Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, January 14, 2017

47 50 58 119 138 223 | The End of the World, 1958 episode of 'Trackdown' foreshadows Donald Trump Presidency & his "wall"

Trackdown = 37/46/109 ; Season 1, Episode 30 (Washington = 130)

The fact that this episode came out in 1958, and is about a Snake Oil Salesman named "Trump" talking about building a wall to protect the people from the end times, is no doubt evidence of the scripted Donald Trump Presidency, who just won the 58th Presidential Election, and will be sworn in on Inauguration Day, a date with '58' numerology, January 20, 2017.

Of course, from 1958, to 2016, when he was "elected", was 58-years later.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58

Remember, Trump announced his camping to run for President at the 58-story Trump Tower, on the date June 16, 2015.,_2016

'58' connects to 'United States' as well.

United = 3+5+9+2+5+4 = 28
States = 1/10+2+1+2+5+1/10 = 12/30
United States = 40/58

Also in 1958, the pilot of The Twilight Zone was released, written by Rod Serling.

1958 was also 58-years before the 2016 election of 'Trump'.

As for the TV Show in question, Trackdown, and the episode, 'The End of the World', there's a number of things that pop out.

The best line in the show is about 'The High Priest of Fraud' leading the sheep to slaughter.

I'm reminded of this Donald Trump ad, with him talking about being born for the job, while talking to sheep, from 2010.

Donald = 119; All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119; Master Plan = 119

Read about the 119 Jacob's Sheep recently sent to Israel, just after the election:

Donald Trump was announced as the 45th President, November 9, the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 27-year anniversary.  Berlin Wall = 45

Revelation, the book about the end times, is the 27th Book of the New Testament.  In Revelation, the warning signs are "Trumpets".  This is the Trump-Pence ticket.

Read about Donald and the Berlin Wall here:

Now notice, the director of the episode was 'Donald'.  The name 'Donald McDougall' also has the same gematria as 'Donald Trump'.

The focus of the episode, 'Walter Trump', also has name gematria matching 'Donald' and 'America'.

The name of the episode also connects to 'The Donald', winner of the 'Election'.

May 9, 1958 was the 129th day of the year.

Here's a little bonus on 'Western' gematria.

7/4/1776 = 7+4+1+7+7+6 = 32
7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

The U.S. was established by Jewish bankers, and Jewish bankers have always run the nation, as well as Hollywood.

One last point, Zionist Israel was recognized as a Nation November 29, 1947, in the year '47.

Foundation = 47; Framework = 47; Authority = 47
All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119; Master Plan = 119


  1. "Israel" = 64

    The (64)th minute is 1:04

    "Jerusalem" = 104

    The 104th minute is ( 1:44 )

    talks about the 144 thousand.

    You can read exactly who that is

    _______ ( REVELATION 14:4 ) ____

    Those who "follow the lamb"

    In gematria...

    " follow the lamb " = 144

  2. Like WALLter Trump. Too rich. Nice find, Z.

    1. Sorry, a bit off topic
      but this reminded me of the movie WALL.E
      Started thinking something about electrical wall etc..

      I noticed Trump's wall is mostly called border wall.

      Then one different possibility hit me:
      Border wall --> border we all

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. TRACKDOWN =1188. Wow. Too Much!

    2. And for everyone who doesn't know, Maestro is someone to ignore. This is a man of many false predictions and horrible analysis, which I am convinced is deliberate. Notice he is plugging RussianVids, who has been busy falsifying gematria finds in his recent videos, claiming words sum to amount they do not sum to. What kind of fucking moron plugs RussianVids on my blog? Again, fuck you maestro, please don't post here anymore. I've made this request several times. You're not welcome, nor are the rest of the trolls.

  4. This could mean that the Superbowl is connected to Trump for the next 4 years.


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