Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Kellyanne Conway defends a lie from Trump administration as "alternative facts", January 22, 2017

Alternative Facts = 59/68/176
Donald John Trump = 68
59, the 17th prime

Paid for liars.  That is what Washington D.C. is.  That is what our Federal Government and media are.


  1. Ugh liars everywhere. You can't get away from the bs, it's everywhere

  2. Ms. Kellyanne is a "CON-way" artist for President Trump. She turned "50" on January 20th (Inauguration Day).

    Con Artist-A person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.

    "Conway" in the English Reduction system equals 27
    The octal numeral of "27" is "33"
    "Fifty " in the English Ordinal system equals 66
    "Kellyanne" in the English Ordinal system equals 99(Or 66)

    "Counselor" in the English Ordinal system equals 122(Like 1/22)
    "Alternative Facts" in English Sumerian equals 1056(Like 156)
    The 156th prime is "911"
    "Con-Artist" in the English Ordinal system equals 119
    "White House" in the English Gematria system equals 1195(decode#5)
    "Five" in the English Reduction system equals 24
    "Twenty Four" in the English Reduction system equals 50(Her Age)

  3. Alternative facts! I love that. I'm going to start making up my own facts and repeating them as truth.

    If u can't beat join them.

  4. "alternative truths" in the English Reduction system equals 71

    "alternative truths" in the English Ordinal system equals 233

  5. Lemme get my social engineering / propagandist / language wars
    handbook. Some more new terms, here we go:

    supporting facts
    ancillary facts
    complementary facts
    contributory facts
    adjuvant facts
    supplementary facts
    accessory facts

    abstract facts
    upgraded facts
    updated facts

    And finally, the orwellian masterpiece... the grand term...


    Just think how mind fucking that one would become in capable hands.

  6. Counterfactual facts.



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