Tuesday, October 29, 2019

54 63 70 77 83 162 | John Witherspoon dead at 77, October 30, 2019 +World Series riddle

*The Wayans Bros. = 73; Sacrifice = 73
*Wayans = 83; John Witherspoon = 83; Murder = 83 

 Dead at 77.

This news comes before Game 7 of the World Series between Houston and D.C.

Notice his date of death is October 29, the day leaving 63-days in the year.

And this is why the media emphasized his film 'Friday'.

His name also connects to Astros, and the day the World Series began, October 22, the day leaving 70-days in the year.

And his name connects to 'murder'.

Read more about murder and 83 here:


  1. last week Deebo talked on tmz about Deebo Samuel for the 49ers having his name...find that interesting

  2. So who’s winning hot shot don’t make a call after the fact make one now on your blog pussy

    1. Zachs ass is permanently sore from sitting on fences..😁

    2. And the Nationals are the World Series Champion!

    3. LOL Andrea comes with the call after that fact... nice one buddy

    4. I actually never picked anyone to win the World Series! I'm more focused on the NFL than the MLB.

    5. Yes you did.. you picked the Nationals after the fact. You posted it just above at 8:53pm

    6. I never picked any team period! Never picked anyone to play in the World Series!

    7. mmhmm suurrre ;) if that were true you wouldn't even be fighting me right now

    8. It was actually 10:53 PM. I live in Texas!

    9. After game was over, exactly

  3. Dies right after chapels wins the mark twain award

  4. Trump age 73
    Pitcher last night 37 Strausburg
    Witherspoon did he appear on 227 ?

  5. Government shutdown is scheduled for 11/21
    1 day before Kennedy’s death
    On Trumps 1,036 day in office
    Kennedy was killed on 1,037th day
    Government =137
    President assassinated =137

  6. Zach censroed my on his blog post here >>> http://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2019/10/107-138-democrats-set-to-bring.html#comment-form

    You can see the comment was deleted by the administraor....

    I posted that I bet 40$ to win 62$ on the Nationals last night and that a made A video on you tube why I chose Nationals and posted the think but Zach Deleted the comment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWpCtTEjDkY&t=20s

    I guess having other people in the gematria community sharing their work isn't liked around here........

    Do you fear me as competition Zach?

    1. He has also blocked me from commenting on his youtube videos

  7. Road Wins = 103
    Zack Greinke loss = 103
    Scherzer #31 scratched from Game 5 for neck spasms = 57
    Now pitcher for Game 7 on 10/30
    31 weeks 0 days from Opening Day
    Opening Day 3/28 (3/10) 😁😂😎

  8. From the Fix is in;
    Bernie Parrish died this week. Who's he, you ask? He was an All-Pro DB for the Cleveland Browns, became the vice president of the NFLPA (the players' union), and perhaps most importantly, wrote this book

  9. Once the Astros win the World Series tonight, Zach and his entire Cult following will be in utter disbelief to the point they will start chanting "they flipped the script on us" because their cognitive dissonance won't allow them to accept a true genuine loss.

    1. Whst makes you so sure it's Houston to begin with?

    2. He’s got em brainwashed good. He can cover his ass by convincing his sheep that his videos are being monitored and they flip the script on him lol

    3. Except that he's never said , flipped the script is a real thing. He disagrees with it as well.
      I think only Tony-tell, is a flipped the script parrot

    4. You can easily blame it on that every time you’re wrong as if they would actually have to flip it because of a few thousand nobodies on a stupid internet site. These people including Zach can’t do a thing about it and they will never wake enough people up. It’s not necessary

    5. There is very little numbers for Nationals, if any...

    6. Very little eh?? Lol They flipped it and then flipped it back! Haha

    7. Well well...the Nationals are now the World Series Champion!

    8. So what is that.. like the 2nd win for Zacks cult this year out of how many picks? You guys really need to celebrate over this win as much as you can because you guys don't get to celebrate wins too often

    9. Zachs didn't even give Nationals anyway, read the post! And they don't flip scripts, these are ceremonies planned years in advance!

  10. The fix is in:
    Speaking of the G.O.A.T. (I hate that term), how come no one seemed to find it incredibly odd that Odell Beckham Jr. had a special pair of goat-haired shoes made to give to Brady after their game on Sunday?

  11. "John Witherspoon Death" = 130 <<< Oct. 30?
    "Astros [Four-Three] Series" = 130

    "John Witherspoon Death" = 247
    "Astros Win a Second Ring" = 247

    "Astros Win Second Ring" = 911
    "Two Thousand Nineteen" = 911


    "John Witherspoon" = 209
    "Top Secret Messages" = 209
    "Decode Game Seven Umpire" = 209
    "Two - Seven Symbol" = 209 <<< Last Nights Score?
    "Second in Third" = 209

    2 & 7 ?

    2 Rings in 7th Game?

    "Astros Win October Thirtieth" = 333
    "Astros Win Hundred Fifteenth" = 333
    "Pro Sports Championship Win" = 333
    "Best Team" = 333
    "Exposed" = 333

    1. "Symbolic Second Title" = 1030 <<< Oct. 30?

      "Second Ring - October thirtieth" = 303 <<< ON Which Day?

  12. Actually Zach in 2016 has said the nfl changed the script when the Colts and Vikings didn’t make the playoffs and meet in the Super Bowl like he predicted @Rams lmaoooo

    1. That was 2016. He's changed his mind since then I think

  13. "Houston is Dominant" = 911
    "Freemasonic Symbol" = 911

    "Two Thousand Nineteen" = 911
    "Astros Win Second Ring" = 911

    1. Wrong again just give it up dude


  14. Fuck youOctober 30, 2019 at 1:24 PM

    You can easily blame it on that every time you’re wrong as if they would actually have to flip it because of a few thousand nobodies on a stupid internet site. These people including Zach can’t do a thing about it and they will never wake enough people up. It’s not necessary
    No one here believes in flipped script.

  15. Zach wins regardless... Astros or Nationals it doesn't matter because Zach wins

  16. Well looks like Trump isn’t getting impeached

  17. I was hoping they would go with that script so I can watch trumptards cry I’m tired of snowflake tears I want to see the other side get clowned now

  18. https://www.wymt.com/content/news/October-30-1919-The-100th-year-anniversary-of-the-Race-Riots-in-Corbin--564126641.html

  19. I used 2 watch Zack when he was getting deleted on YouTube. Zack did say the Nationals would win the world series a couple of years ago.. and he said LBJ would miss the playoffs and win 1 more championship in a 3rd location.... If he gave away all the winners in sports he would be dead already...

    1. When choice is jail/death or get paid to follow orders ...

      It is what it is. Elite use the term sheep for a reason

    2. You ever wondee why there was No mention of how the FBI visit went after he made a big deal about it? Then he's banking money off of patreon shortly afterwards lol
      You are as simple as the rest!

  20. Who does Zach have picked for SuperBowl 54?

  21. Zach, why are you leaving out the most obvious George Herbert Walker Bush connection to the World Series. I am a fan of your work and follow every day but why are you leaving this out of your posts and videos.

    Obviously the H for Herbert and the H for Houston and logo. The W for Walker and the W for Washington and logo. Symbolism right there, but the biggest thing for me is from his death to game six and game seven dates line up perfectly.

    From 11/30/2018 to 10/29/2019 (Game 6 including end date) is 334 Days
    From 11/30/2018 to 10/30/2019 (Game 7 excluding end date) is 334 Days

    11/30/2018 is the 334th Day of the Year

    Its also 10 Months, 29 Days like 10/29 Date of Game 6. (Remove the 0)
    Washington = 129

    10/30 Date of Game 7.
    Washington = 130

    11 Months, 1 Day like 111.
    October = 111 / 33 / 420 / 468 / 666
    Nationals = 33 / 420
    Washington Nationals = 468

    666 is the 36th Triangular
    Nationals = 36

    47 Weeks (We all know about 47)
    Forty Seven = 50 & 49
    Washington = 50 & 49

    Forty Seven = 121
    George Herbert Walker Bush = 121
    Halloween = 121

    George Herbert Walker Bush = 2208 (Remove the 0) = 228
    Washington Nationals = 228

    Just adding to the riddle but the 334 days and 334 day of death was the big one for me that you missed. Direct me to a post or video if you covered this, thanks. Keep fighting the good fight brother, bought the book and support the work. Peace!

    1. Zach does present information but if you haven't figured out his scam by now, I feel sorry for you.. I guess it did take me a while to see through it all too, how long have you followed him for? If you follow his Patreon it will become crystal clear very quickly.. beware

    2. if you find scam in facts your a retard


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