Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 14, 2016

38 62 71 113 114 | Jakarta, Indonesia bombing of January 14, 2016, a Starbucks Publicity Stunt

This news comes January 14, 2016.

1/14/2016 = 1+14+20+16 = 51 (Conspiracy, Freemason, Starbucks)
1/14/2016 = 1+14+(2+0+1+6) = 24
1/14/2016 = 1+1+4+2+0+1+6 = 15
1/14/16 = 1+14+16 = 31

Jakarta = 1+1+2+1+9+2+1 = 17
Indonesia = 9+5+4+6+5+5+1+9+1 = 45/54
Jakarta, Indonesia = 62/71

Jakarta = 10+1+11+1+18+20+1 = 62
Indonesia = 9+14+4+15+14+5+19+9+1 = 90
Jakarta, Indonesia = 152

Of course, the ISIS reference.  Based on the TV coverage, this seems hoax-a-licious.  The witnesses lack any real emotion in their voice and appear to be poor actors.  The blast occurred across the street from the United Nations.

Sarinah = 1+1+9+9+5+1+8 = 34/43
Shopping = 1+8+6+7+7+9+5+7 = 50/59
Centre = 3+5+5+2+9+5 = 29
Sarinah Shopping Center = 113/131 (Mainstream, Dishonest)

The street is ripe for 'death'.

Thamrin = 2+8+1+4+9+9+5 = 38
Street = 1+2+9+5+5+2 = 24/33
Thamrin Street = 62/71 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Yesterday's blast in Turkey also took place at a '62' location.

Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62
Nice Starbucks plug...
Looks like a 'Mason' is breaking the news, and plugging Starbucks... on Twitter, where mainstream propaganda is broken these days.

Robert = 9+6+2+5+9+2 = 33
Harianto = 8+1+9+9+1+5+2+6 = 41
Robert Harianto = 74 (Masonic)

Robert = 18+15+2+5+18+20 = 78
Harianto = 8+1+18+9+1+14+20+15 = 86 (Symbol, Triangle, Pyramid)
Robert Harianto = 164

Starbucks = 1+2+1+9+2+3+3+2+1 = 24/33/42/51 (Originating from 42nd State)
Starbucks = 19+20+1+18+2+21+3+11+19 = 114 (January 14???)

Let us never forget, the name Starbucks comes from Moby Dick, a story about a tall tale.  The coffee chain was also nearly called 'Pequod', another character from the novel.

Pequod = 7+5+8+3+6+4 = 33
Pequod = 16+5+17+21+15+4 = 78

Let us also examine the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

6/21/1961 = 6+21+19+61 = 107
6/21/1961 = 6+21+(1+9+6+1) = 44
6/21/1961 = 6+2+1+1+9+6+1 = 26
6/21/61 = 6+21+61 = 88

Joko is 54-years old, being born a month and a half before the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

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