Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 18, 2017

13 41 58 93 117 213 678 | The retirement of Kobe's #8 and #24, Warriors @ Lakers, December 18, 2017

This comes 117-days after his birthday.

LAKERS are 10-17...

Kobe was the 13th pick in 1996.

41 is the 13th prime number.

Joe Jelly Bean Bryant drafted in '75, 41-years earlier by Warriors:

Recall, Kobe scored 60-points as the Lakers and Warriors were closing out their seasons on ESPN 1 and 2 in 2016.  That night Kobe retired 678-weeks after Michael Jordan, and Steph Curry and Klay Thompson combined for a record 678 3-pointers in one season.


Kobe, Jordan and 678-weeks:

157, the 37th prime

It's all Freemasonry.

Read about Kobe being drafted 58-days before his 18th birthday:

BIG BALLER BRAND = 271 (271, the 58th prime)

Last, don't forget Moses Malone died at age 60, 213-days before Kobe finished his career with 60-points in the (213) area code:

-167, the 39th prime (Kobe is 39 at retirement)
-24 is 2+4 is 6
-8 and 24 is 8 and 6

Last, don't forget the Lakers are originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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