Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 11, 2016

33 39 42 96 102 153 | 'Gravitational waves are real', CNN cover story, February 11, 2016, tribute to Albert Einstein

The fact that this news comes on the 42nd day of the year reminds me of the numbers relationship with the gematria of the word 'Gravity'.

Gravity = 7+9+1+4+9+2+7 = 39

There is speculation that 'gravity' is a false teaching, and the force that binds us to earth has more to do with electricity and magnetism.  It is entirely possible that some of the main concepts we are taught in our socialization based education systems, are not meant to teach us the truth about this world, but to conform us to lies meant to control us.

If this is true, it is just more purposeful programming and poisoning of the mind.

Gravity even has something in common with 'Fuck You' and 'United States of America'.  Let us not forget the September 11 attacks lasted 102 minutes, no coincidence.  al-Qaeda in Jewish Gematria sums to 102 as well...

Gravity = 7+18+1+22+9+20+25 = 102
Fuck You = 6+21+3+11+25+15+21 = 102

Blackhole = 2+3+1+3+2+8+6+3+5 = 33/42

Einstein came to U.S. in '33, was born on a date with '33' numerology and died on a date with '33' numerology.

Science is full of '33'

Albert = 1+3+2+5+9+2 = 22
Einstein = 5+9+5+1+2+5+9+5 = 41/50
Albert Einstein = 63/72

Albert = 1+12+2+5+18+20 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Science)
Einstein = 5+9+14+19+20+5+9+14 = 95
Albert Einstein = 153 (A number often paired with 42)

Notice this story, a tribute to Einstein, comes on the 42nd day of the year, February 11, 2016.  In the Bible, the story of the 'miraculous catch' of fish, is 153 in number.

Fish = 6+9+19+8 = 42 (Fish = 6+9+1+8 = 24/33)
Miraculous = 4+9+9+1+3+3+3+6+3+1 = 42/51

As for Einstein's birth and death...

3/14/1879 = 3+14+18+79 = 114
3/14/1879 = 3+14+(1+8+7+9) = 42 (Freemason)
3/14/1879 = 3+1+4+1+8+7+9 = 33
3/14/79 = 3+14+79 = 96 (Freemason)

4/18/1955 = 4+18+19+55 = 96 (Freemason)
4/18/1955 = 4+18+(1+9+5+5) = 42 (Freemason)
4/18/1955 = 4+1+8+1+9+5+5 = 33
4/18/55 = 4+18+55 = 77

I like how within the bullshit fictional explanations, they drop a corporate 'JELL-O' reference.

And again, this bullshit story comes on the 42nd day of the year, February 11, 2016.  You know what else was bullshit?  Einstein's hair.

Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42/51
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

It should be noted that the theory of gravity began with 'Equivalence Principle'.


  1. I wonder if a BlackhOle could be a type of firewall/restriction field or zone which blocks access or messes with our ability to know wtf is going on. I feel like we r in some sort of Black out zone or something. Remember the last Beyonce SB performance with the 33 min blackout?

    Einstein hair looks electrical like he stuck his finger in a light socket.

    1. Interesting thoughts, and I most definitely remember the 33 minute blackout of Super Bowl 47 after the 49ers who were in that game, had had 3 blackout related events in football games they were playing in in the two seasons prior...

    2. Here is a guy that has a difference of opinion on what these scientists really "discovered".

  2. And it happened 3 years ago. Maybe 33 stands for 8? flip the first 3 and put them together could make an 8 (infinity loops) or butterfly type symbol.

    Or possibly could stand for east west 33/EW
    And possibly 55/NS
    Direction/ compasses/ which way do u face/ orientation all things very important to freemasons

    1. I have long seen the 33 as an eight. Like handcuffs.

  3. And u could see why if there is some sort of magnetic field/blackout zone thing going on u wouldn't want to be affected by it. I think maybe it would have varying degrees of strength and or days that it was high or low power. Perhaps all those rituals have something to do wth raising/lowering the fields? Just musing but there has to be some reason for them

  4. Time zones too the way the sun and moon flow across the globe or flat Earth or whatever it is like an electrical circuit slowly making its route.

  5. Einstein's hair 486 900 150
    Three threes 486 690 115
    Firewall 1041 516 86
    Chinese wall 1101 666 111 (another name foe firewall)


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