 31, 1864.

10/31/1864 = 10+31+18+64 = 123 (Conspiracy = 123)

Today's incident is 508-days from the start of his campaign, June 16, 2015.

508-days is a lot like '58'.

*More on the Trump Tombstone below.

The date of Trump's campaign start also connects to 'secret society'.

Notice the date numerology of '57'.  That has Presidential history, going back to G.W.

6/16/2015 = 6+16+20+15 = 57 (Scottish Rite = 57)
(Date connected to George Washington inauguration age of 57 and other Presidents)
Trump = 88; George Washington = 88

The date of the "Trump Tombstone" in New York, March 27, 2016, Easter Sunday, to this incident was 223-days.

And for one last final note, the name 'Reno' has a parallel to '93', that other number of Saturn.

Think about 9/11, 2/26 WTC bombing, and Flights 175 and 93.  These numbers are friends.

As for Reno, it is on the 119th Meridian, another way to write the day September 11, or 11/9.

Let us not forget, that on June 18, 2016, there was a Donald Trump assassination story, also out of Nevada:

That was 140-days ago, or a span of 141.

One Hundred Forty = 84; Arizona = 84; Trump began his campaign in Arizona, 48th State
The divisors of '44' sum to '84'
Kill = 44; This is a race to be the 44th person to be President of the United States (#45)

This story also comes 88-days, or a span of 89-days, after the August 9 'Second Amendment People' remarks by Trump:

88, that number that represents 'time'.  88, the infinite loop, like time.  '88' is also the number that represents Trump.

*Also, the span of 89-days, from August 9, the day leaving 144-days left in the year.


  1. Hey Zack,
    I say to myself everyday, how do you know every single news story, the breakdown of it. It is amazing.
    You have truly open my eyes.

    Thank you.

  2. Just passed by the ufc fight and its in Mexico=33 and the guy from Mexico won in 3:03 for your 33 ..think the guy was name bravo..

  3. Man you can write these up fast ................Great work..

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Biggest Little City in the World=332, 2202

    1. 222=Hitler, Hell, Bipolar, Armageddon, Speaking, Charisma, Race Games, Tithe, Social Media, Flames, Hades, Take, Break, Keep, Sale, Dies(108J), Teach, Drama...

      Dead End.

  6. I'll be watching for that 144th day from the assassination attempt now

  7. Darrius heyward Bey # 88

    Saved most of his 35 million salary

    888 lol

  8. Zach, this blog contains such good teachings about what happened at the Trump rally yesterday. I didn't know about the numerology of Saturn(Satan)worship.

  9. Might be a coincidence, but 508 / 364 = 1 year '144' days using the 13MC. The number 144 is connected to political assassinations.

  10. Austyn crites = 48 Arizona = 48 sure Zach will mention in new trump vid

  11. Did you know the original name for Rubik's Cube was Magic Cube? It was invented by Erno Rubik in 1974 and released in 1977 (39 years ago).

    Erno Rubik
    Gematria Jewish 476
    Gematria Reduction 50
    Gematria Summerian 678
    Gematria Ordinal 113
    Gematria English 626

    Born July 13, 1944
    7/13/1944 > 11/9
    7 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 = 29
    7 + 13 + (1 + 9 + 4 + 4) = 38
    7 + 13 + 19 + 44 = 83
    7 + 13 + 44 = 64ő_Rubik

    Magic Cube
    Gematria Jewish 260
    Gematria Reduction 37
    Gematria Summerian 384
    Gematria Ordinal 64
    Gematria English 370

    Rubik's Cube
    Gematria Jewish 601
    Gematria Reduction 39
    Gematria Summerian 666
    Gematria Ordinal 111
    Gematria English 831

    It is considered the world's best- selling toy (over 350 million cubes sold).

    In the United States, Rubik was granted U.S. Patent 4,378,116 on March 29, 1983, for the Cube.

    March 29, 1983 (33 years)
    3/29/1983 > 329*
    3 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 35
    3 + 29 + (1 + 9 + 8 + 3) = 53
    3 + 29 + 19 + 83 = 134
    3 + 29 + 83 = 115

    I imagine the Satanists are having a good laugh at our expense over this one. Millions of innocent people playing with a little cube...

    1. Great work, I have an older post on this!

    2. Thank you. I should have known you had it covered. I searched your archives and read your two posts.

      Do you think Erno Rubik is real or an actor? The 113 made me think twice.

      Here is additional gematria related to this post.

      Rushed off stage
      Gematria Jewish 652
      Gematria Reduction 64
      Gematria Summerian 924
      Gematria Ordinal 154
      Gematria English 892

      Detain a man
      Gematria Jewish 231
      Gematria Reduction 37
      Gematria Summerian 492
      Gematria Ordinal 82
      Gematria English 361

      Detained man
      Gematria Jewish 239
      Gematria Reduction 45
      Gematria Summerian 540
      Gematria Ordinal 90
      Gematria English 369

      Magic Square
      Gematria Jewish 496
      Gematria Reduction 51
      Gematria Summerian 684
      Gematria Ordinal 114
      Gematria English 636

    3. Interesting.
      Erno is a scramble of Reno.

      Stanley Kubrick was supposed to have been a fan of the toy.


      6 sides with 9 stickers each = 54

      Looking at one I'm reminded of a wall of tvs, all on different channels showing something completely differwnt and the goal is to get them on the same station, I guess.

    4. Reminds me of Max Headroom=117, and what do you know. Also, that wall of TVs visual makes me think of Jeopardy or that old show on MTV Remote Control.

    5. And Elvis shooting the wall of TVs. Ive always wanted to do that.

    6. No Cheryl, you found things I didn't. Your brilliant! And so are the rest of you, thank you!


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