Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 19, 2017

38 50 66 75 119 343 | 50 firefighters killed in Iran as high rise collapses on them, January 19, 2017 +NWO salute to Bush 41?

Reminder:  Today is January 19, or 1/19.

All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119; Master Plan = 119

The story is 50 killed at the 'Plasco' Building, 17-stories, January 19, 2017, eh?

This happened in Tehran.

Remember, there are 66 Books in the Bible, and the 66th Book teaches how to calculate the Number of the Beast, '666'.

*When you add the first 144 decimal points of Pi together, they sum to '666'.
*These firefighters reportedly died in the 'Plasco Building'.

'666' and '144' are numbers both used in Revelation, the 66th Book of the Bible.

This is how the New World Order operates.

Here in the States, for the entire post-9/11 era, they have been foreshadowing a war with Iran.  The United States, takes after the Book of Revelation, the 66th Book of the Bible.  That is why the original capitol, Philadelphia, is named from Revelation and more.  It's also why the majority of the populace is hopeless and waiting for Jesus.  Revelation has much to do with the return of Jesus.  Anyhow, 'Iran' connects to 'New Testament', which begins with the 42 generations to Jesus.

Again, the New Testament end with the 66th Book, and the American Empire is based on it.

September 11 was New Year's Day of the Coptic Calendar.

Above, see how '50' connects to '66'.  '50' also connects to America and Bush, in the land of the 50 States.

George H.W. Bush lead a war by the numbers with Iran's neighbor, Iraq, just like his son did shortly after him.

I love the update at 2:35 AM, the 155th minute of the day, about the '75' injured.  That is no doubt a tribute to the New World Order, on January 19, 2017.  Twice in George H.W. Bush's Presidential career, he gave tributes to the New World Order on dates with '119' numerology, one of those days, 11-years to the day of September 11, 2001.

Read about those two times here:

*The last update is at 3:55 AM, the 235th minute of the day.  2,3,5, prime numbers...

The Illuminati, the New World Order, it is Freemasonry.

...Sin = 19+9+14 = 42

Firefighters killed by collapsing building...
People trapped under the rubble...

This is no doubt a tribute to 9/11/2001, just the day before Donald Trump takes office, who predicted September 11, 2001 in his January 15, 2000 book, even naming Osama bin Laden.


This update reminds me of this stat about Dennis Leary's firefighter foundation in light of the reported firefighter deaths on September 11, 2001.

What's the 411?


  1. Not sure if you saw my earlier comment, super job on this collapse, which mirrors the twin towers!

  2. 5609 days or 801 weeks since 9/11

    130 days or 18 weeks since last 9/11

    33 weeks until next 9/11

  3. Zach,
    I just found out that "GOY" in Septenary Gematria = 11
    Think about that..Septenary (September)
    Goy = 11
    September 11th.

    1. Jesus = 11
      WTCs on the 74th Meridian.
      Jesus = 74
      Cross = 74
      WTCs were 33-years old.

  4. Excellent Gematria for the NHL Game: Florida Panthers-Calgary Flames,
    Called it "laughing at your face":

  5. I saw a story this morning about an Italian Ski hotel collapsed after an avalanche hit the building. Looks like 911 reminders in Italy and Iran today.
    I YI YI

  6. An avalanche is not like 911. One is staged one is not.

    1. Everything in the news is staged. The media is not your friend, it is not there to inform u about what's going on in the world, it's there to shape your perception of the world. It's good to always keep that in mind when decoding the "news."
      The story had people "trapped in the buildings" that had collapsed calling family just like they reported about the WTC on 911 so yeah, it's a 911 trigger and just as "true" as 911 was.

    2. Well, I do know about avalanches, out west, or east of Zach's home town...They often start them on purpose with T.N.T. and other charges, to make the snow safer that has built up from 2-3 foot dumps. It's possible to stage.

    3. Prunella, correction, the news IS A TRUTHER'S FRIEND. It's technically everything we go off of, real or fake, I repeat this all the time. Real or fake does not matter, it's all part of a or many narrative(s) shaping the earth inhabitant's world.

      And Bob, no big deal, you say a lot of good thought provoking things.

    4. A hoax is a hoax, whether people were killed or not, in my opinion.

      Whether 3000 people liquefied in the twin towers or not is immaterial. The buildings came down. Same with Iran...even Italy.

    5. You're right, I'm past the point of believing the news, I know they r fake I'm only interested in WHY we r being given the stories and where they r trying to lead us .
      Just trying to remind Bob and everyone else that u shouldn't believe/buy into the tales the media are "reporting." They r not trustworthy/friendly.

    6. The Illuminati will never contact anyone with individual names, we don't send agents to recruit people if they have not confirmed by our organization so please ignore anyone claiming to be an agent of our organization recruiting people,they are Nigeria and Africans who only want your money,they are not in anyway affiliated to the Illuminati,please be aware of this so you don't lay your blames on the Illuminati you can only be contacted when your payment for your initiation/membership form and the materials needed for your initiation has been confirmed by our supreme grand masters lodge in the united states the Illuminati offers wealth,fame,power,protection,knowledge and any other thing you wish for we have been doing this for years.we watch everything nothing is hidden from us. We are everywhere,we have members all over the world,we rule this world NOTE:we don't recruit people from social networks before now,but due to the establishment of the new world order that is about to begin.that is why we are giving the this equal opportunity to everyone who is interested in joining our organization,if you are interested,kindly send an EMAIL to or call +238159740538

    7. Too late brother. I AM already in possession of all that. And your NWO I eat fa breakfast. Victory has already been given to me. See my Google+ page in my profile.


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