Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 18, 2017

77 119 144 181 352 | 'LABRAT KNATS', the graffiti at the site of the Washington train accident, December 18, 2017

Watch the video on "Why Labrat Knats" here:

Remember, the divisors of 119 sum to 144.


Notice the 119.

Notice the 18, on the 18th of December.

Where have I seen 77 and 119 come together before?

September Eleventh = 77; World Trade Center = 77

13 cars on the day leaving 13-days left in the year.

Rat = 144; Crap = 144; Jesuit Order = 144; Ten Days Later = 144 
The Atlanta Airport fire / power outage fire came 10-days after drill at airport

All I want to know is who painted that 'LABRAT KNATS'?  Of course there is graffiti all over overpasses, but in light of the people of this nation being treated as mice in a maze, I wonder...

Again, 181 is the 42nd prime.

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