Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 14, 2016

33 78 | 'Alex', first January Hurricane since 1938, 78-years ago

Alex = 1+12+5+24 = 42

78-years, like RPMs on a record...


  1. You believe in a spirit world? An afterlife? Not Heaven or any religious destination...but something beyond?

    The way things are cycling...something bigger then us is up.

  2. Jack Ruby died on Jan 3 1967 of cancer if that means anything.

  3. Also from MSN article about a supernova discovered: "Known as ASASSN-15lh, it is about 3.8 billion light years away from Earth, making it among the closest ever found in a class known as superluminous supernova, said the report in the journal Science."

    your blog fascinates me and I am just learning to look for connections. I found it interesting the name of the supernova and the distance. like - Ruby was killed by a .38 . coincidences or am I being way too basic? Haven't delved into the math quite yet. Are these legit connections to look into?


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