Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

42 666 1318 | Black Panther mauls man to death at Russian Zoo, January 3, 2018

This news comes January 3, 2018, or 1/3/18

Compared with Revelation 13:18.

Consider the film Black Panther is releasing on February 16, or 2/16.

6x6x6 = 216

144,000 / 666 = 216.216...

18 is 6+6+6...

The beast rules for 42-months in Revelation.

1/3/2018 = 1+3+20+18 = 42

The movie releases in February.

110 > 11; 66, the 11th triangular number; Number of the Beast = 66; Rev, 66th Book
Prophecy = 106 / 666
227, the 49th prime; Revelation = 49
313, the 65th prime; Christianity = 65

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