Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 11, 2016

13 | Oil Prices fall to 13-year low, February 11, 2016

If you read your history books, you'll find that all 'economic crashes' are entirely manipulated by the banker tyrants who rule over this world.  It is called "steering the masses".  Like Bill Hicks once said, before a very cynical laugh, "The entire fucking economy is fake!"

Speaking of which, I hate all these fucking retarded fake truth channels comparing Bill Hicks to Alex Jones.  And what is really weird, is that as I wrote 'Alex Jones', Michael Tsarion, in a video that was shared with me, said his name for the first time after listening to him for more than an hour.  I love when life brings those weird synchs.


  1. No doubt. Bill Hicks is dead. I keep trying to point out to people that the falling oil prices are not a good thing, but the masses think its a positive sign of the economy. Ummmmm...bankrupt oil companies are not a good thing and where do you think all this cheap oil comes from as ISIS continues to expand? Hmmmmm...

    And you were right before, Kinison is Alex Jones!!! No...he's dead too.

    1. The sheeple really don't know shit about shit, and they seem to like it that way.

  2. The Gematria on Oil is ferocious.....

    Oil =79, 216, 36, 17. I hope those #'s speak for themselves.

    Oil Change =74, 444. Energy =74, 444.


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