Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

33 47 61 74 110 133 | Chelsea Clinton accidentally calls Senator Bernie Sanders, "President Sanders"

I love that this story comes out of Minnesota.

Minnesota = 13+9+14+14+5+19+15+20+1 = 110
President = 16+18+5+19+9+4+5+14+20 = 110

Minnesota = 4+9+5+5+5+1+6+2+1 = 38/47
President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47/56

And if you've ever wondered why they named her 'Chelease' Clinton, giving her the CC initials, wonder no longer.

Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33 (CC = 33)

In gematria, there is something fitting about 'Bernie Sanders' and 'White House'.  Keep in mind he has been a member of the U.S. Government since 1991 as Congressman and 2007 to present as a Senator.

Bernie = 2+5+9+5+9+5 = 35
Sanders= 1+1+5+4+5+9+1 = 26/35
Bernie Sanders = 61/70

An interesting note about Bernie Sander's upcoming birthday, is that it is 61-days before voting day, November 8, 2016.  Bernie Sanders = 61

The span of 8-weeks and 5-days is also interesting in light of Hillary.

Hillary = 8+9+12+12+1+18+25 = 85
Perhaps they'll end up on the same ticket, President and Vice President

Bernie = 2+5+18+14+9+5 = 53
Sanders = 19+1+14+4+5+18+19 = 80
Bernie Sanders = 133

White House = 133

Government = 133
Community = 133

His birthday is also fitting for Washington D.C., where he has spent much of his life as a congressman and senator.

9/8/1941 = 9+8+19+41 = 77 (D.C. on the 77th Meridian)
9/8/1941 = 9+8+1+9+4+1 = 32
9/8/41 = 9+8+41 = 58 (Freemasonry)

Making mattes more interesting, Bernie Sanders is 74-years old.

Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74
Jewish = 10+5+23+9+19+8 = 74

Notice that Sanders was class of '64, in Chicago, the Zionist Mecca.

Israel = 9+19+18+1+5+12 = 64
Zion = 26+9+15+14 = 64

I'll close with this.  We've all heard of a "Freudian slip".  Could there be such a thing as a 'Gematrian slip'?

Here is what I wrote about "numbers aligning for Bernie Sanders" back in summer of 2015.


  1. Ever hear of the stories about Chelsea Clinton's real father being web hubbell and bill Clinton fathering a child with a black prostitute. The child being Danny Williams. Hillary is the one who tries to cover up bill's mess. As you know bill and Hillary's marriage is just for political power climbing.

  2. Gematrian Slip =144. Awesome new phrase my man. With S-exception, President Sanders =100. Feel the Bern =100. Zionist Conspiracy =100.

  3. His name is pretty firey
    Bernie/ Burning
    Sanders like sand paper.
    His name suggests a stripping away of something.

    Marco Rubio is interesting too. He evokes Mars the red planet. Chinese Year of the Red Monkey. The media is calling him Robot Rubio now which is interesting considering the robot rover they tell us is on Mars.
    Superb owl had Chris Martin and Bruno Mars too and a couple of stories with guys named Marshawn/martian this week. Things r getting trippy.

  4. The Wiki Photo Collage look @ the Upper Left hand corner small picture of Bernie oddly pointing prominently at you?

    right finger point" in the English Reduction system equals 105

    finger point" in the English Ordinal system equals 133

    finger point" in the English Reduction system equals 70

    (Bernie Sanders = 70 & 133)

    index finger" in the English Reduction system equals 70

    upper left" in the English Ordinal system equals 119

    upper left" in the English Reduction system equals 47

    pointer finger Bernie" in the English Reduction system equals 119

    Messy Hair Socialist" in the English Reduction system equals 80 / 107

    one hundred seven" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    pointer finger" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    A Future to Believe In" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    Bernie :
    "I had to change my name so it wouldn't sound so Jewish."

    Larry David :
    "Yeah That Will Foul Them."

  5. Tommy Chong has signed on, and is pushing Sanders hard on Twitter.

    Tommy Chong=133


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