Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The "North Star", the best argument for a stationary earth (not-spinning), but is it a flawed argument?

Let's think about this together.  Jeff Young is trying to make me come around to the flat earth model.  So are a lot of other people.  It's an ongoing push.  He and the flat earth community ask, "How can we logically explain the existence of the 'North Star' and its seemingly fixed position on a spinning earth?  To the human eye, it never moves, it is always there, the brightest star in the sky."

The flat earth argument is as follows:

Notice the flat earth argument assumes that all stars are equidistant from earth.

Star = 58; Science = 58; Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; NASA established in '58

Then, the scientific community counters with this explanation of why Polaris is seemingly always in the same spot in the night sky.

If it is true, the scientific explanation makes sense.  If not, the flat earth community has an argument.  But there is where the problem lies.  Who can verify the mathematics of these calculations or prove otherwise?  Part of the reason for this post you're reading, is to emphasize why I do not invest the time on this topic, even though a lot of people constantly wish that I would.

As for verifying the mathematics, perhaps gematria can give us as much of an insight into the truth of these distance calculations as humanly possible at the moment.  Let's take a quick look at the gematria of the North Star aka Polaris.

Notice down below that the 'North Star' is reportedly '133 parsecs' from earth.  Notice down below that 'Polaris' also connects back to '33'.

Polaris = 36/45/90 (9) (Ninety = 33) (The Sun = 24/33)

Also take notice of the '433-light-years'.  433 light-years, eh?  Another 33?  We know the Freemason gang who worships '33' has given us science, and "Space", as we know it.  The '433' is no doubt a tribute to the Catholic Church (CC, 33) and the Jesuits within who have played their part in shaping this world to be what it is.  Remember in middle school when you learned about astronomers being beheaded by the Catholic Church?  Those history / science lessons were no coincidence.  The divide and conquer programming has been lifelong with us.  Anyway, notice below how '433' connects to 'Jesuit'.

United States of America = 84; Divide and Conquer = 84; Order Out of Chaos = 84; Pluto = 84

Do you recall my recent work on the three latest planets being discovered, all on dates with '33' numerology?

As for the flat-stationary vs spinning-spherical earth, I call the argument from both sides a draw.  If you really think about it, there is no definitive proof for either.  I feel what the flat earth community and NASA are both trying to accomplish the same thing, and that is getting others to beLIEve as they do, to conform to their worldview.  Believe = 33

Perhaps the world we live in is meant to be an infinite mystery, and what it is and how it came to be is not to be known by and living mortal?  Or perhaps as humanity, we have to work harder for the answers.  For those of you who are convinced in the flat earth arguments, what needs to happen for your cause, is the explanation of the physics of the flat earth.  What power in this world is causing the sun and moon to orbit, if not the scientific explanation?  Are their orbits simply due to the puppet strings of God?

I have not seen anyone in the flat earth community explain flat earth physics.  As out there as a lot of the scientific explanation we have are, I can understand the cycles of day and night and the seasons better with the spherical earth, than I can the flat earth.  Also, in the age of flight, I think it is mind blowing that no one has ever documented the edge of the earth if the earth truly is flat, as more and more people are believing.

Cliff notes:  Don't claim to know what you don't know.


  1. The shape is irrelevant. No one gets out alive.

  2. Shill or not, Eric Dubay's videos are the best out there on the Flat Earth. Come to think of it, you and Eric have more in common than you think Zach lol. He's very anti-Bible (comes from a spiritual perspective), he's vegan, and he calls out the Zionists a lot.

  3. time to check out Balls Out Physics on YT.

    Brian Mullin, a licensed and practicing engineer has taken the time to vet physics as is presented to us.

  4. as far as the Polaris debate - how does science satisfy the fact that the north star not only doesn't move relative to our perception but also has not moved at all over thousands and thousands of years. people BEEN using it for navigation purposes for eons.

    so am I to deduce that the north star moves in perfect synchronicity with the earth's tilting/wobbling/rotating/orbiting movements as well as the Milky Way's path of travel/rotation and orbit all the while shooting away from the center of the big bang in perfect unison at near light speeds?

    that's fucking ridiculous.

  5. The Best argument for flat earth is in P900 footage of zooming out things on water, things can be seen over water for 30+ miles... Which can not happen on a ball ever, it's pointless trying to debunk flat earth with stars, debunk it with curve if you can... This is why many people go to stars, no one can test and verify anything about that, however we can definitely measure the flatness or imaginary curve, there's many problems with heliocentric model but people don't stop to think about it...

    1. I forgive Zach for "bashing" flat earth occasionally, he spends all his time doing other important work, once he has some time on his hands and sits to research, he will quickly drop the ball

    2. Go onto Youtube and watch the sun set and no one can make an argument that it is fading to a point on a flat plane. It is setting over a curve.

    3. That's what somebody who has done absolutely no research what say

    4. spend some time on the shores of the gulf somewhere with a pair of binoculars.

    5. I've looked extensively into the FE. Some it looks good, but having lived for 21 years directly facing the North Sea in England, and seeings thousands of sun-rises, including perectly clear skies in winter, with excellent visibility, your opinion is totally flawed, as the Sun does not come from a dot and get bigger, it, as all the video shows too, rises over a curve as a large object. Skip to 2:16 and your Freemasonic FE psy-op is DESTROYED.

  6. Think about this for a second: Light is affected by gravity. The more mass an object has, the more it draws in towards it. Light is not an exception.

    Perhaps we see things 30+ miles way (upside-down, however) because the light is actually bending WITH the earth. That's why you can see the skyline, but you can't see the streets or harbors.

    The reason I hate flat earth is because it's a waste of time. The earth is on such a massive scale in comparison to us, we just have no way to measure or even really fathom what we're riding through space on.

    Regardless of what guys like Russianvids says, planes DO fly directly between Australia, South Africa, and South America. I know people who have been on those flights. Yes, they lose radar coverage over the southern hemisphere. But think about it: NINETY PERCENT of the world lives north of the equator. The number of flights over those parts of the world is very small in comparison. I'm not well-versed on the satellites, but I would imagine they move in a fixed orbit, and ignore the empty parts of the southern hemisphere so they can allocate their tracking resources appropriately to the number of flights.

    But yeah...when you consider the fact that light, and even time, is not a linear, straight-from-source-to-eye object, then you realize the whole thing really is just a waste of time. Plenty of more important, provable things to go after.

    1. this opinion is full of more holes than swiss cheese.

    2. I dunno Slim. I've tried to book Southern Hemisphere flights and they always are super long and stop in the Middle East. On the deepest level its not flat or round. It is a dream

    3. What are you talking about? Look for flights from Johannesburg to Perth. South African Airlines has a non-stop flight that lasts 9h 20m. I've tracked this route on myself, and it showed back up on radar as it got within about 100 miles of the coast, exactly at the time it should have.

      If you want to say the earth is FLAT, then please post a video documenting your experience as you attempt to book and take this flight. Let's see whose argument is full of swiss cheese holes then.

    4. Its weird I was investigating this a few months ago and whenever I looked to book it would stop in the middle east. I just checked now and you're right they do fly direct. Its like some Mandela effect shit and just points to what I'm saying ultimately its all a dream. I was pretty torn up about this awhile ago and kept going back and forth until ultimately concluding there was a better case for flat. Now I guess I agree with Zach. Its ok to not know

    5. It can also be a flat dimension and a round dimension overlapping which is why you get proofs and disproofs with both

    6. For all we know, yup. Yeah check the site out for yourself one day, I had it open in a tiny window at work. I started to get spooked out about flat earth myself, but the more time I spent looking into it, the sillier I thought it was.

      I still think we're on a globe pretty close to what they tell us, because the sun is not out in London right now, I assure you. But until I go all the way up there myself and see...

  7. Ok We need to stop this.!! THE EARTH IS NOT FLAT. The Universe Is Electromagnetic And The Planets are Spherical the only thing that is a lie is gravity and the double slit experiments """findings""". If you can understand this here is proof! The video i provided is just a visual. As above So below!

    1. Electromagnetism built our pyramids and is the ether permeating all things.

  8. Since what we've been taught is mostly a bunch of shyte, the ball Earth is going to have to take a hit too. I don't trust these Freemason/Jesuit clowns (NASSHOLES). Science is known for 'normalizing' equations when they can't make sense of them (why they get paid the big bucks). They make an assertion then ask you to disprove it - f@ck off! :/

  9. Southern hemisphere flights and southern star rotation disprove the flat earth model. Also the rising and setting of the sun and moon do not match the perspective-based explanation.

    I lean towards a stationary spherical earth, with the sun and other celestial object beings much closer and different in nature to what NASA tells us.

    1. meanwhile on the underside of the ball - gravity!!!

      cmon man, try harder.

    2. Again, I ask someone to make a documentary as they book a South African Airlines flight from Perth to Johannesburg or vice-versa. Until you can show me that this flight isn't taking off, or that they don't let you on it, then I'll still go with round earth.


  11. Let's start to think simply for a minute. For the FLAT EARTH believers i need someone to explain to me seriously. Why is it that when i (yes i made this trip) go to the North Pole or close to it. The sun doesn't set. Observed with my own eyes. Give me a good argument.

    1. There is none....LOL. All they do is just say you don't know for sure. Even though all the evidence, from our eyes, supports a spherical shape.

    2. They actually do have an explanation for that, but there are many other problems with the FE model.

  12. I would have to agree with Zach's conclusion. My father was a flight engineer and flew a commercial plane for decades. So physics and numbers aside, I would think my father would spill the beans at some point. Either my father is a keeper of one of the most epic secrets in history or the whole aeronautical industry was designed to keep this secret away from pilots. My father can't keep secrets lol. So again, It seems to be a draw.

  13. First of all, 2.4 QUADRILLION miles? That is a mighty long way.

    We will never know if the earth is really flat or round because no one will ever be able to observe it. Even if we were able to get through the Van Allen Belts, which we aren't, 2.4 quadrillion miles? GTFOH!

    So when people start blurting out these crazy numbers and scientific data that they beLIEve in, ask them, "who was able to get the full picture? Who actually did the measuring?"

    They will say, "Einstein," or some other well-known shill.

    Who paid them? (You know the drill.)

    My THEORY is, as above, so below. Every living being is the center of their own universe. So to every living being, the earth is flat just by how we perceive it. We can't perceive it round until we are able to see objects entirely, the front, back, top, and bottom at the same time.

    If you study occult logic and theory, the center of our physical bodies is the heart and the energy supposedly spins out from there, beyond our physical bodies, in a toroidal vortex. There are supposedly 7 energy or consciousness centers in the body, called chakras in Sanskrit, that mirror the 7 major planets (Uranus and Pluto were "discovered" fairly recently.) All the major spiritual texts talk about the earth being on four pillars with a firmament, in their own words.

    Knowing what we know about gematria and how intelligently the universe works, wouldn't it make sense that the "as above, so below" mantra applies to where we physically live as well?

    I personally beLIEve, but I wont bet the farm on it, that the earth resembles more of a jelly fish with a "snow globe-like" top with tentacle like foundations that keep everything in balance. I always look to nature for my proof. But I will never be able to prove my theory entirely. I am OK with that. It is irrelevant to me. We could live in the Devil's asshole for all I care. I don't invest myself too much into things that rely on believing.

    I don't believe for one second, what we were programmed to believe about the 93 million miles to the sun, gravity, yada, yada stuff. Gematria gave me the final nail in the coffin for that nonsense. It is undeniable, that our friends in high places came up with those numbers. And I think those same friends are throwing out these arguments to keep us concerned with trivial things that no one can prove.

    All the 4's and 7's in the so-called "esoteric" sciences, that keep repeating in our everyday lives are what I use to base my theories in.

    I can't prove them without a a doubt.

    But as Willy Wonka, our first purple shill, so eloquently stated, "never, never doubt what nobody is sure about."

    1. Absolutely!!!! I'm an electrical engineer i have friends that are aerospace engineers. The flat earth model just doesn't explain a lot of things. We are infinite beings of consciousness. This intelligent universe is much more complicated than one thinks. Unfortunately even in such high education "Things were left out" for PHDs only, but the math does make sense. Believing aside. Yes! Nasa does falsify things there's no doubt about that, again things get left out, but what about commercial aerospace companies that launch satellites to power our applications and autonomously control auto pilot in our air planes and soon autonomous vehicles. Normal people who went to school, and got a job as and engineer,material scientist, astrophysicist, computer science. Some are kids or very young people in their 30s. For the flat earth believers you mean to tell me these people are all Jesuit, Freemasons. Simply not true. The Freemasons need smart people to help push their agenda. That's why these secret societies are (abusive i should add) keepers of VERY high knowledge, and continue to pump these "Educated students out of their universe-ities it becomes clear to these students how the pyramidal structural nature these corporations are built controlling "Departments". "create this" without knowing why, and some without an understanding of the bigger picture. Rockets fly in space (without hitting a firmament) land on a barge all autonomously ,because of hard working people and the infrastructure built years in advance who understand enough to get these tasks done. AND obviously these same people just go to work thinking life is great. "Why would my company do harmful things." It's ignorance that's killing us we need to correct that first before we destroy ourselves playing right into their hands. The world is like this, because everyone of us allowed it!

    2. How do you know rockets fly in "space"?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. We are looking through the Fish Eye Lenses of our eyeBALLS which naturally affects/distorts our perception of what we r looking at.
    And they are easy to fool.

    1. I agree.
      Why flat or sphere we all know it's neither!
      Why must all things be one or the other and not both or neither.
      Conditioned minds think alike that's why.
      Earth shape is just another distraction.

  15. the earth is not flat
    look at the sun
    give me a break
    this will discredit you if you advertise this silliness

  16. I think we all can agree that there is no concrete proof of the earth being anything. I think the Father wants that and we all will find out when we die. That is the only way out of this place.. Some go up and a lot go down.

    1. Yup. Round or flat it won't effect my life

    2. Nothing happens when you die! The energy is recycled back into this magnetic, electric grid.
      Consciousness is active in the DNA.
      Reprogrammed by the bastard in OZ!

  17. The best answer to a question like this is I don't know

    1. You're too smart for this blog... Leave now before you get sucked in!

  18. Flat earth is the same truther trap as pizza gate.

    1. Watch Truthiracy's videos, he proves if the earth was flat the sun and moon would both be visible at all times.

    2. Due to perspective, that is patently false. Without knowing how far away they are (I think they are rather close), you cannot prove one or another how long they should be visible.

      It may not be perfectly flat (because who the hell knows), but it is certainly a whole lot flatter than the globalists claim and the masses believe. The sheer fact that it is possible to see a lighthouse from over 100 miles away, when it should be almost a mile below your line of sight -- given the spherical trigonometry of the supposed globe -- proves it beyond doubt. Conflating it with "pizzagate" seems disingenuous.

    3. I've always thought of the sky, sort of like a Screen saver or the picture placed behind the
      Fish tank. At night the stars connect like a Grid
      Or the dome at Epcot. That could project our atmosphere. I also believe the world is much larger than we know. We could actually be zoned off from other civilizations. We're always looking OUT there instead of inside.
      GATE Keeper, hells gate , golden gate , portal
      Heavens door, heavens gate.
      Just a theory.

    4. @Sean, I agree that the sun is closer than 93 million miles away. But gravity curves space naturally, it is an astrophysical fact. Flat earth is a pre 16th century enlightenment argument. Again, Truthiracy's videos prove that for earth to be flat the sun and moon would always be visible and there'd be no night time. I compare it to pizza gate because it is a truther trap imo, if truthers start spewing off that the earth is flat they're going to discredit themselves. Any person with a decent education would know that it is a fact of physics that gravity curves space.

    5. I used to think like R Sieberling, BEFORE I researched Flat Earth. There are rockets that have gone very far up in the sky, and the horizon never changes. Impossible on a ball. The Sun is much smaller than you think. The biggest coincidence in human history is that the Sun and Moon are the same size in our sky because they are the perfect size and distance away for that to occur SUPPOSEDLY... No, it's because THEY ARE THE SAME SIZE. Anyway, doesn't NASA tell us that the Moon gets further away from us every year? Over thousands of years, wouldn't people have documented this change?

    6. You bring up some very valid points, I need to do more research myself. Arguing about what shape the earth is just should not be where we put our energy now anyway. I mean who gives a fuck what shape planet we have when we're all still under this Masonic stranglehold? With the knowledge being hidden from us all our lives to the utterly sick freaks running everything, it's hard to understand the true nature of our world. Clear them, and all their false concepts, out of the way first and then we can begin to understand the utopia earth was intended to be and figure it all out.

    7. Exposing a lie of this magnitude would awaken people faster than anything else though. Not saying I'm 100% sure it's flat, but there are a ton of questions left unanswered by NASA.

      Also, we really shouldn't care about rigged sports, but we do because exposing it has the power to awaken people.

    8. @R Seiberling, if the sun is closer, then that throws off the entire model. And again, "Truthiracy's" videos cannot prove something that cannot be proven. Given the laws of perspective, as an object above you moves away from you, it appears to descend, until it reaches the horizon. Watch a plane sometime.

      How do you know gravity itself is an "astrophysical fact"?

      And saying something is antiquated or that an "educated" person wouldn't believe it is a logical fallacy and rather childish.

    9. Education, anagram for auctioned, cautioned. Teach, cheat.

    10. And always remember, facts are not truth.
      Linguistic tricks suck u into nonsense. Thats why we have to hire lawyers to INTERPRET (very important word) the law for us.
      Try to think like a lawyer instead of a juror.

    11. >>Sean Dexter
      >>Education, anagram for auctioned, cautioned. Teach, cheat.

      That's awesome. I don't agree with you on this particular issue but I'm definitely remembering this. :)

    12. "Adam and Eve SMH
      Apes SMH
      Big Bang sounds like an orgy
      Faggaot troll on in that wheel chair knows (B.S)
      Neil Degrasse Tyson bull shit
      Dinosaurs yeah right
      Pyramids remind me of an abandoned theme park.

      Did I miss anything Santa , tooth fairy , moon landing , JFK assassination.

      Bible please

      When you compartmentalize our world, it leads you to a very dark place ! Of more questions than answers.

      Like Truman speaking to the " Creator" "

      I feel the same way about all those things. A couple of guys down here in Australia are filming a documentary very soon about the Dinosaur fraud, should be a good one. Not many people talk about Dinosaurs.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Deflate" gate goes hand-in-hand with the Flat Earth meme.

      Apparently u can get a better grip on a ball if you let the air out slightly.

      Slow leaks.


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