Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 19, 2017

25 33 42 51 52 118 133 | Monterrey, Mexico American High School shooting of January 18, 2017 +Appears to be a hoax

This media story appears to be a tribute to Adam Lanza, and the many other reported suicidal school shooters.  Adam Lanza is who supposedly shot up the Sandy Hook Elementary School, December 14, 2012.

1/18/2017 = 1+18+20+17 = 56

Read about Adam Lanza and his '118' birth numerology here:

Video of January 18, 2017 High School shooting:

At the beginning of the video, notice the person dressed in black and white that seems to interact with the teacher by pointing to their own head, then quickly walks out of the room, at the same time the shooting begins.

Despite being blurry and the man in black and white, this video is the most realistic looking tragedy footage released to date by the mainstream media.  There is something interesting about the way the shooter falls to the ground when he kills himself.  His motion is very violent towards the ground.  Watching the footage, if it is real, it looks like the shooter is under some heavy programming.  He is even robotic in his multiple attempts to kill himself before he realizes he is out of ammo and reloads the weapon.

Anyhow, the date was right for 'death'.

January 18, or 1/18.

There are 51 minutes during the time of the shooting, even his own suicide.

Notice in the top right, there are 52 minutes on the clock after he kills himself.

'52' connects to the location of the shooting, Monterrey, Mexico.

The M, M initials of the location connect to shooting a well.

M = 13; M = 13 = 1+3 = 4
M, M = 4, 4

Notice it was the American School.

Notice he was '15'.

I should also mention the connection to '44' and 'teen'.

This was also the right state for a 'Freemason' 'conspiracy'.

In this case, the shooter is a young boy.

Remember, North America is the land of Freemason, from Canada to Mexico.  The Mexican-American War ended on the 33rd day of the year.

'33' is the master teacher number, and in this case, a teacher was killed.

Notice the two teens killed were both '14'.

24+14+14 = 52 (Monterrey = 52) (Government = 52)

Notice they got 'Fasci', probably short for fascist, giving us the death stats.

As for the 14-year old boy being shot in the head, the video does not show that happen.  You cannot see any blood come from the boy who falls to the ground.

Notice the muzzle is flashing above, and the boy with the glasses is looking away from the shooter.

Then the boy falls in the direction of the shooter, no blood is shown.

Then he shoots the teacher, then he shoots someone off camera to the right, reportedly the 14-year-old girl.


  1. if this is really a hoax, what you are telling me is that none of those people died and that everyone in that classroom is in the whole scam. im sorry I been following your work but this doesn't make sense. I saw the video and I don't see how a class full of young kids would all have the same mindset to plan this out.

    1. How do you know what that room was? It could have been a film set for a B movie. And you've never posted here before.

  2. caught in the web why would they do this how could they do this stop brushing your teeth with fluoride it will make you smarter

  3. The two kids left sitting on the desk to the right get shot... Keep moving the ought the 'shooting' and then dash out of the room ?

    1. It honestly looks like a lock down drill

  4. Even in the hands of an adult who's gripping a. 22 caliber with both hands, there would be a small amount of recoil. Kid is shooting with one hand and there's zero recoil. Also, The chubby kid who received the first shot looks like he might be signaling the shooter with his right hand.

    1. And if you look at the kid before he 'shoots himself' he puts something in his hand.. Where it seems the blood is coming from

  5. All of a sudden Hispanic mass shooting are mainstream, what a reason for the government... ' Donald' to 'justify' himself, and for the people to justify themselves to his lies... 2 shootings this far involving 'Hispanics' let's see if they'll carry on and on and on until...,

  6. Fascia- found in the halls of congress, Lincolns monument, all over Washington to frank.

    1. Yes.

  7. "murder suicide" in the English Ordinal system equals 149
    149 is 35th prime
    "thirty five" in the English Ordinal system equals 142
    "forty two" in the English Ordinal system equals 142

  8. This IS "Fake News" -- relatives living in Monterrey don't believe it either -- & insist it's a fraudulent DISTRACTION.

    DISTRACTION from ... WHAT?

    From widespread RIOTING & LOOTING that is sweeping across Mexico.

    Our Mainstream Media is carefully avoiding the topic of what's REALLY going on "Down There" --

    Big Box Stores (like Walmart & their contemporaries) & Global Chains are being ransacked & looted until they're complete empty.

    WHY? It's a protest against the small independent stores being muscled out & about the political & financial grip these Global Corporate Entities have on their country.

    WHY NOW? The rioting began when the price of gasoline was jacked up nearly 100% ... from $1.22 a gallon (approx; in American currency) to OVER $2.00.

    Before anyone says "We should be so lucky!" -- remember that wages are MUCH lower in Mexico ... & this is AMERICAN CURRENCY FIGURES.
    Right now a Single Peso (like our dollar) = 22 U.S. Dollars.
    So it would be like our gas going from around $30 a gallon to nearly $50 (so yeah -- we've got it better here).

    What's interesting is that since gas prices spiked (& pretty much everything else went up too) --

    In videos I've seen, there are NO police or security guards trying to stop the looters -- probably because they're facing the same economic hardships as the rioters.

    The people are trying to Send A Message to the Globalists --

    That even though Political & Legal avenues are not realistic routes for them to effect change --


    And since those who control the economic policies are clearly not serving the best interests of The People --

    The People are showing THEM that -- although they're been driven into poverty & are finding it hard to pay for their basic needs --


    Just imagine if Americans had reacted that way when gas shot up to $5 & $6 a gallon a few years ago ...
    What might life be like today?

    Of course we'll never know ... not as long as people remain DIVIDED ... & SO EASILY DISTRACTED & DECEIVED! :D

  9. "Children" in the English Reduction system equals 46
    The octal numeral of "46" is "56"
    "The Inaugural Ceremony" in English Reduction equals 100
    The hexadecimal of "100" is "64"(or 46)
    "Duck and Cover Drills" in the English Reduction equals 78
    The duodecimal value of "78" is "66"
    "False Flag" in the English Reduction system equals 33
    "Thirty Three" in the English Reduction system equals 66


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