Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, February 15, 2016

45 57 239 | Valentine's Day propaganda, the blow dart that hit two pedestrians on the Golden Gate Bridge

Struck by a blowdart on the Golden Gate Bridge?  Notice this story took place Friday, but was released yesterday, Valentine's Day.  Why am I thinking of Cupid and arrows in light of the timing of the propaganda piece?  There is also a connection between 'Bridge' and 'Valentine's Day'.

Blowgun = 2+3+6+5+7+3+5 = 31
Blowgun = 2+12+15+23+7+21+14 = 94

Blow Dart = 2+3+6+5+4+1+9+2 = 32
Blow Dart = 2+12+15+23+4+1+18+20 = 95

Golden = 7+6+3+4+5+5 = 30
Gate = 7+1+2+5 = 15
Bridge = 2+9+9+4+7+5 = 36
Golden Gate Bridge = 81

Golden = 7+15+12+4+5+14 = 57
Gate = 7+1+20+5 = 33
Bridge = 2+18+9+4+7+5 = 45 (Valentine's Day, 45th day of the year)
Golden Gate Bridge = 135

Cupid = 3+3+7+9+4 = 26 (Cupid's = 27/36)
Arrow = 1+9+9+6+5 = 30
Cupid's Arrow = 57/66 (Golden = 57)

Cupid = 3+21+16+9+4 = 53 (Cupid's = 72)
Arrow = 1+18+18+15+23 = 75
Cupid's Arrow = 147

Let us not forget that this Valentine's Day comes in the 239th year of the nation's existence.


  1. Cupids Arrow--1477 Jewish like Word Trade Center-----147 Simple like Freedom Tower

    1. Dart to the Heart----163

      163 is one of my favorites. It tells a story. Maybe Fiction.

      Barack Hussein Obama
      Baracks From Kenya
      Rise to Power
      Barack Obama Head Wound
      Obame Gets Head Shot
      Obama's Wound Healed
      Deadly Wound Healed
      Obama Risen From Dead
      Final Antichrist???

      Other fun 163s

      Eyes Wide Shut
      Manchurian Candidate
      Dust to Dust

    2. Nice work, I noticed that WTC connection as well.

    3. I get the willies when the Jewish and the English really sync.

    4. I work on a theory that the Jews invented all the Romance and Germanic languages or at the least has significant influence and change over them since their inceptions. That's why I take the Jewish number more to heart when foreign languages come up, I have no doubt that an Arabic, Spanish, German, etc system also exists, but all of those tie back to the Jewish "Master" system.
      So shit like this 1477 and 147 syncing on top of World Trade Center and Freedom Tower having connections is very bizarre yet awesome to see.


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