Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 22, 2017

44 63 98 144 441 | Mercedez-Benz Stadium opening for the 98th season, and Martin Luther King Jr. & the Atlanta Falcons NFC Championship win, January 22, 2017

Mercedes-Benz Stadium will open for the 98th Season of the NFL.

The Atlanta Falcons are heading to Super Bowl 51, and will likely face Tom Brady.

At the end of the first half of the NFC Championship, the Packers visiting the Falcons, Joe Buck, the commentator for the game, said "The Falcons have never been to the mountaintop."  When he said that, I wondered if he was hinting at Martin Luther King Jr., who was born in Atlanta, and gave his last speech April 3, 1968, the day before his assassination.  His last speech was titled, "I've Been to the Mountaintop".'ve_Been_to_the_Mountaintop

Now notice the address of the Stadium, 441 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.

144 is the number coded on the death of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Bobby Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and many more.  It is even coded on the death of the supposed assassin of Martin Luther King Jr., James Earl Ray, who died April 23, 1998.

4/23/1998 = 4+23+19+98 = 144

The Falcons just won the NFC Championship with '44' points.

Georgia = 44; Wisconsin = 44; Kill = 44

Recall, MLK died at age 39, and '39' is a very big number on this Super Bowl.  We saw the recent death of the Atlanta Falcon at age 39, Keion Carpenter.

ALSO, I am reminded of the death of Eddie Long at '63', on January 15, 2017, MLK Jr.'s birthday.  Again, when you sum 1 through 63, it totals 2016.

Notice Georgia Dome sums to '63'


  1. 441 MLK Jr Drive? Wow. I forgot MLK was right there down by the GWCC. Crazy, but like you say, doesn't quite blow my mind anymore, its just like, there they go again...

    1. My friend was making fun of me at halftime because I said I'm pretty sure what Joe Buck just said is a reference to MLK. After my friend made fun, I said, "Well, MLK is from Atlanta." He said, "I didn't know that."

    2. Joe Buck also made a point to say it was the Falcons 805th all time game.

      National Football League = 85

      So Super Bowl LI will be their 806th game.

      Symbol = 86, et al

      The sum of the divisors of 806 is 1344.
      The 806th prime is 6199.

      The Falcons just improved to 13-5 on the season, with 44 points. Also Matt Ryan is on 61 losses, and New England = 99.

      One thousand three hundred forty four = 410, 167
      Super Bowl = 41
      167 the 39th prime; LI = 3 9

      Six thousand one hundred ninety nine= 391, the reflection of 193, the 44th prime.

  2. I will call Wednesday zach to explain why i found the Falcons as a lock early December. Didn't notice the harmonic coding till couple weeks ago though. Hopefully i can get like 5-10 minutes haha

  3. I checked out Joe Buck's two black rings. Black rings. Saturn.

    Black Tungsten Carbide, supposed to be scratch proof.

    But not duschbag proof!

    I wonder if Joe Buck is Troy Aikman's handler...Aikman seems like a pill-popping robot to me.

    1. Freemason's are into black tungsten carbide. You'll notice more of them.

    2. You see the way Joe Buck and Troy Aikman looked at each other during the pregame show? Aikman was facing the camera, totally dead eyed, and Buck was facing him, then Joe Buck looked at the camera expressionless while Aikman turned his head tiaras Buck.... The weirdest thing ever. They didn't start talking to the camera for another 10 seconds or so.

  4. Mercedes Benz stadium is the star of David.

    Address at 441 MLK Jr. 144- time.

    We also have the Mercedes star logo. Falcons. Red and black. Eye of Horus. on and on....

    Are they trying to make this any more clear, or what??

    It is like one huge paint-by-numbers propaganda our expense of course!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Don't get mind fucked again, try a different method.

    There are no Giants and no manning to beat Brady

    Atlanta had a nice season, new landmark for more rituals.

    Atlanta is NOT the better team, nor is the owner more powerful than kraft, coaches are not better or coded like NE.

    The NRG of hate and disdain for the Patriots is unmatched by any team besides the Yankees.

    Take all your fake Numerology bullshit Jewmatria and shove it up Zacks rear he like it!

    Just watch Matty Ice turn into Jake Delhomme in Houston.

    Watch how Julio will have ZERO catches

    Watch how the Patriots get every call.

    In the END Brady and Godell will stand
    Together withTrump laughing at all the dummies that think MLK or rise up or brotherhood matters.

    Patriotism , capitalism and Zionism rule!

    Brady will complete his 322 on 2/5 sending an ENERGY boost from the NRG dome that will be felt by millions of viewers!

    Falcon players will get their playoff checks and move on.

    Brady is the NFL! This is the last one.

    After this comes the. BRADY trade to 49ers or the Rams!

    Lombardi will have a new name " Belichik"

    Prince said it " all we have is prophecy in this world"

    In the Entertainment world using these Masonic rituals is what rules your lives.

    The same truth community that has the ability to see the truth is blinded BY THE NUMBERS!

    Brady won 3 lost 2 will win 2 on the way out!

    Brady picked up where Aikman left off.

    Troy was not willing to serve ALLway!

    Cheers minions

    Zack is a fraud Zionist big nose Jew !

    1. Amen.
      Thanks for helping my mind unfuck itself.


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